How much capital do you need to start / grow your company?

How much money do you need to get started or to keep growing?

Here is your “shopping list” for everything you need next to build your business.

Rather than pulling a number “out of the air” and declaring your funding requirements (top-down approach)
we recommend adding a “bottom-up” approach to be sure you include everything you need to cross the finish line.

To answer this question, we created this handy Excel®-based calculator.
(It’s one panel out of our BizPlanBuilder 5-year Visionary Funding Model)
Below shows just the first page:

best free ai startup capital requirements worksheet excel model

So, no matter where you are in your business-building, perhaps a reminder of your financial goal is in order.
(It’s but a small taste of the kind of thinking and tools we make for you.)
And perhaps the basis of inspiration for your business plan!

Download it here and start using it now.

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