Update your business growth and success playbook with the newest upgrade of BizPlanBuilder®

The original retail box!
35+ years refinement and funding success make this version of BizPlanBuilder the best ever!
Our experts and I have been regularly attending investor meetings and listening to what angel and venture capital investors, as well as SBA-backed lenders, want from entrepreneurs and business owners today.
They haven’t changed much, but they want better substantiation of your plans.
We’ve done a tremendous amount of development work since you’ve last seen BizPlanBuilder. Not only have we upgraded all of the text, we have dramatically improved the financial model spreadsheets with more calculators and a bunch of graphs.
We also read a tremendous number of journals, receive a wide variety of e-zines, and constantly access many web sites and blogs looking for ways to make BizPlanBuilder better for you. Also, customers constantly contact us with questions, ideas and success stories. And, we’ve learned a lot ourselves from running a successful and profitable business over the past 30 years!
“Wow! This is a huge difference compared to the version I bought back in the mid 90s.
Nice work.”
~ Mark Gascon, health-mart.com
Is it worth upgrading to the newest BizPlanBuilder?
It’s probably not if you have just written your business plan—just edit that and keep going.
However, to take advantage of the new content, financial models as well as the multi-user, collaborative features, purchasing this upgrade to write a new business plan is well worth it.
If you have any older version of BizPlanBuilder (or any other business plan software), and you want to write the best plan possible for today’s market, then, yes, it would be worth it to upgrade BizPlanBuilder.
Questions? Please. Call us: 1-800-346-5426
“The user interface is slick and improved. The biggest improvements that I can see are the new content and the sharing mode.”
~ David Handel, Beaux Arts du Soleil, Absecon, NJ

Upgrade your strategy and plan for growth…
It’s all of our content from 36+ years of successful experience
remastered into a seamless cloud-based collaborative platform for building your company.
Click above to see the demo video — Invest a few minutes and take a tour of the dashboard to this revolutionary business-building machine.
“I have been a long time customer of [JIAN] Business Power Tools using BizPlanBuilder and Marketing Builder to start several companies
including one public company, with three more in the works. Your products have saved me MUCH time and energy.
I also enjoyed your book, Business Black Belt — finding many parallels to my philosophies.”
~ Russ Benefield, Pompano Beach, FL
Upgrade: Friendly + fully customizable financial models
Investors still like to see a good spreadsheet.
Whether you’re writing a formal business plan for investors or developing a meaningful forecast for your business, the financial models BizPlanBuilder will make the process easier, faster and maybe — even fun!
The previous proven Excel-based spreadsheet models have been updated and uploaded to the online dashboard.
They are completely customizable online and can be downloaded to Excel.
Now you can easily collaborate online with your team and advisors.
“As an expert financial consultant, I was amazed at the depth of the package and its ease of use.”
~ Tom Devine, The Clayton Group, New York
Want to Upgrade Just Your Financial Model?
Dashboard Subscription
- Cloud-based BizPlanBuilder Online
One-Year Subscription, Renews Annually - Unlimited Team & Advisor Collaboration
Add-on for $1 / Mo Each
You control all access to panels/apps
Also between PCs MacsYou can add an unlimited number of additional users...
You also control access as well as read/write or read-only permission. - Pre-written Sample Business Plans
150+ industry-specific sample plan templates get you going - Tutorial Videos Introduce Each Section
What Investors & Lenders are looking for. - Wizard-driven Financial Model
Easy to project sales, costs, profit - Three 100% Customizable Excel-Based Financial Workbooks
"Visionary Funding," "Expansion Plan," & Non-Profit templates
Easily adaptable to model your business.If you are an Excel user, you'll love the 100% flexibility to customize your financial model. - Includes PowerPoint / Keynote
Investor presentation ("Pitch" Deck) template.
Tutorial guides you step-by-step through a successful pitch.We've watched and given many presentations over the past 30+ years, and studied the process even further to provide this compelling template. - Includes Incentive Stock Options Plan
Compensate consultants, advisors and others who help you get started.
