Strategic planning? Pitching investors, lenders?
Playing “what-if?,” Validating value…
Included with all versions of BizPlanBuilder.
35+ years of refinement and simplification make these financial forecasting models the best ever.
These are the latest generation of Excel workbook technology with every page automatically linked together. Take them one page at-a-time, or dive-in wherever you want, see where your financial intuition takes you.
Test, learn, see the effects unfold as you make even the slightest changes.
Best of all, you can modify the financial template as much as you want to tune it perfectly for your unique business model.
If you’re a business planning pro, you will appreciate the flexibility of the BizPlanBuilder system as well as the quality of the content that you would expect — for you, this is a real working toolset.
Get just the financial models, if you think you have everything else…
“Our company is a computer security software start-up. We were asked by an important first customer and a venture fund to submit a project and venture funding proposal and business plan. I have done this with a few different companies over the past few years, and I like BizPlanBuilder better than the financial projection software packages I have tried because of the unhindered flexibility to export it to an Excel workbook. Once I export it, I attach my own Excel worksheets to the workbook, to build up our own assumptions, then write formulas into the cells of the exported ‘Assumptions’ worksheet to suck values in from my various assumptions worksheets.
Surprisingly, I don’t know why, I couldn’t get that unrestricted flexibility with your competitors. In fact, I opened the new “Comprehensive” model you sent me, and I am surprised to find that you have now built in a bunch of assumptions worksheets just the way I have always done in the past. That’s great!”
~ Michael Culver, CFO, Aesec, Palo Alto, CA
Get just the financial models, if
you think you have everything else…
These newest versions of the BizPlanBuilder financial models have been
thoroughly revised to cover everything you (and investors or lenders) want.
And, they’ve been proven with more than several billion dollars in business financing.
Comprehensive Budget / Feasibility Plan / Raise Capital
Bottom-up / Top-down system helps you build a complete financial picture—particularly valuable
for a start-up or growing company. It’s everything you need for preparing a comprehensive budget
as well as a detailed financial model for skeptical angel investors and venture capitalists.
Play “what-if?” all day long until you find the groove you’re looking for.
Bank Loans / SBA Financing
Linked statements for product or service businesses — Great for presentation
to SBA and other lenders. Assumptions pages auto-fill the entire model.
Five integrated financial calculators help plan future loan financing and automatically
calculate all interest expense, loan repayment cash-flow, and balance sheet entries.
See “Loan Wizard” below for more details.
Quantify Your Start-up Business Model
Creating useful, believable financial projections for your business can be tough,
especially if yours is a brand new company with no financial history to build on.
You’ll see in a moment how we get you there from here.
Refine Your Established Company Business Model
For an established company, BizPlanBuilder makes this otherwise challenging job much,
much easier, taking you step-by-step through the process of forecasting expansion, costs,
sales, operating expenses, financing, capital investments, cash-flow, profits, valuation,
best/worst case, break-even, financing requirements(?), and everything else.
Want a Forecast, But Don’t Need Outside Money?
Use the BizPlanBuilder models as a cash forecasting / management system for bootstrapping a growing business. Save hours and hours trying to create your own spreadsheets from scratch.
Get a full financial picture and have handy model to project all of the above…
Strategic Planning & Budgeting
Easy to modify and update your financial forecasts.
Simplifies ways to play “What-if?” with market changes, new ideas, or adjusting of staff.
Evaluate long-term prospects for royalties.
Build your case for licensee success.
Project compelling future success for prospective buyer.
Calculate and validate valuation using 4 valuation methods.
“The BizPlanBuilder was a life saver in dealing with SBA loans and investors.
You have to be so perfect and BizPlanBuilder allowed me to do so. Thanks!”
~ Shirley Duncan, Duncan Enterprises, Wheeling, IL
Integrated, preformatted, and CPA-verified Excel workbooks.
Simply fill-in / update the assumptions pages, everything else is automatic.
Print pages individually or the entire financial plan.
Click across the color-coded tabs at the bottom of your screen to access any assumptions page or statement you want.
Select financial projections from the buttons across the bottom of your screen.
Use just what you need. Everything adds up.
You can see the math.
Expert comments appear to explain every variable.
“Gives me all the formats and financial, but isn’t a “canned” plan — it allows flexibility. Thanks.”
~ Jon Loveless, Strategic Business Solution, Dousman, WI
Why most other systems drive you crazy — They’re rigid and inflexible.
They’re not written using Excel, they must import, and that’s where the trouble begins.
Instead, BizPlanBuilder is based in Excel.
It’s easy to use and many people around
can support you.
From there, you can easily customize these financials to fit your exact requirements:
We’ve also made sure to keep the formulas simple so you can easily trace the logic if you need to.
Show how believable numbers can add up — unlike other financial models…
With these models, you’ll see all the math and be able to explain “how you got there” in a clear and logical manner.
Better than a $1,500 model.
“We’ve been using your financial model for financial analysis, partnering, M&A, and VC analysis here in Silicon Valley and in Europe. I have used a few other programs like MoneySoft that cost $1500+ and yours are better, more accurate and more detailed. I can trust the integrity of the BizPlanBuilder financial models.”
~ Geir Ilstad, Prudent Management, Los Altos, CA
Longer-term project? Download the 10-year model.
Click to see sample Income Statement screen →
Purchase & Download Just the 10-Year Excel Model: $297l
Purchase & Download + Bundled with BizPlanBuilder Annual Subscription: $197
Recommends to clients for investor funding.
“Now I can recommend a standardized financial proforma that all of my clients can use. BizPlanBuilder’s financial model has just the right level of detail (without too much!) in the same format every time, eliminating the crazy-making submissions from so many amateurs I used to get.”
