Selling 3.0

Excerpted from the book on mindful business management, Business Black Belt. What if your customers already want to buy? Your job then, as a good salesperson, is to engineer the deal.   Sales techniques we learned in the past are appalling and ineffective, yet many are still in use — let’s revisit the sales process…

video - what angel venture capital investors look for business plan

Video – Writing Your Business Plan:
Revealing Your “Risks”

VIDEO – What to think about as you edit the “Risk” section of your business plan and what investors and lenders (crowdfund, angel, venture capital, SBA) look for as they consider funding your start up or growing company.

video - what angel venture capital investors look for business plan

Video – How to Write a Business Plan:
Describing Your Best “Selling Strategies”

VIDEO – What to think about as you edit the “Selling Strategies” section of your business plan and what investors and lenders (crowdfund, angel, venture capital, SBA) look for as they consider funding your start up or growing company.

video - what angel venture capital investors look for business plan

Video – Writing Your Business Plan:
Describing Your “Present Situation” or “Traction”

What to think about as you edit the “Present Situation” (traction) section of your business plan and what investors and lenders (crowdfund, angel, venture capital, SBA) look for as they consider funding your start up or growing company. (What have you accomplished so far? Where do you stand right now?)


Excerpted from the book on mindful business management, Business Black Belt. You never know what you can deal with until you have to. ~ DeAnna Sodoma, champion wheelchair racer You may not need to venture out on your own when you could do the equivalent just as easily within your present job. Should you jump…