BizPlanBuilder —Table of Contents

Everything to Write Your Business Plan for Strategy and Alignment, and/or to Raise Capital.

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Eventually, investors and lenders will ask a lot of questions before writing you a check — let BizPlanBuilder address as many of them as possible for you. Scroll-down and you can see for yourself that BizPlanBuilder offers more expertise, tools and connections than any other planning software tool in the world. Use as much or as little as you need.

It may seem like finding venture capital and angel investors for your start-up or expansion financing is like finding a needle in a haystack. Investors often feel the same way! Your chances of grabbing their interest and securing funding are increased dramatically when you make your presentation using BizPlanBuilder template. (Just don’t tell them that you used business planning software!)

We’ve added new sections, made major enhancements, and incorporated a variety of new tools to help you succeed:

Pre-Planning Tools

Before you write your business plan:

(These are useful documents you can easily edit.)

  • Business Assessment Questions
  • Executive Team Bio Template
  • Personal Assessment Questions
  • Personal Mission Statement
  • Start-up Checklist
  • Vision Statement
  • Writing About Your Business
  • Email Introduction to Friends

Sample Cover Letters to…

  • an Angel Investor
  • an Investment Banker
  • a Lender (includes a Summary Letter for Loan/Line of Credit)
  • a Leasing Agent
  • a Venture Capitalist

Complete Sample Business Plans Included:

Start with Your Choice of Five Complete Plan Prototypes. These are written from the investors and lenders point-of-view. All are complete with integrated samples.

  • Concept Evaluation Plan (to test your ideas)
  • Retail Store
  • Service Business
  • Angel/VC Plan — Product / Development / Manufacturing Plan
  • Internet / e-Commerce Plan ( — a profitable!)

Each plan is a complete template unto itself. Choose the one most like your business, then you can select a section from any of the other plans and drag & drop it anywhere into the plan you are working with. The BizPlanBuilder document management system lets you open any section you want, add/edit/save, work on another section… assemble your entire plan, complete with formatting and page numbering… print or email the finished plan.


Business Plan Table of Contents

It’s modular — In the app, just check the boxes for the sections you want to include.
Start with what you need now, add more as required.


Title Page

Executive Summary

Company Overview

  • Business Model
  • Objectives
  • Financing Requirements
  • Exit Strategy / ROI

Market Opportunity

  • Market Size
  • Customer Requirements


  • Mission / Vision
  • Objectives / Goals
  • Values

Company Overview

  • Legal Business Structure
  • Government Regulations

Business Strategy

  • Revenue Model / Revenue Sources
  • Purchase Options
  • Sales Channels
  • Strategic Alliances

Everything is available to you, but you may not need it all… click sections on/off with a click in a check box.
We’ve integrated the best of the best sample business plans enabling you to ‘cross-pollinate’ from many industries to give you the biggest advantage of many ideas for building your unique business.

Product/Service Strategy

  • Research & Development
  • Useful Features/Benefits
  • Proprietary Technology(?)
  • Product/Service Life Cycles
  • Product/Service Development/Selection Criteria
  • Planned Products / Services
  • Exhibits
  • Service & Delivery
  • Service Process
  • Costs


  • Competitor Comparison
  • Competitive Advantages

Market Analysis

  • Industry Analysis
  • Market Segments
  • Strengths
  • Weaknesses
  • Opportunities
  • Trends 
  • Customer Profile
  • Demographics
  • Psychographics
  • Customer List

Internet Strategy

  • Presence
  • E-Commerce
  • Privacy / Security


  • Competitive
  • Economic
  • Environmental
  • Government
  • Industry
  • Liability
  • Market

It’s crucial that you think through as many possibilities for selling as possible.
Leave no stone unturned, and we will help you do it efficiently — be ahead of investors, customers and competitors!

Marketing Plan

  • Branding / Positioning
  • Features / Benefits
  • Pricing / Margin Structure
  • Selling Strategy
  • Sales Channels
  • Executive to Executive
  • Direct
  • Manufacturer Representatives
  • Distributors
  • Retailers
  • OEMs
  • Direct Response Mail
  • Telemarketing
  • International
  • Strategic Alliances
  • OEM Relationships
  • Joint Marketing Agreements
  • Joint Development Efforts
  • Direct & Indirect Campaigns

Advertising & Promotions

  • Media Objectives
  • Media Strategy
  • Advertising Campaign
  • Preliminary Media Schedule
  • Promotion
  • Incentives
  • Direct Mail
  • List Management
  • Company Capabilities Brochure
  • Sales Support Collateral Materials
  • Advertising Budget
  • Media Schedule
  • Our Spending vs. Industry Average
  • Outside Advertising Suppliers
  • E-mail
  • Roll-out Program
  • Trade Incentives
  • Customer Service
  • Returns & Adjustments Policy
  • Publicity / Public Relations

Publicity Strategy

  • PR Campaign
  • Press Releases
  • Editorial Visitation
  • Internal/External Newsletter
  • Trade Shows
  • Sales Support

Management Team

  • Backgrounds
  • Stock Allocation
  • Responsibilities
  • Board of Advisors
  • Board of Directors
  • Outside Support / Consultants
  • Staffing Requirements


  • Facilities
  • Staff
  • Production / Manufacturing
  • Costs
  • Service Delivery
  • Product Fulfillment
  • Packaging & Transportation
  • Shipping Terms

Present Situation

  • Management
  • Products / Services
  • Market Environment
  • Profitability & Cashflow
  • Customers
  • Operations
  • Priorities

Comprehensive, Flexible Financial Models in Excel Workbooks

Click Here for Details on the Financial Models for Budgeting and Brojections

Conclusion & Summary
(Close the deal! Ask for the money…)

More… Supporting Documents: If funding is #1 — Use these tools to raise the capital you want


Documents to Support Financing

There is more to raising money and building a business than just a business plan.
We wanted you to have everything you need to get the job done — whether you need to raise money or not.

