The Best Business Plan Solution for Macintosh Users

The fastest business plan solution for raising capital and running your business...

Successful, award-winning history assures a business plan you can present to any bank or investor

Whether you are raising $5,000 to $50 million, or organizing your strategy for going forward, BizPlanBuilder for Macintosh will help you produce a professional business plan quickly and efficiently. It's fast, up-to-date, and has the right combination of art and science to help you all the way from idea through financing to implementation.

Very easy to learn and use...
I've seen no other business plan package that comes close to what this one can do.
Overall Rating: A+

~ Joe Miller, Editor's Choice Magazine

Professional business plan template gives you a proven business plan complete with built-in financial models that have been thoroughly tested by thousands of businesses. (These have also been torture-tested with several billion dollars worth of investors over the years as well!)

Biz Plan Builder - Business Planning Solution for Macintosh provides a series of concise, pre-written Microsoft® Word templates, Excel® financial workbooks and a PowerPoint® presentation — All easily customizable to suit your unique business needs using Microsoft Office or iWork. We've done most the authoring for you. There are no blank pages, so there's no writer's block.

accounting today business plan software review

"JIAN's focus on business planning is tighter and more concise than many of its competitors, with a strong dose of sales and marketing insights that help the plan serve as a working document rather than just a financial tool."
~ Dave McClure, Accounting Today, January 2006

Biz Plan Builder professional business plan template has been refined longer than any other — That's why Biz Plan Builder for Macintosh is so widely accepted (and often referred) as the best business planning solution by so many banks, consultants, other entrepreneurs, the SBA, angel investors, and venture capitalists worldwide. It's the fastest and easiest way of turning your ideas into a winning plan and a successful business. Click here to see the bullet-list of functional features...

Business plan templates in Word & Excel format makes it easy to edit and present your plan

business plan software for the Apple MacThe Macintosh version of Biz Plan Builder is a collection of Word and Excel templates that contain the very same content as the PC program. Unlike the Windows-based program with its document assembly system, we have taken the content and formatted it directly into complete Word and Excel spreadsheet templates for you — beautifully formatted documents that you can easily edit and format to your liking using Word & Excel.

The best of hundred of plans built in!
Over the years, we've taken the best of hundreds of business planning components and incorporated them into a few great prototype documents you can use to easily write your business plan. If your business is even slightly different from vanilla, you'll find that this method is far more robust than deconstructing and rebuilding a limited so-called industry-specific cookie-cutter business plan template. (Read the Reviews.) We've already done the work for you, plus we have been working with entrepreneurs, consultants and investors for 20+ years.

The financial models in Biz Plan Builder for Macintosh use Excel workbooks (they work the same as in the Windows-based system). Click them open, then click along the tabs at the bottom to access each page... You'll see, they're very comprehensive, straight-forward and credible.

With these business plan templates for Macintosh, you will have everything you need

You can't afford to take chances — go with the one business plan for Macintosh solution proven more than any other to produce an investor-grade business plan. Investors are asking more questions than ever and they want to be absolutely sure that everything is properly aligned before they'll write you a check. Some investors claim they want to see a 30-page plan (max), but before they'll write you a check, they'll ask enough questions to fill out the another 30 pages. At the end of the day, how you look an investor or banker in the eye with a thorough knowledge of your business will make all the difference in the world. With BizPlanBuilder for Macintosh it's never been easier to organize your ideas, see how sales and expense projections effect your bottom line, and quickly output professional-looking, beautifully formatted documents required by banks and investors — so you can get funded fast!

"People come to us all the time seeking funding,
and we use BizPlan Builder to show them the
business plan content and format we like to see."

~ David Wilt, E.D. Wilt Investments, Washington DC.

Built for business plan professionals as well as business planning novices

Our business plan financial models offer excel flexibility and easy customization. If you're a business planning pro, you will appreciate the flexibility of the BizPlanBuilder templates as well as the quality of the content — for you, this is a real working toolset.

For the first-time business planner, you'll appreciate how much has already been done for you. We've written most of the text and lead you through completing the sentences, we've provided expert comments throughout, plus we've included a complete set of financial models refined over 20 years. (We've answered a lot of questions and we've addressed just about everything!)

I teach a class for SCORE on how to prepare a business plan. You will be pleased to know that most of our counselors recommend Biz Plan Builder to our clients. Thank you!
- Terry Little

Expert comments throughout explain everything you need to write your business plan

You will find expert advice, comments and suggestions throughout every section explaining what to do and why. The JIAN Handbook of Business Planning included with BizPlanBuilder provides a wealth of experience, ideas and information, plus a variety of additional tools to help you build your business and manage it more effectively with or without outside financing.

"I bought 2 other software programs.
After reading all three, I went with yours!"

~ Chuck Stasny, Missouri City, TX

Easy and flexible financial projections at-a-glance

business plan financial forecast templatesWhether you're writing a formal business plan for investors or developing a meaningful forecast for your business, BizPlanBuilder's financial models will make the process faster, easier, and yes — even fun! Click here for more details.

BizPlanBuilder prints a professional business plan presentation approved by investors, lenders and the SBA. All of the financial models are completely configured, so you don't have to be a spreadsheet or financial expert. Just enter your sales, expense, growth and other assumptions and variables and let the program run the calculations to produce investor-ready financial statements. See "what-if" when you change scenarios.

As an expert financial consultant, I was amazed at the depth of the package and its ease of use.
- Tom Devine, The Clayton Group, New York


No Windows-like Application

Although the Windows "wizard" is not there, we have already assembled the documents for you — for easy editing and formatting in Word. We hope to have a cross-platform product out within the next 6 months that is collaborative for all of our users. We will honor our 6-month free upgrade to you at the time that product becomes available...

I'm a general contractor. I invented a new construction tool and I needed some money to build a prototype and launch a new business. I pretty much knew what I needed to do and I had a potential investor lined up, but he wanted to see a business plan before he invested a dime. I bought BizPlanBuilder on Monday, wrote it on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and on Saturday he gave me $45,000.
~ Mark Martinez, Oceanside, CA

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