These newest versions of the BizPlanBuilder financial models have been
thoroughly revised to cover everything you (and investors or lenders) want.
And, they’ve been proven with more than several billion dollars in business financing.
Comprehensive Budget / Feasibility Plan / Raise Capital
Bottom-up / Top-down system helps you build a complete financial picture—particularly valuable
for a start-up or growing company. It’s everything you need for preparing a comprehensive budget
as well as a detailed financial model for skeptical angel investors and venture capitalists.
Play “what-if?” all day long until you find the groove you’re looking for.
Bank Loans / SBA Financing
Linked statements for product or service businesses — Great for presentation
to SBA and other lenders. Assumptions pages auto-fill the entire model.
Five integrated financial calculators help plan future loan financing and automatically
calculate all interest expense, loan repayment cash-flow, and balance sheet entries.
See “Loan Wizard” below for more details.
Quantify Your Start-up Business Model
Creating useful, believable financial projections for your business can be tough,
especially if yours is a brand new company with no financial history to build on.
You’ll see in a moment how we get you there from here.
Refine Your Established Company Business Model
For an established company, BizPlanBuilder makes this otherwise challenging job much,
much easier, taking you step-by-step through the process of forecasting expansion, costs,
sales, operating expenses, financing, capital investments, cash-flow, profits, valuation,
best/worst case, break-even, financing requirements(?), and everything else.
Want a Forecast, But Don’t Need Outside Money?
Use the BizPlanBuilder models as a cash forecasting / management system for bootstrapping a growing business. Save hours and hours trying to create your own spreadsheets from scratch.
Get a full financial picture and have handy model to project all of the above…
Strategic Planning & Budgeting
Easy to modify and update your financial forecasts.
Simplifies ways to play “What-if?” with market changes, new ideas, or adjusting of staff.
Evaluate long-term prospects for royalties.
Build your case for licensee success.
Project compelling future success for prospective buyer.
Calculate and validate valuation using 4 valuation methods.