Strategic Planning, Start-Up and Growth Funding
The updated BizPlanBuilder® business planning software system + Supporting Toolbox with Financial Models, Contracts, CRM, and Worksheets
How Business Power Tools Can Help You Right Now
- Build a promising idea into a profitable company
- You want a business plan to attract team, investors, and partners
- Create a blueprint for self-funding/”bootstrapping” growth
- Your company urgently needs organization or a new strategy
- It’s essential to have a sophisticated investor pitch to raise capital
- Require flexible financial models customizable to your business
- Expertly forecast revenue, costs, profit, and company valuation
- You’re tired of pitching investors who just “don’t get it” – Or, they do get it,
but you need more than just a summary plan and pitch deck - You are an advisor or an accelerator and want a consistent, collaborative planning structure to help clients
This subscription is ideally suited to address the needs of today’s startup and growth companies.
The business plan is modular and progressive, starting simple and expanding as you need more.
Plus, we’ve consolidated all the templates from our successful software series into one dashboard.

Dashboard Includes All Panels for Ongoing Planning, Strategy, and Financing
Add as Many People as You Want for $1/Mo Each | Cancel/Suspend Anytime | 60-Day Guarantee
Management/HR/Procedures Subscription | Marketing/PR/Sales Subscription | EVERYTHING Deal Subscription
Start with the proven business planning system
Here’s your roadmap for growth and/or to raise $50,000 – $50,000,000+
This scalable business funding plan system enhances the “business model canvas” and supports “lean” startup iteration enabling everything from a summary to a full execution plan for going forward.
“Bootstrapping” a “Lean Startup” or Self-Funding Without Outside Investors?
Over the past 30+ years, many of our subscribers have bypassed outside investors in favor of organically building their businesses and keeping full control. We did that too, and originally created BizPlanBuilder for ourselves — and we used it ourselves with banks ($750,000), the SBA ($225,000), as well as a few angel investors ($200,000). You’ll also read many testimonials here from customers who have raised many millions (collectively Billions now) through all kinds of financial sources.
Looking to Raise Capital?
Only 3-5% of startups get funded. Why? Because a summary and pitch deck just aren’t enough to go the distance.
Investors may get excited at first, but wake-up tomorrow with questions… and want to drill-down for proof that you’ve thoroughly researched your industry and business, and have the capability for success.
System Increases the Value of Your Business
Unlike “business plan software” elsewhere, here you also get the supporting docs you need for long-term versatility — all in one place. (Easily update and re-use this multi-purpose business planning system going forward.) When you keep your documents all in one place, it makes it easier for an acquiror or investor to see the greatest value in your company.
$27 / mo
Do-it-yourself now and save about 6 months plus about $5,000 – $10,000
Add as many of your Team and Advisors as you want for just $1 / mo each
Includes Selected Panels on the Company Command Center Dashboard
- BizPlanBuilder 2020 business plan software template system
- Customizable financial models for a perfect fit to your business
- Video tutorials explain what investors and lenders are looking for
- Proven “Pitch Deck” template with commentary
- Funding sources of all kinds to provide cash
- Stock Options documentation
- Intellectual Property Management tools
- All the Supporting Documents…
Scroll-down to see everything included…
1) Access Everything on the Business Plan Panel
When you need a detailed execution plan and/or a credible and persuasive presentation to raise capital
Start-Up Growth & Survival
Success With Or Without Investors
- Simplified task list
- Evolved over 30+ years
- Writes a comprehensive business funding / growth plan
- Updated wizard-driven financial model does all the math for you
- “Best Business Plan Software”
News & Blogs
- Customizable feed for newest news
Enlightened Entrepreneur
- Our blog feed curating “best practices”
Financial Models
- Customizable Excel-based projection models
- Fund a startup / growing company
- “Elevator” Pitch worksheet – Craft your perfect 30-second introduction (with coaching)
Supporting Documents
- Letter templates inviting advisors and board members
Video tutorials
- Brief intro videos describe, “What investors and lenders are looking for” in each section of your business plan
Investor Presentation
- Proven investor “pitch” deck template
“Handbook of Business Planning“
- Answers, Direction, Ideas
- Supporting products and services
See the Real Screen — Click on the Image Above