Save cash and inspire your people with ownership shares.
Includes Capitalization Worksheet & Shareholder Ownership Tracking - Supplemental Intro Letters, Templates, and Worksheets
Supporting your strategy or raising capital.Invite letters to Advisors and Board Candidates
Start-Up Checklist
Cover Letters to Angels, Banks, Venture Capitalists - Includes Corp & LLC Formation Doc Templates
Articles, By-Laws, Operating Agreement, Unit Allocation... - Funding Resources
Sources of Angel Investors, Venture Capital, and Lenders
+ "Funding Plan" strategy for attracting investors. - CRM System Manages:
VIPs, Vendors, Investors...
+ Tasks + Events + Programs + Proposals - Global 24/7 Secure Access
Automatic Back-Up & Restore - No Contract, No Commitment
Cancel/Suspend Anytime.
We Save Your Work.Use the system as long as you need it.
You may want to keep it open and allow investors and certain others read-only access.
Refunds Cannot Be Pro-Rated. - Secure Data Room for Sharing Investment Docs
Give investors secure access to your plan, financials and pitch deck
Upgrade overview: Easy. Fast. Professional. Better.

We’ve made a lot of improvements since you’ve seen it last.
Now get more than ever!
- Upgraded user interface makes it easy to find plan documents, Excel workbooks, PowerPoint presentation and sample plans.
- Microsoft Office integration allows you to work in a familiar environment – you already know how to use it!
- Customizable, comprehensive Word templates form the basis for the entire business plan – Add/Edit/Format text any way you like!
- Menus show every tool – it’s easy to jump around and work where you want. The system keeps you organized.
- Progressive plan enables you to start small and build. Click the sections you want to include – add more later.
- Drag & Drop customization lets you change the order of the sections and organize your plan any way you like.
- Grab sections from any template set and build a custom plan to suit your business.
- Proven plan content & format has raised hundreds of millions through angels, banks, VCs, SBA and others.
- Tab from variable to variable – quickly fill in the blanks & complete the sentences.
- Written/edited by a former Sharper Image Catalog® copywriter – an effective, persuasive style structure you can follow and complete.
- Expert Comments throughout help you along the way – Turn them Off/On with just one click.
- Excel worksheets calculate figures & create impressive tables to support your plan.
- Quick-fill assumptions pages enable easy top-down or bottom-up forecasting.
- Project sales by product/line/marketing channel – including seasonal & mix adjustment.
- Customizable HR planning pages help you plan staffing, payroll and space requirements.
- One-click access to answers, experts, investors, market statistics & resources.
- 18,000+ business segment benchmarks back-up your marketing analysis & financial assumptions
- 34 ratios defined & measured with free access to BizStats to compare (we even offer ideas&help;).
- One-page “What-if…” shows best & worst case scenarios without replicating everything.
- Business valuation & investor analysis calculates ROI & stock give-up.
- Works equally well for external funding or bootstrapping approach.
- Publish your business plans to HTML format – Ideal for distributing your plan electronically.
- Build new plans from previous plans – create your own customizable templates.
- Free Video — “The Thinking Behind Your Business Plan”
- 350-page ebook — “The Handbook of Business Planning” full of expertise and time-tested wisdom on business and planning!
- Become fully literate in investor & lender requirements & terminology.
- 54 supporting documents to assure your success:
- Free PowerPoint template helps you produce a professional presentation quickly and easily.
- Cover letter templates to: Investors, Lenders, Friends…
- Investor tracking spreadsheet.
- Invite letters to Board members & advisors
- + $600 worth of extras!
“Burke, I get your new version business plan every few years, it has always been the best on the market. This latest version is the best yet, thank you.”
– Ed Hoessman, www.igcassociates.com
Plus, there’s more to BizPlanBuilder than just a business plan.
