You’ve worked too long and too hard not to get what your business is worth!


7 tools to prep and stage your business to sell faster at a higher price.


What if you could easily build a better case to maximize your valuation?
And for a better deal done sooner?

Your business broker can bring the buyer to you…
But they can’t guarantee how much you’ll get.

Also, many will admit that most businesses just aren’t ready to sell…
And some are just “train-wrecks” behind the scenes!

That’s a harsh reality, but It’s a big problem when you want to sell or plan for succession!

If you were selling your house, you’d want to paint it, water the plants, clean it, stage it, and make it as attractive as possible. Yes?
Here’s what you can do to increase the value of your business to make it more attractive and sell sooner.

The money-making “machine” you’re building to deliver your products and services is a prized product in its own way, but it won’t sell itself.

Use Business Power Tools to create a compelling prospectus and strategically stage your business for a profitable sale.

  • You’re selling your business and want the highest price and the best terms
  • A solid business plan can serve as a detailed selling “brochure”
  • The better job you do on it, the better deal you’ll get
  • You want a detailed blueprint for projecting future Growth
  • Having operational policies & procedures in place Adds Value
  • You’re planning for succession and want to document your knowledge
  • Someone wants to buy you out and you need a high-value presentation.
  • You want to save $5,000 – $10,000 paying someone else to do it for you.
  • Everything your kids / new owners need to continue what you started.
  • If you carry-back any financing, this is especially critical for you.
  • Business Broker? Refer your clients, help them help you make the sale.
  • Best of all, clients can easily do it all themselves.

Why does a MacDonalds sell for so much?
They’re proven, they have their act together, and they’re fully documented.

Help your broker help you… It’s your business, you know where everything is, you know how everything works…
Give a buyer everything they need to appreciate the value and upside potential of your business.

Let’s start with the foundation of your exit and financial freedom.

Do these few things right now to inspire a buyer to choose your business.

Below are the tools you need to beef-up your business to maximize valuation.

You may not need all of them, but if you do, there’s an offer at the bottom
+ Entire dashboard & databank can be transferred to your buyer.

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Your business plan is the foundation of your business.

It’s your best sales tool for making a convincing case for the future upside of your business.

We’ve reinvented business planning to become the ultimate “brochure” for starting, funding,
operating, and selling your business.

Imagine it as a catalog of everything a buyer would want to know, with a believable financial
proforma building on your history and projecting into the future.

Validating its value.

Avoid leaving so much value on the table

You now have a comprehensive document where you and a prospective buyer can get up to speed on
everything you’ve built and the good-will you’ve generated to better appreciate the full value of your business.

To keep your accumulated knowledge organized, manageable, and accessible, it’s crucial to have a system.
Otherwise, you’ll have tons of orphan documents that no one can reference because they’re impossible to find.

The Business Power Tools dashboard with BizPlanBuilder solves these problems.

  • Detailed blueprint reveals your progress and projects future growth
  • Demonstrates believability and credibility with your buyer
  • Builds your case for a bright future and higher valuation
  • Shows how your buyer wins and Makes $$$ with their investment

The more you prepare, the better you can negotiate

Here is a massive head-start for producing a professional business “plan” that serves multiple purposes.
Its secret sauce is the written-for-you text with expert commentary and videos leading you through
exactly what to say and how to say it.

Its organized system of pre-scripted, 100% customizable…

  • sample business plan narrative
  • Excel-based financial models and
  • PowerPoint pitch deck template…

Enables ongoing changes, so it’s easy to update and improve your plan as needed.

Access anytime from anywhere, facilitating secure collaboration with your team and broker.
Even share it online with a prospective buyer (like a “Secure Data Room”).

“This program is so complete it’s scary. It makes you think about what you’re doing in ways you never thought of before.”
~ Dean Goldman, Goldstone Music, Spring Valley, NY

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A great case demonstrates the future upside of your business.

Not having a buyer-ready operational plan could be what’s holding them back…

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Buyers want details,
They’ll have lots of questions…

Buyers are real people, some are disciplined,
many are skeptical.

