20 Virtues that Propel Business Success

Excerpted from the book on mindful business management, Business Black Belt. “What you learn after you think you know it all is what counts.” ~ John Wooden, legendary UCLA basketball coach For those who give you reasons for why businesses fail… When I read a magazine article entitled, “10 Ways to Go Out of Business,” I…

Investor SCAM Alert!

It’s hard enough to find financing for your business let alone worry about being ripped off along the way by scammers preying on your desperation for funding. Here’s a good one that recently came my way… “We are most interested in business opportunities that require equity investment, debt investment and venture capital for start-up or…

Get a Life!

Excerpted from the book on mindful business management, Business Black Belt. “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” ~ Cyril Northcote Parkinson When you proactively fill your time, you can prevent BS from filling it for you. A friend of mine was complaining that many otherwise great projects were going undone…

Do I Need a Business Plan to Raise Money?

In my experience raising capital, investors can’t seem to get enough information. Think about it. Before they’ll write a check, investors ask all kinds of questions and you need to have answers. Why do you think only 3-5% of startups get funded?!? You might as well do the homework ahead of time, do some of…