The original business planning software template system.
Evolved. Updated. Integrated. Best Ever.
2) Access Everything on the Finance Panel
For the Chief Financial Officer… Tools for making better investment decisions
Financial Architecture
Manage Your Money
- Remember these financial tasks to complete
Financial Models
- Quick answers to complex math questions
- Excel-based calculators
News & Blogs
- Customizable feed for the latest news
Financial Finesse
- Our blog feed curating “best practices”
Funding Resources
- Growing list of reliable capital sources
Supporting Docs
- Useful letter and document templates
- Record of all investor activity
- Options tracking
- Complete set of templates
- Save cash, compensate with shares
- Sample contract templates
- Convertible Notes, etc.
- Series of escalating collections letters
- Supporting products and services
3) Access Everything on the Legal Panel
Tools and templates for making better deals to grow and protect your company
Protect Your Company
Dot All “I”s and Cross All “T”s
- Simplified legal to-do list
Intellectual Property
- Keep track of copyrights, trademarks, and patents
News & Blogs
- Customizable feed for newest news
Legal Leadership
- Our blog feed curating “best practices”
- Quick answers to complex math questions
Corporate Docs
Useful templates: LLC Formation, Bylaws…
Handbook of Business Law
- Primer for non-legal entrepreneurs
Agreement Templates
- Sample contract templates save attorney time and help speed negotiations
- Additional access to supporting products and services
4) Access Everything on the Management Panel
For the captain of the ship — Tools to make better overall decisions
Lead Your Company
Expands Your Capacity to Manage
- Simplified To-Do list
Management Tools
- Execution plan, Team priorities…
News & Blogs
- Customizable feed for newest news
Conscious Leadership
- Our blog feed curating “best practices”
- Quick answers to complex math questions
Worksheets & Supporting Docs
- Useful templates for getting things done
- Mature company sophistication now
Board Meeting Minutes
- Document all meetings for corporate compliance
Management Team Bios
- Who your leaders are, for everyone to know
- Additional access to supporting products and services
5) Access Everything on the R&D Panel
Where new ideas and innovations are developed and vetted
Where new ideas come to life
- Simplified R&D task list
Product Plans
- Ideas, background and development steps
News & Blogs
- Customizable feed for news and trends
Informed Invention
- Our blog feed curating “best practices”
- Quick answers to complex math questions
Worksheets & Supporting Docs
- Useful templates
- Sample contract templates, including licensing
- Additional access to supporting products and services
6) Access Everything on the Contacts Panel
Your solution to “Herding Cats” – CRM + Tasks, Notes, Events, Marketing Programs, and Proposals
Track Your People & Projects
Advisors, Contractors, Vendors, VIPS
- Activities & Events Forthcoming
- Useful for Keeping Momentum with Investors
- Contact Info for Advisors, Contractors, Vendors, VIPS
- When Everything Happens
- Priorities
- Assignments
- Schedule
- Easily capture the essence of all contacts
- “S/he who has the most paperwork wins”
- What, When, Where, and Why
- Preparation, Checklists
Marketing Programs
- Ad Campaigns
- Coordinate Timing of All Media
- Deals in Progress
- Deals Done
7) Access to Everything on the Home Panel
The “center of truth” — Where everyone is on the same page… The right-hand knows what the left-hand is doing
Company Bulletin Board
“1,000 foot view” for Your People
- Activities and events forthcoming
Vision, Mission and Purpose
- Why you’re here and how you help people
Values & Practices
- How you consciously behave at work
- New info from Business Power Tools
- All about the people who buy from you
Competitive Advantages
- How and why you’re better!
Sales Channels
- Where you sell your stuff
Product / Service Descriptions
- Everyone Sells! Special Offers
Key Performance Metrics
- How you know how well you’re doing (coming soon)
Business Model
- How the company makes money
Social Media Community
- Instant access to all feeds
8) Access to everything on the Downloads panel
For those apps that must be downloaded
Download and Install
Downloadable Windows software
- The activation Serial Code is below the [Download] button
Business Black Belt – PDF ebook
- Develop your ntrepreneurial emotional intelligence

Your Deal…
Get ALL of the Above for: $27 / mo

Just $22.50 / mo when Paid Annually
Click here for a $270 Annual Subscription
(Pay for 10 Months, Get 2 Months Free)
Cloud-Based Apps and Templates
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