If they’re looking at your business, they’re likely considering and handful to a hundred other options.

They’ll contact their advisors and friends, and they’ll come back with more questions.

You’ve got to be their best bet for succeeding.

We know this. We’ve lived through it.
We’ve developed BizPlanBuilder to address the questions to keep you well ahead of your buyer(s).

And we’ve used it ourselves with angels and VCs, an SBA loan, several big corporations, a line of credit, marketing partnerships, vendor credits, and with Mom!

Add Your Team $1/Mo Each

Access Now for $27 / Mo


Averages $22.50 / Mo ( = 2 Months Free)
Add Your Team $10/Yr Each

Annually $270


One-Time Investment
Add Your Team $39 Each

Lifetime Access $397

Includes the 5-Year Financial Model Below

Liz Jamieson, SBDC Advisor

“I have used BizPlanBuilder and it has an incredible amount of information, templates, spreadsheets, sample content, and tools in it. It is a very robust system (way more robust and flexible than LivePlan, if you ask me)! Burke has decades of experience with business financing and business planning software. I have also used Burke as a guest speaker to talk about pitch development and pitching angel investors, etc., as part of the ScaleUp program. Burke is a great resource to have available to us!”
~ Liz Jamieson | Certified Business Advisor, Washington SBDC at Washington State University

Fully customizable financial models do all the math, validate value.

Includes CPA-tested financial models − Built in Excel® → Easily project Revenue, Costs, Profits, Cashflow, Valuation…

They’re completely configured, fully integrated
and tastefully formatted.

No need to be a spreadsheet or financial expert
If you are, everything is 100% customizable

Add $$$ to your valuation?

  • What if you could make a better case to
    validate a higher valuation?
  • How much more money would you make
    when you sell your business?
  • Wouldn’t it be worth it to produce a better plan?
  • And you must start now to be ready…
  • Details Here

Need just the financial model?
(While these Excel models are included with BizPlanBuilder above, you can download them separately here.)

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“Burke and I have been acquainted for a number of years, and I’ve used and recommended his software solutions for business owners even longer. Let’s face it, writing a business plan is not at the top of the list of what most of us like to do. It’s a daunting task, and a tedious undertaking. Business Power Tools changes all that. You’ll find yourself creating a new plan or updating existing plans in record time, and you’ll feel confident in the quality like never before. I’d urge you to check it out. I think you’ll be truly surprised.”
~ John Kiser from Money Mentor (an MMOT, LLC enterprise)

John Kiser financial advisor, business consultant

Organize, analyze, and prioritize your marketing options.

What you’ve tested, what works…

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Professionally structured and scripted text plus spreadsheet templates

This expands on the strategic plan started in BizPlanBuilder.

It’s an expert marketing strategy and planning system complete with a collection of professionally written
sample marketing plan templates and worksheets that will inform and accelerate your decision processes.

Makes it easy to create your own marketing “playbook”
Consider all aspects of your marketing before investing in marketing.

With almost a hundred templates based on successful marketing plans, Marketing Builder enables
you to easily plan and build an entire marketing campaign that fits your business and location.

  • 80+ proven marketing planning templates easily edited online
  • 36+ Excel templates for planning, analysis & measurement
  • Handbook of Business Marketing user manual (PDF)
  • Details Here

Subscription Also Includes Publicity Builder Below

“If I really did my marketing right I could avoid a lengthy sales cycle, I wouldn’t waste money on unnecessary advertising gimmicks, and my salespeople would invest their time more efficiently—now that’s actually possible.”
Pat Napoles, President, PBN Publications

Build buzz and grow sales with this comprehensive
Public Relations management plan and press release templates.

Start reaching out now — Build a bigger presence, attract competing buyers

Professionally promote your products, services and business in all Media
Develop & manage your own public relations using this proven PR management system:

  • Sample press releases for every event – easily edit with Word.
  • Example-filled worksheets help develop your message.
  • Calculators in Excel help with budgeting & prioritizing – fill in the variables and print.
  • Scripts to pitch journalists, develop special stories, manage tradeshows & conferences, get interviews, and more.
  • Step x Step instructions explain what to do and why.
  • Handbook of Business PR user manual PDF
  • Details Here

Subscription Also Includes Marketing Builder Above

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Comprehensive, mindful, and 100% customizable
employee policies and procedures handbook template.