New toolbox / dashboard makes all of these supporting docs easily accessible
Updated: Pre-Planning Tools
- Business Assessment Questions
- Executive Team Bio Template
- Personal Assessment Questions
- Personal Mission Statement
- Vision Statement
- Writing About Your Business
Updated: Plan Presentation Tools
- Cover Letters to Your:
- Banker (for Loan/Line of Credit)
- Leasing Agent
- Angel Investor
- Venture Capitalist
- Non-Disclosure Agreements for:
- Banker
- Leasing Agent
- Investment Banker
- Investor Game Plan
- Business Plan Distribution Plan
- Deal Summary
- Elevator Pitch
- Email Introduction
- Investor Tracking
Updated: Resource Materials
- Believable Projections
- Business Topics of Interest w/Internet Links
- Developing Your Management Team
- Things to Think About
- What Investors Look For
Updated: Supporting Documents
- Articles of Incorporation
- Core Values & Core Practices
- Executive Summary Template
- Executive Team Responsibilities
- General Partnership Agreement
- Invitation to Board of Advisors
- Invitation to Board of Directors
- Personal Financial Statement
- Press Release—Announcement
- Stock Options Tracking
Updated: Tools to Manage Your Business
- Application for Business Credit
- Business Start-Up Checklist
- Commercial Lease
- Due Diligence Checklist
- Independent Contractor Agreement
- Management Notebook
- Lehman Formula Calculator
- Lehman Formula (Finder’s Fee) Agreement
- Private Offering Disclaimer
- Proceeds of Sale of Business
- Service Feedback Survey
- Service Invoice Log
- Services List
- Space Requirements Planning
- Trademark Instructions
- Trademark Overview
“We used your Biz Plan Builder and obtained a $450,000 SBA loan in 5 days. This was after we had been told by a number of “experts” (legal & financial) that it would take at least 90 days to get an approval and the most we could hope for would be $50,000 to $150,000. We were a raw start-up with absolutely no assets. The only thing we had going for us was our experience in the same business and your business plan. Thanks for your part.”
~ John K. Farr, II, www.AdhesiveFilms.com
Dashboard Subscription
- Cloud-based BizPlanBuilder Online
One-Year Subscription, Renews Annually - Unlimited Team & Advisor Collaboration
Add-on for $1 / Mo Each
You control all access to panels/apps
Also between PCs MacsYou can add an unlimited number of additional users...
You also control access as well as read/write or read-only permission. - Pre-written Sample Business Plans
150+ industry-specific sample plan templates get you going - Tutorial Videos Introduce Each Section
What Investors & Lenders are looking for. - Wizard-driven Financial Model
Easy to project sales, costs, profit - Three 100% Customizable Excel-Based Financial Workbooks
"Visionary Funding," "Expansion Plan," & Non-Profit templates
Easily adaptable to model your business.If you are an Excel user, you'll love the 100% flexibility to customize your financial model. - Includes PowerPoint / Keynote
Investor presentation ("Pitch" Deck) template.
Tutorial guides you step-by-step through a successful pitch.We've watched and given many presentations over the past 30+ years, and studied the process even further to provide this compelling template. - Includes Incentive Stock Options Plan
Compensate consultants, advisors and others who help you get started.
Save cash and inspire your people with ownership shares.
Includes Capitalization Worksheet & Shareholder Ownership Tracking - Supplemental Intro Letters, Templates, and Worksheets
Supporting your strategy or raising capital.Invite letters to Advisors and Board Candidates
Start-Up Checklist
Cover Letters to Angels, Banks, Venture Capitalists - Includes Corp & LLC Formation Doc Templates
Articles, By-Laws, Operating Agreement, Unit Allocation... - Funding Resources
Sources of Angel Investors, Venture Capital, and Lenders
+ "Funding Plan" strategy for attracting investors. - CRM System Manages:
VIPs, Vendors, Investors...
+ Tasks + Events + Programs + Proposals - Global 24/7 Secure Access
Automatic Back-Up & Restore - No Contract, No Commitment
Cancel/Suspend Anytime.
We Save Your Work.Use the system as long as you need it.
You may want to keep it open and allow investors and certain others read-only access.
Refunds Cannot Be Pro-Rated. - Secure Data Room for Sharing Investment Docs
Give investors secure access to your plan, financials and pitch deck