Welcome to the Business Black Belt Podcast

Experts. Advice. Results. I’m Burke Franklin, and after 35 years in business helping new and established businesses raise capital and gain higher success, I hate it when good products, companies or people fail! Building a successful business and being a mindful and responsive entrepreneur is an emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bootcamp. Yet, few things…

Management by Centrifugal Force

Excerpted from the book on enlightened business, Business Black Belt “Come to the edge,” he said. “We are afraid,” they said. “Come to the edge,” he said. They came… He pushed them …and they flew. Here’s a possible way to think of your business structure, regardless of the structure you actually have, and have what…


Excerpted from the book on enlightened business, Business Black Belt You better know where you’re going because sooner or later, you could be out in front. How will you lead your business and how will your business lead your industry? There are thousands of books on leadership—and few of them seem to agree on what…

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Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way

Much is said about leadership and leaders, and about the value of being a good follower or student. In martial arts, much attention is paid to getting out of the way. This concept has value in business as well as everyday life. Excerpted from the book on conscious entrepreneurship and business management, Business Black Belt…