Forms the foundation for a conscious company culture as well as a powerful deterrent against legal actions…

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Your people will continue to work for your buyer

Advancements over 35 years by HR experts, attorneys and entrepreneurial managers
guarantee a positive and conscious company culture for maximum productivity.

Employee Manual Builder includes everything you need to plan, develop and implement
your employee policies and produce a comprehensive employee policy manual:

  • 200+ comprehensive sample employee policies and procedures
  • Includes 60+ supplemental forms, plus access to FREE State & Federal posters
  • Windows and/or Macintosh
  • BONUS: Includes 700+ JOB DESCRIPTION templates
  • Addresses the toughest standards of every state (including CA & HI)
  • Easily edit or reformat to your requirements — Exportable to Microsoft® Word
  • Step x step instructions explain each section and offer best practices
  • Includes comprehensive Handbook of Employee Policies & Procedures Guide
  • Includes Ongoing Updates — Renews Annually
  • Details Here

Add Unlimited Additional Users for Just $1 Each / Mo
Makes it easier to keep your people up-to-date


Subscription Also Includes Safety Plan Builder Below

Tracks your employee data and manages all of your employee info.

Secure, professional record-keeping system safeguards your business

At a time when it’s imperative to keep organized, consistent, and accurate records on all employees,
HR File Builder (formerly Employee File Builder) can provide you with the best possible documentation.

With personnel records kept in one centralized system, multiple authorized users can gain
instant access to the information they need, when they need it.

Evaluating employee performance, making recommendations, preparing reports,
and backing up personnel decisions and policies have never been easier.

In the event personnel or legal problems ever develop, you can be confident of
having the necessary records and documentation to back you up.

$297 One-Time Investment

Details Here

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Instantly produces your “Injury & Illness” prevention plan to
keep everyone safe and healthy… and OSHA out of your pocket!

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Because you cannot afford to be sued by an employee and/or fined by OSHA

Safety Plan Builder software helps you publish a custom illness and injury prevention and training manual
to quickly and easily comply with OSHA, avoid lawsuits, train your employees, and provide a safe workplace.

Covers 161 Safe Work Practice categories

Select the appropriate sections for your business or industry, then customize the paragraphs.

Menus help you select the paragraphs appropriate to your state.

Contains over 250 pre-written pages of industry-specific Safe Work Practices.

Publish your complete plan in a few minutes and be safety compliant in all 50 states.

Easily protect your people and avoid costly OSHA fines

  • Every Industry / Every State
  • Easily edit or reformat to your requirements
  • Online — Works for both Windows & Macintosh
  • Subscription Includes ongoing updates
  • Ask your Insurance Broker about a better deal on Worker’s Comp
  • Step x step instructions explain each component and offer best practices
  • Professionally formatted
  • $297 / yr
  • Details Here
Safety Training Manual: $297 / Yr LIFETIME ACCESS | ONE-TIME INVESTMENT $697

Subscription Also Includes Employee Manual Builder Above.

“Using Safety Plan Builder can save a company thousands or even millions of dollars in reduced or avoided legal judgments,” says Labor Law Attorney Mark Thierman. “Believe me when I say that plaintiff attorneys just don’t want to come up against this type of written plan!”

BONUS: Contact Relationship Management (CRM) system manages your VIPs, deals, and programs.

Built-in to the dashboard

Business Power Tools CRM is an easy to use online contact management and small business marketing solution designed specifically to help growth and impact entrepreneurs get off the ground and build lasting value in your company.

We don’t claim to be an Infusionsoft, Ontraport, or SalesForce type of marketing automation system.

Instead, think of the Business Power Tools CRM for all of your internal communications and project management.

(You’re probably not going track your packaging vendor, close advisors, or VIP customers using a marketing automation system.)

