The Pain and Pleasure of Constant Consciousness

Excerpted from the book on conscious business management, Business Black Belt Accidents happen… when you are thinking about something else. You must pay attention to everything all the time. The world is moving too fast and mistakes are too expensive for you to allow yourself to “space out.” You must always be conscious. You can’t…

Business Black Belt – A Trick to Remember

Excerpted from the book on conscious business management, Business Black Belt I’m interested only in God’s thoughts, the rest are details. ~ Albert Einstein, physicist What if you could naturally trigger your memory at a future date or time so you would remember to do something? This is a little trick I discovered. I call…

More Than 5 Senses You Can Use

Excerpted from the book on conscious business management, Business Black Belt Only in quiet waters things mirror themselves undistorted. Only in a quiet mind is adequate perception of the world. ~ Hans Margolius In addition to your five senses, many other “senses” provide quality direction—beyond the limited scope of your intellect. I was taught that…

We Are Reflections of the People Around Us

Excerpted from the book on conscious business management, Business Black Belt Not he is great who can alter matter, but he who can alter my state of mind. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson, essayist and poet Different people with their variety of baggage come before us in life to teach us something—you can resist them only to…

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When They Hit You on the Head, Say, “Thank You!”

A more enlightened approach to using pain and setbacks as valuable learning experiences. Dwell not on the perceived pain, but on the improvements you will make as a result of them. Excerpted from the book on conscious entrepreneurship and business management, Business Black Belt “A practitioner must learn to perform at top speed all the…