Elevator Pitch Outline & Sample
Venture capitalists and angel investors are inundated with great ideas looking for investors to support them. They’re swamped with business plans, and over-run by scores of proposals, all promising the next big thing. Only a select few grab their attention, and even fewer make it past an initial review. Often, your best and sometimes only chance to break through with an investor comes in the form of a great elevator pitch.
Like a highway billboard, you have just a brief chance to jolt your audience to attention — if you make a good first impression, odds are you’ll proceed to a meeting.

20-Minute PowerPoint Presentation Template

For example, in slide #8 (of 16) we position your solution relative to everything else… We go to the VC presentations, we’ve present there too, we also take in everything everyone says and add these ideas to BizPlanBuilder.

Documents to Support Financing

Business Plan Distribution

  • Deal Summary Template
  • Due Diligence Checklist
  • Service Business Start-Up Cash Requirements
  • New Resource Materials
  • Believable Projections
  • Business Topics of Interest w/Internet Links
  • Developing Your Management Team
  • Things to Think About
  • What Investors Look For

Supporting Documents

  • Articles of Incorporation
  • Core Values & Core Practices
  • Executive Résumé Template
  • Executive Team Responsibilities
  • General Partnership Agreement
  • Investor Tracking & Follow-up Log
  • Personal Financial Statement
  • Press Release—Announcement
  • Stock Options Tracking Worksheet

Tools to Manage Your Business

  • Application for Business Credit
  • Business Start-Up Checklist
  • Investor Game Plan
  • Investor Newsletter Template
  • Invitation to Board of Advisors
  • Invitation to Board of Directors
  • Lehman Formula Finder’s Fee Calculator
  • Management Notebook
  • Private Offering Disclaimer
  • Proceeds of Sale of Business
  • Product Feedback Survey
  • Service Feedback Survey
  • Space Requirements Planning Worksheet
  • Trademark Instructions
  • Trademark Overview

Built-in Advice & Support

  • PowerPrompt interactive guide
  • Built-in Sample Plans
  • Expert Explanations on Every Subject
  • Book: Handbook of Business Planning
  • 65 Funding Methods
  • FREE Video: The Thinking Behind Your Plan

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Ideal for Business / MBA Students


  • Full Year Subscription to BizPlanBuilder
    The choice is easy - You get BOTH versions
    If you decide to go with the Windows version, there's no need to renew next year.
    Or use the cloud-based subscription to enable secure collaboration with your team.
    Subscription includes ongoing updates and renews annually.
  • Pre-Composed Sample Business Plans
    150+ Industry-Specific Sample Plans Reveal Ideas
    Inspire Customization to Your Vision and Purpose
    Unlike every other business plan templates, we actually intend for you to be able to use our copy vs. having to delete it or rewrite it.
  • Videos Introduce Each Section
    What Investors / Lenders Are Looking For
    Comments Throughout Offer Suggestions & Tips
  • Wizard-driven Financial Model
    Makes it Easy to Project Sales, Costs, Profit
    If you are an Excel user, you'll love the total flexibility to customize your financial model.
    Need an Excel expert? Look in our Expert Referral Network!
  • + 3 Fully Customizable Excel-Based Financial Workbooks
    "Visionary Funding" / "Expansion Plan" / "Non Profit"
    100% Customizable To Embody Your Business
    Project / Evaluate / Support Future Potential
    If you are an Excel user, you'll love the total flexibility to customize your financial model.
    Need an Excel expert? Look in our Expert Referral Network!
  • Includes PowerPoint / Keynote
    Investor Presentation ("Pitch" Deck) Template
    Tutorial Guides You Step-By-Step Through a Successful Pitch
  • CRM
    Organizes VIPs, Vendors, Investors...
    + Tasks + Events + Programs + Proposals
    Not trying to compete with SalesForce, Infusionsoft, Ontraport, and other marketing automation systems, but you do need to keep track of vendors, consultants, and others as well as VIP contacts.
  • Intro Letters, Advisor Invites, Worksheets
    Support Strategy / Raising Capital
  • Global 24/7 Secure Access
    Automatic Back-Up & Restore
  • Annual Subscription
    No Contract, No Commitment, Cancel/Suspend Anytime
    Use the online system as long as you need it, Subscription Renews in ONE Year Unless Cancelled Or Suspended -- You may want to keep it open for future updates, also allow investors and certain others read-only access.
  • Add Unlimited Number of Team / Advisors
    $10 / Yr each
    You Control All Access to Panels/Apps
    Gets Your Team Involved And Pulling Together
    Add an unlimited number of additional users... You also control access as well as read / write or read-only permission.
  • 60-Day "Be Smart With Your Business" Guarantee