Manages much more than just contacts

Now you can keep track of potential investors,
key customers, team members and others —
even projects, deals and calendars.

Because it’s all online you can access your information securely from work, home or the road, and stay in touch with your customers anywhere / anytime.

  • Calendar shows due dates for everything:
    Meetings, Events, Campaign Deadlines,
  • Tasks: Your To-Do lists for everyone
  • Contacts: Build comprehensive records —
    find and contact by multiple criteria
  • Leads: The Sales process starts here
  • Notes: Builds your business “brain trust”
  • Events: Schedule & coordinate all activities
  • Marketing Programs: Collaborate on all marketing campaigns
  • Proposals: Track the progress of deals
  • Details Here

Scroll Down — See how you can
get this CRM system FREE!

See how Business Power Tools works

When you realize how easily Business Power Tools works, getting started now gets you that much closer to sold.

All of the above business-building tools are integrated into an intuitive dashboard,
arranged by function, easily shared securely online with your team,
and kept organized for the life of your business.

Watch this Brief Demo Video to See Everything You Can Accomplish and How Easy it is to Use

It’s easier to use than Office and everything is easily accessible via our visual document management dashboard.

If you don’t get your “house in order” imagine the difficulty convincing a buyer that your business is viable and worth what you think it is (or want it to be).

When you really want to sell, you’ll wish you had your house in order already.

The thing is, it’s simple enough using Business Power Tools.
Stop spinning your wheels and get this project going.
Work on it bit by bit every day.

OK, Our Best Deal:

All of the Above & the Dashboard

Builds a sturdy foundation & structure adding immediate value for a faster sale at a higher price.

With a real plan and processes in place, shared with your team, your day-to-day will ease up
and your business will grow into a fattened beest you can sell for more.

Everything You Get Now
Access ALL Panels - Use ALL of these Tools
  • - HOME -
    Comprehensive company canvas / Bulletin board.
    Our version of a business model canvas on steroids!
    Drawn from your business plan, now all of your people can be up-to-date and informed about your company with what to say to customers and vendors.
    Everyone Sells!
  • Organizes All of Your Documents.
    Makes due-diligence for
    Investors/Acquirors fast & easy.
    Having an organized set of documents, models and presentations readily available for review by investors, acquirors, or partners enables them to act quickly...
    Get the Money Sooner!

    BizPlanBuilder® strategic planning system.
    Evolved & updated 35+ years.
    All of the tools and templates included in BizPlanBuilder have been updated and integrated into the dashboard.

    Includes everything you see under the Business Plan tab on the dashboard.
    Plus, Ongoing Updates!
  • Investor Pitch Deck
    PowerPoint-based template
    What & why of each slide explained
    You can download lots pitch decks from established companies, but here we describe the essence of each slide as you progress through an investor presentation.
  • 5 & 10-Yr Financial Models
    Wizard-driven projections &
    customizable Excel workbooks.
    We include the original BizPlanBuilder financial models evolved since 1990! Thoroughly updated in 2024. These are Excel spreadsheets uploaded to our online system. They behave a lot like Excel and can be easily customized to fit your unique business model.

    Collaborate with your team online.

