Take out the guesswork, get the tools that accelerate your success.
Trusted by 2 million+ entrepreneurs & experts.
Proven over 35 years.
Instant solutions for operationally critical business growth projects.
Way back… When software sold in boxes, we created these self-guided software tools to fast-track critical business-building projects.
If you’ve used them before, you’ll be thrilled with how they’ve evolved Into an online system that makes a everything even easier.
How Business Power Tools works today:
Now we’ve expanded, updated, and integrated all of our problem-solving tools into an intuitive dashboard,
easily shared securely online with your team, and kept organized for the growth and sale of your business.
Easily access and update plans, processes, procedures…
Keep your team coordinated with guided mission-critical systemization + Ongoing updates you can leverage and someday sell.
Why spend $1,000 – $10,000 (or $100 – $500 / hr) paying someone else…
When you can easily build, modify, and collaborate on your ideas and projects with your team and advisors? Quickly. Easily. Better.
“Wow! It’s like the customizable encyclopedia of everything
you need to know about your business… but were afraid to ask!”
~ Michael E. Gerber, Author: “The E-Myth”, Michael E. Gerber Companies
“Having been an entrepreneur since 1988, more than once
hanging on by a fingernail, handicapped by not knowing what I didn’t know,
I think the compendium of tools you have compiled in the last 30 years can be lifesavers.”
~ Jim Wong, Lt. Colonel, USMC Retired, California Veterans Chamber of Commerce
“I just finished watching your video about how to raise capital.
Brilliant just absolutely freaking brilliant!!!
~ Aaron Parnell, Creator, Reposturing®
Business isn’t necessarily hard…
But it does require doing many of the right things the right way.
Now you can leverage our specialty tools for a smarter way to go about it.
What’s your situation?
Licensing – An alternative to building a company is licensing your product / Intellectual property to an
established company with the resources, distribution, and sales team already in place: Details Here→
Business Plan – Create a compelling plan to attract Investors to fund a patent and a prototype or to support licensing: Details Here →
Financial Model – 100% customizable Excel-based financial models. Evolved and simplified over 30+ years: Details Here →
Business Plan – Customizable pre-scripted playbook for you and a catalog of answers for investors, lenders: Details Here →
2-Page Executive Summary – If you need just a brief summary, revenue model, and cover letter to introduce your concept: Details Here →
SBA Loan Application – Makes it easy to complete the required business plan for your SBA loan application: Details Here →
Financial Model – 100% customizable Excel-based financial models. Evolved and simplified over 30 years: Details Here →
Curated Toolset to address immediate issues – Strategy, plan, policies, procedures, PR, sales, service, SOPs: Details Here →
SBA Loan Application – Makes it easy to complete the required business plan for your SBA loan application: Details Here →
Exit / Sell – Ready your business for a faster sale at a higher price: Details Here →
Success Cases – Business owners report their experience using Business Power Tools: Details Here →
Strategic Planning – Proven business planning system morphs into collaborative, easily-refreshed strategic plan: Details Here →
Financial Models – 100% customizable Excel-based financial models. Evolved and simplified over 30 years: Details Here →
Policies & Procedures – SOPs, employee policies handbook, OSHA safety plan (IIPP), employee record-keeping: Details Here →
Consultant / Coach – Bolt-on toolset attracts and offers more to more clients for more money: Details Here →
Accelerator / Incubator – Manage more start-ups with consistent processes to handle their challenges: Details Here →
PEO – Supplement your HR business with more tools that support your clients to grow and add more employees: Details Help →
SBDC – Improved business planning system makes it easier to help more entrepreneurs get started, raise capital: Details Help →
SCORE – Your toolbox for supporting small businesses to progress, run and grow: Details Here →
Business Plan – Produce a management proposal to launch a new division, product: Details Help →
Financial Model – 100% customizable Excel-based financial models. Evolved and simplified over 30 years. Details Here →
Policies & Procedures – Employee policies handbook, OSHA safety plan (IIP), employee record-keeping Details Here →
Enterprise Success Cases – See how other enterprise leaders succeeded using Business Power Tools. Details Here →
Chamber of Commerce – In addition to revenue from dues and events, generate additional cashflow: Details Here →
Insurance Producer – Here’s an easy way in the front door with an irresistable offer that wins sales and generates residual income: Details Here →
Church – Offer your members business support and generate much needed additional funds: Details Here→
Instructor / Professor – Makes it easier to teach business: Details Here →
Student – Write a killer business plan for your class or competition: Details Here →
Non-Profit Management – Comprehensive toolset for growing and leading your organization: Details Here →
Church – Offer your members business support and generate much needed additional funds: Details Here →
Our Mission:
Help People Start, Build, and Run Successful Businesses of Enduring Value Around Products and Services that Make Our World a Better Place.
You realize the Immediate need to put plans, policies, and procedures in place to achieve your mission with steady growth and profitability.
Ideal for startups → $50,000,000+ / 50+ people, Usually seeking capital or selling their business ASAP.