~ Robert Steven Kramarz, Executive Director, Investor, Author, Intelliversity The Funding Academy for Innovators – Led by Investors
What to enter into each section?
At the top of each page, you’ll find an explanation of how to work with each worksheet.
The cells requiring input also have bubble help — Roll your mouse over these cells for comments and suggestions for filling in each section of the model.
Not comfortable with finance?
The language, concepts, meaning, anything …
We’ve got you covered.
We included comments within the cells to make sure you are clear about what is being asked.
It won’t insult your intelligence, but it will prepare you to think, plan, and speak financially.
Now you can do the math, understand your numbers, and your deal.
(Even a right-brain “Artist” or non-financial person can use these models!)
For example, the “Revenue Model” shown here enables you to add-up your prospective customers and project believable sales numbers — the foundation of your financial projections.
Manages the “pitch” for you — Investors & lenders will “get it.”
Investors and lenders are still accustomed to reviewing “spreadsheets” and often ask many questions before they’ll authorize your funding.
You’ll be ready for them. Some want a summary now, but want detail later. Nevertheless, using BizPlanBuilder, you can easily select what you need to print to be fully prepared with multiple statement options:
(Even the Assumptions pages are designed to be part of your plan presentation.)
Download All 3:
Visionary Funding, Expansion Plan, NonProfit
Excel Workbooks
Investment banker recommends to clients for funding.
“I really appreciate the work that went into building your model. I have looked at a lot of software models and your model is the best I have seen. I use it for most of the projects I work on.”
~ Dr. Paul M. Wendee, DBA, CFP®, CBI, Managing Director, Paul M. Wendee & Associates, LLC, Dana Point, CA
Mistake #3 – NEVER SAY, “Oh, and our numbers are conservative.”
Be prepared to explain/defend your numbers.
A competitor shows how one can just drag a graph to make your numbers look good.
How can one explain their logic or walk an investor through their process?
Using BizPlanBuilder you’ll be able to easily explain and justify your projections.
Investors understand this and the BizPlanBuilder methodology builds a case they can believe.
~ Ward Payne, Managing Partner, OSCCO Ventures, Los Altos, CA
Watch the video to see how we teach segmenting your markets and estimating penetration rates — investors often look here first.
It’s important to demonstrate clearly the magnitude of your opportunity. You as well as investors always want to know how big the “universe” of potential customers is. How big can your business become?
Build your “case” from the bottom-up
The idea here is to define your customer segments, then enter the universe of available customers into each segment. Then play “what-if?” with the penetration percentages to project unit sales.
Building upon that, you can estimate the percentage of customers who will buy at a given price… to calculate total revenue.
Most entrepreneurs guess at how many units they’ll sell, but can’t/don’t tie them to realistic market penetration numbers.
When investors ask how you arrived at their numbers, now you will have reasonable answers at every step.
One of several assumptions pages
makes forecasting easy.
All loans are independently calculated so you can start them on any date from the beginning of your plan to any time in the future.
The blue text is variable so you can also label each loan with the title of your choice. These headings will also automatically copy to the Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow statements where needed to identify their respective line-item calculations.
If / when you want to make a change, just update this page and everything else will recalculate and all changes will automatically appear in their proper places.
This helps dramatically to enable you to make adjustments where necessary and for investors and lenders to intuitively understand your plan.
“As an experienced financial consultant, I was amazed at the depth of the package and its ease of use.”
– Tom Devine, The Clayton Group, New York, NY
We added this simple “Runway” table to consider for how long do you need money?
This enables you to prioritize your cash requirements to reach certain valuation milestones desired by most sophisticated investors. (When you understand this, you will realize why your deal will work and others won’t!)
Adjust what you want to do with what money you have for a 9-month, 12-month, 18-month, 24-month, or 36-month runway.
If investors were to put more in, they would finance the further depth and breadth of development.
They should be set at stages of evolution (prototype, roll-out, expansion) — each level brings the company a higher valuation. The farther you go, the more value you’ll build — where is the optimum investment point for you and your investor(s)?
“Fund our operation for [00] months. This is what we can do…”
A similar question is…
“What’s your pre-money valuation?”
This is an important question. Investors will inevitably ask it… and you need to have a good answer — especially one that has some good analysis behind it.
For Example…
If you demonstrate that your business is worth $900,000 and the investor puts in $100,000, they’d get 10% of your company. ($900K “pre-money” + $100K investment = $1 million “post-money”.)
Can you build a case that your business is worth more? With BizPlanBuilder, we think so.
We use several methods to triangulate a respectable valuation for your business as well as to provide a credible explanation to raise more money faster or sell sooner at a higher price.
Harvard Model
1st Chicago Method
Discounted Future Cash-flow
Common VC Formula
Weighted Average (all of the above)
Given a certain amount of investment, how many shares would your investor(s) get?
(This is why valuation, above, is crucial.)
What % of the company would they own?
(We included a calculation to help you see that you will still become wildly wealthy even when your investor(s) get rich too!)
What might funding rounds two and three look like?
If you were acquired or IPO,
what might that look like?
Perfect for busy CFOs as well as start-up entrepreneurs — the logical presentation especially saves time explaining to non-financial stake-holders.
We also include a separate spreadsheet that helps you calculate your net return/profit if you were to sell your business.
Now you can easily develop a comprehensive financial plan for your business…
Download All 3:
Visionary Funding, Expansion Plan, NonProfit
Excel Workbooks
Charts Included:
Finance Plan
Automatic Financial Statements
Download All 3: Visionary Funding, Expansion Plan, NonProfit Excel Workbooks.
The better case you make with your business plan, the better funding deals you’ll make.