    These can be exported to Excel; however, if you want to maintain organization and collaboration, best to keep them in the dashboard.
  • Video Tutorials
    Introduce & explain each section.
    What investors, lenders & buyers look for.
  • Ideal for Exit (Sale) / Succession Planning
    Asset sale agreements
  • - CONTACTS -
    CRM + Tasks + Events + Proposals
    Add key vendors
    Not trying to compete with SalesForce, Infusionsoft, Ontraport, and other marketing automation systems, but you do need to keep track of vendors, consultants, and others as well as VIP contacts.
  • Perfect for VIP Contacts
    User-defined fields enable cross-referencing your people every which way.
  • Use It for Youreself
    Manage tasks
    Schedule events
    Create & track programs
  • - FINANCE -
    Tools for the [virtual] CFO
    Financial Models, Calculators, Complete Stock Options docs and Shareholder Tracking, Agreement Templates, Collections Letters...
  • Funding Resources
    Angels, Venture Capital, Lenders
  • Make Them Pay
    Collect your A/R
    Escalating series of demand letters
  • Stock Options Plans
    Shareholder tracking
  • Financial Contracts
    Plain-English agreement templates
  • - HR -
    Employee Manual Builder
    200+ customizable workplace policies
    Covers Just About Everything - Every State This is our proven Employee Manual Builder software updated and transformed into a web-app! In addition to being legal, ethical and compliant, they are also very entrepreneurial to help you build the strongest company possible!
  • 700+ Customizable Job Profiles
    Including goals & priorities
    Employees / contractors
    These sample job descriptions enable you to quickly and clearly define your expectations, both for employees as well as independent contractors. In addition to most job descriptions, we include space for Vision, Mission, and Priorities -- Important to people who believe in your company purpose!
  • HR Correspondence & Documentation
    Hiring / Discipline / Termination
    Includes Ongoing Updates
    Includes Offer letters, Progressive Discipline worksheets, and notices, etc.
  • HR Contracts
    Plain-English Agreement Templates
  • - LEGAL -
    Contract Templates, IP Tracking
    "Handbook of Business Law"

    Sample contract templates
    Corporate docs, Intellectual Property Management
    Basic Business Law Tutorial for Entrepreneurs / Business Owners
  • Corporate / LLC Formation Docs
    Tools & Templates to Lead Your Company
    Includes everything you see under the Management tab on the dashboard. Including ongoing updates!
  • Corporate Governance
    Board Meeting Minutes
    Buy-Sell Agreement
    Marketing Builder Comprehensive Strategic Marketing Plan Template
    Our proven Marketing Builder software updated and transformed into a web-app...

    Includes everything you see under the Marketing tab on the dashboard.
    Plus, Ongoing Updates!
  • 36 Excel-based Analysis Calculators
    Turn complex mathematical marketing conundrums into easy decisions
    They’re great for understanding deals, prioritizing strategies, and making good decisions!

    Among them you’ll find the methods and formulas, the words and advice to help you target your customers, analyze your competition, determine the future value of customers, prioritize and budget product launches, even evaluate new hires!

  • Branding / Creative Brief Worksheets
    Selling Plan
    Website Testing Apps
  • - PR & MEDIA -
    PR Budget, Planning Worksheets
    Includes Everything On the PR & Media Panel
    Plus, Ongoing Updates!
  • FREE Promotionin All Media
    22 Sample Press Releases Media Calendar / Complete PR Tutorial
  • Marketing / Reseller Contracts
    Plain-English Agreement Templates
    Ideal for Systematizing Your Company
    If you are ever going to be able to take a vacation with a clear conscience, your people need to be properly trained on what to do, backed with complete documentation easily available to them -- making it unnecessary to always need you!
  • Safety Plan Builder OSHA Compliant
    Injury & Illness Prevention Handbook
    Covers 161+ Safe Work Practices - all documented and editable online. Print out your manual in Word or [best practice] provide online access to your employees to assure awareness of up-to-date practices and procedures.
  • Security & Loss Prevention
    Procedures to Protect Your Business
  • - R & D -
    Product Plans, Development Contracts

    Sample contract templates
    Work for Hire Agreement, Beta Test Forms
  • Excel-Based Calculators
    Do the Complex Math for You
    Makes Better Decision-Making Easier
  • - SALES -
    Announcements, Prospecting &
    Appointment-Setting Letters
  • Sales Proposal Builder
  • Customer Contact & Customer Service
    Scripts & Email Templates
  • Sales Contracts
    Plain-English Agreement Templates

  • Collaboration
    Add as Many People as You Want
    Work Together with Your Team & Advisors
    Add Prospective Buyers with Read-Only Access
    Work together on your company using these tools and collaborative "workbench"


Add Your Team for $1/Mo Each
All 3 Toolsets $97/mo



$81 / MO (2 months Free)
Add Your Team for $10/Mo Each

Annually $970



One-Time Investment
Add Your Team for $149 Each

Lifetime Access $1497

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