Think about this when you’re tempted by the free stuff.
How much time can you afford to waste figuring out what to do and how to do it?
Expertly composed, 100% customizable software-driven templates also demonstrate what to say and how to say it!
Here’s what you often get for free…
Really? That’s it? In this case… NOTHING?!??
A blank form?
What are you supposed to say here?
What are investors, lenders, and others looking for?
Isn’t that why you’re here?

There’s often a good reason it’s free.
They want to tease you toward buying something else.
Many are just devices (“lead magnets”) to capture your contact information.
This is no time to fool around with empty “click bait.”
Just get it done. No more books, classes or webinars…
Get in front of investors, lenders, or buyers as much as 3-6 months sooner!
Before someone else beats you to it!
Compare that with what you get with Business Power Tools:
Company info inserts in all the right places, saving even more typing.
Any blanks are filled-in with multiple-choice prompts you can actually use.
Easily customize everything to describe your unique business your way.
Just edit the parts you need, add your ideas, and build as you go.
Why you. Why Business Power Tools. Why now.
Secure, private dashboard loaded with guided, ready-to-use strategic business growth plans,
policies, procedures, contracts, checklists, press releases, financial model templates…
Keeps you on top and ahead of your business.
In the exhilarating sprint to grow your business, some critical elements can get overlooked…
This is your system to successfully implement critical infrastructure to scale your company to millions and beyond.
The Most Templates and Tools
All apps work alike and together.
- Almost ZERO learning curve!
- Does the job of hundreds of apps
Without you wasting your time
learning to use every. Single. One.
- Easy-to-use system
Complete critical projects quickly- All tools are built on the same platform
- Ongoing updates included
- Collaborate without conflicting copies
- Click from project to project
Each works just as you’d expect- Mindfully curated
Developed and evolved over 30+ years- Edited by a former Sharper Image®
catalog copywriter
Everything is Fully Customizable
Your business your way.
- Private label — Insert your own branding.
- Include your logo / slogan / tagline.
- Customize any / all of the templates.
- Company data fills in automatically.
Saves typing, speeds completion.- Upload your own content.
Create new, re-usable custom templates.- “Priorities” lists for every area.
- Excel-based calculators do / show
all the math for better decisions.
100% customizable for your business.- Insert your preferred RSS feeds.
- Consultants save time educating clients.
- Expedites due-diligence for
faster funding or sale.
Include Unlimited Team & Advisors
Secure, collaborative workspace.
- Teams engage and buy-In to priorities,
Changes and what they Help create.- Remote work empowered.
All team members, advisors, and investors
Collaborate, contribute, or review.- For now, just +$1 / month each.
- CRM system tracks VIPs, projects,
campaigns, proposals, events.- Complete and secure control over
everything everyone can access.- App by app — Each with admin,
edit, or read-only privileges.- System keeps all documents secure.
Organized for easy access.- Serves as a “Secure Data Room.”
All of our tools are easier to use than Office and easily accessible via our visual document management dashboard.
2,000,000+ Founders, Executives, and Consultants
trust Business Power Tools to build their companies.
“It’s the thought leadership management system for your entire company.”

Give Your Teams Swiss Army Knives
There is a transition in every company from a “seat of the pants” kind of entrepreneurial company to a “process driven” mechanized one… The reality is that you need to standardize many things in a company if you’re to scale quickly…”
~ Mark Suster, Entrepreneur turned VC at @UpfrontVC
“I bought your Biz Plan Builder many years ago as I was expanding my non-profit around the world…. now we are global. Today, before you finish your dinner tonight, our harvest teams in 1,103 cities of the world will serve 1 million meals. Yes, I’ll add you to my network.”
~ Helen verDuin Palit, Founder, AmericaHarvest.org
“I wanted to let you know that this is my 4th company I have started using your Business Plan Builder system. The first company was back in 1996 which I sold 1 year later for $16 million. Here I am back at it again! Your system is bigger and better than ever!”
~ Shawn Steiner
“I’ve raised over $14,000,000 utilizing your software to build and sell two companies. Thank you.”
~ Daniel E. Ezelle
“I have been using your “Safety Plan Builder” for about 15 years. It is so adaptable and the best part is that when a customer requests a copy of my company safety plan, its “just a click away”!”
~ Joe Palmeri, Owner, Palmeri Electric
Consulting? Building a nonprofit? Teaching business?
See how the Business Power Tools platform energizes your process…
And helps you attract and work more effectively with others.
Business Consultants
More clients. More money.
- Expand your range of services into more interesting business areas
- Platform is your unique selling tool
- Collaborate with clients, work less
More money… More mission.
- Gain credibility with donors.
- Build an efficient organization.
- Maximize the impact and social benefits from your efforts.
Business Educators
Teach genuine business creation.
- Rigorous program covers more material in a single class
- Proven curriculum working now
- Tools are useful beyond graduation
Stay connected… For ideas, tips, and updates.
Put the necessary foundation and structure in place to scale a profitable, socially conscious, and sustainable organization.
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(Pacific Time – Santa Barbara, CA)
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