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2025 Team strategic planning software template

Here’s a New Management Team Organizational Idea and Toolbox for the New Year. We designed it to get all of your people on the same page. We call it the “One-Page Manager”. It’s a hybrid Job Description + Executive Summary template. It’s much more than just “Goal Setting” — It’s a coordinated execution plan. Video demo.

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Investment Banker reviews Business Power Tools

A coordinated system of remarkably easy to use document and spreadsheet templates for organizing, financing, running, and someday selling your business. by Dr. Paul M. Wendee, DBA, MBA, CFP® Dear Burke, As you know, I’ve advised entrepreneurs growing businesses for more than 30 years. Their problems? How to handle the everyday challenges of organizing, planning,…

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11 Practices for 2025 from the Business Black Belt

You may want to laugh when you read what I’m going to suggest, but these things are exactly what you need to do, and they will help you build your business. 1) Take a deeper interest in your customers. A much deeper interest. Their success is required for your success. The more you can help…

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What Are You Going to Do Next?

Excerpted from the book on mindful business management, Business Black Belt. “You know exactly what to do. You just don’t do it fast enough.” ~ Robert Petersen, CFI, Flight Instructor You really do know what to do… One afternoon I was flying my airplane home with my instructor. As we flew into the San Francisco Bay…

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Why most strategic plans fail & how to make yours work.

If strategic planning were as easy as “re-painting” your business, where would you start? When was the last time you painted something? A piece of furniture, a fence, a room, a house, a car… How did you go about it? Did you just grab a can of spray paint or a brush and start painting?…