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Update from version 3.2

Please be sure you have all of the latest Windows Service Packs installed… this makes world of difference!

  • Click the START button (on your desktop)
  • Click “Windows Updates” (or visit — look for ‘downloads’)
     Please follow the Microsoft instructions.

Complete Your Import Before Adding Any Further Data
The import will not change the data in the old database, but it will overwrite any/all information
that exists in the new database (but it’s empty so that’s OK… unless you went ahead and typed
stuff in it already–that stuff is gonzo in favor of upgrading all of your previous records from v3.2.
Sorry.) Therefore, you should perform the import prior to adding new records or corporate
policies to the new version 🙂

During installation the Windows wants to default to creating a new sub-directory under “Program
Files” called “JIAN EmployeeFileBuilder”. You must change it to direct the new contents to be
deposited into the EmployeeFileBuilder 3.2 folder. (Otherwise, to make ths work, you will need
to drag your copy of EmployeeFileBuilder 3.2 into the new EFB4 folder. Either way works–as
long as ALL of the content is together in the same folder…
To import your existing information open the new employee database and select “Import
EmployeeFileBuilder 3.2 database” from the File, Add-ins menu.

HR filebuilder employee personnel information data tracking database app

I have a new computer and want to transfer my HR FileBuilder software to use on my new computer.

  1. Do you still have the original file you purchased and downloaded?
    (Look in your “Downloads” folder)
  2. You can copy that to the new system and double click to install…
  3. Use your original serial #.
  4. To copy your Employee.mdb data file, look for it in your Program File folder on your old PC.
  5. (Or find it on your server.)
  6. Follow the instructions below for Sharing Access…


Depending upon how old your app /template is (more than a year?!?), you may want to consider and upgrade.
Click here to learn more…

We’re working on developing a cloud-based version enabling PC as well as Mac user to share the system.
Security is a top priority and we want to appeal to those who want a PC-based app for security reasons.
Our cloud-based system is 256-bit encrypted — as tough or tougher than your bank!
And a cloud-based system would enable you to work from home or anywhere…
Nevertheless, we’d like to hear your comments on this issue. Please click Contact Us.

Sharing Access to HR Files on Your Server

Here’s how to share your employee files using EmployeeFileBuilder with a Server…

The idea is to use your desktop copies of EmployeeFileBuilder to access & share the working employee record files on your server.

  1. Install HR File Builder on your PCs
  2. Locate the “Employee.mdb” file (C: Program Files/ JIAN EmployeeFileBuilder)
  3. (Don’t change the filename) Drag the file to your server folder
  4. From the top menu, click ‘Setup’
  5. Then click ‘Configure…’ at the bottom of the list
  6. Browse for ‘Employee.mdb’ on your server

Now, when you access your employee files, your app will automatically access the Employee.mdb file on your server.

Make sure ALL of your PCS using Employee File Builder have been configured to access the Employee.mdb file on your server.

Collaborating with Using DropBox

Here’s how to share your employee files using EmployeeFileBuilder with DropBox…
(Even if you are just want to work on the same project from your own office PC, Laptop and Home PC.)
The idea is to use your desktop copy of EmployeeFileBuilder and store, access & share the working document files in DropBox.

First, if necessary, get DropBox… grab it here: DropBox, and install it to your computer.
You can share it with your partner(s)…
(They won’t need their own DropBox account for this project.)

  1. Install DropBox
    • Create a folder for your project
    • Share that folder with your partner(s) — enter an email and DropBox will send it to them
  2. Install EmployeeFileBuilder
  3. Locate the “Employee.mdb” folder (on the Desktop or in Shared Documents)
    • Drag the file to the new DropBox folder
  4. Look for the “Jian Documents” folder in DropBox
    • Single-click on Jian Documents and click OK.
    • [x] Make Default Path

You have full read/write privileges.
Next, on the main project screen, you will see all of the sections of your plan on the left.
When you double-click one, it will check out that section to you — No one can work on it until you check it back in by closing it.
(Save any docs in place — do not save-as, because they will then save outside the system and not be traceable…)

Rock on!