Supporting Documents for Presenting Your Business Plan

BizPlanBuilder includes more tools to help you get the financing you want...

BizPlanBuilder includes all of these extra 'Supporting Tools'

There is more to raising money than just writing a business plan. Investors want to see deals in the works, qualified board members and advisors in place, plus a lot more. For example, we've included a sample "Invitation to Board of Advisors" inviting a business luminary to formally join your advisory team.

When they do agree to fund your plan, the work of "due diligence" begins — investors say yes, but upon the condition that they scour everything about you and your business, looking for anything that could be wrong with it, you, and/or your team before they write you a check..

This is no fun and it can take a month to several months... So we have made sure that you are prepared and ahead of them.

Other things we include enable you to build your business even without outside capital. "Hustle while you wait," as Henry Ford said. We want you to have everything you need to get the job done—whether you need to raise money or not. Take a look at this list and you'll get some ideas for many possibilities to improve your business as well as your position with investors and lenders.

Supporting Documents for Business Financing

Business Plan Distribution

Non-Disclosure Agreements for:

Tools to Manage Your Business

Built-in Advice & Support

Online Advice & Support

FREE Advice, Downloads, FAQs & Links to help you with your business plan

Investors and lenders must be treated delicately and with respect.
They want to know a lot before they approve your deal and write you a check...
With BizPlanBuilder, you have everything you need to complete the deal.


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