business plan ai software template investor review

Investment Banker reviews Business Power Tools

A coordinated system of remarkably easy to use document and spreadsheet templates for organizing, financing, running, and someday selling your business. by Dr. Paul M. Wendee, DBA, MBA, CFP® Dear Burke, As you know, I’ve advised entrepreneurs growing businesses for more than 30 years. Their problems? How to handle the everyday challenges of organizing, planning,…

How to write a persuasive business plan and how my success evolved into the BizPlanBuilder software system.

A lot goes into writing a good business plan. Before you even get started, here are a few important considerations that will make your business planning and presentation more successful.

Will Your Executive Summary Make a Powerful Impression on Investors?

For the past twenty years, I have spoken to hundreds, if not thousands of investors. From each conversation I try and walk away with at least one insight that I can pass along to our Biz Plan Builder business planning software customers. One bit of knowledge that I have received consistently from investors relates to…