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How to Manage Your Brain to Manage Your Business


Dr. Dennis Maness on brain science for ADD / ADHDDr. Dennis Maness on Realigning Your Brain Perception & Processing
Dr. Dennis Maness holds PhDs in Education and Psychology.

He is the developer of BrainTek’s Behavioral Relationship Entrainment (BRE) Program?
This technology improves and repairs intellectual and cognitive brain function.

Dr. Maness has more than 30 years in neuro-science research — He pioneered discoveries in neuroplasticity and behavioral technologies which aid in memory and cognitive processing.

Dr. Maness founded the BrainTek Institute, a research center in San Diego, California to develop software and protocols to further the research of neuroplasticity and resolution of cognitive issues.

Today, BrainTek has Certified 73 doctors and health care professionals in the United States, Mexico, Germany and Canada.

Doctors and health care professionals are able to receive college credit for taking the BRE Course Dr. Maness created through the University of California.

Click to Listen-In.

  • The Brain vs. the Mind
  • How can I tell if I have ADD/ADHD?
  • Exercise: How to put your brain in neutral.
  • How do we stay on track to complete a complex project
  • (Customer) “I need to think about it…” => (Salesperson) Let me give a few things to consider…
  • Exercise: Speed-up thought process.
  • The myth of multi-tasking
  • How to harness your ADD/ADHD

Visit Dr. Maness’ web site
Click on the Store (upper right) and download the free ebook.

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