Here’s the fastest, easiest, lowest-cost way to publish a safe work practices handbook to protect your people from injuries and your business from lawsuits and OSHA fines.


OSHA Injury and Illness Prevention (IIPP) – Safety Training Handbook

Done-for-you in an easily customizable software template that you can implement in minutes.

Why SafetyPlanBuilder… Why you… Why now…

  • Immediately demonstrate to OSHA that you take safety seriously.
  • Learn much about safe work practices, policies & procedures.
  • Train your people to behave safely to avoid jeopardizing your business.
  • Start with 161 safe work practices already defined and documented.
  • Save on Workers’ Comp insurance.
  • Why spend $3,000 – $5,000 paying someone else…
  • When you can simply do it yourself? Quickly. Easily. Better.
  • Discourage lawyers with a good manual & employee agreement.

OSHA may think they can squeeze a juicy fine out of you…

Until they read your safety plan!

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Includes comprehensive Covid-19 policy

  • Policies and procedures for cleaning, gatherings, meetings, travel…
  • Includes the “Families First Coronavirus Response Act: Employee Paid Leave Rights”
  • With links to the CDC for immediate updates

In the time it takes for an OSHA inspector to walk in your front door for a “courtesy visit” — actually looking for your company’s unsafe work practices — you can have your manual printing before s/he finds reasons to fine you upwards of $7,000-$13,000 or more!

It may seem the “clear and present danger” is OSHA, but it really is necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy work environment. In addition to protecting your people, you protect valuable company assets, as well as prevent production downtime, and the costs of lost time.

Here’s what you and your people need to know and do — Already in an easily editable handbook.
And it will keep OSHA out of your pocket!

The risk of getting a visit from OSHA is more likely than ever with increased enforcement actions. This informative software system will prepare you and your managers for an OSHA inspection, minimizing legal risks, headaches and, of course, injuries.

Over the last year OSHA has been rolling out several rule changes to update and tighten policies, showing its commitment to a more aggressive enforcement agenda. Don’t get caught unprepared, use Safety Plan Builder Illness & Injury prevention plan software to prepare your workplace for an OSHA Inspection.

“Using Safety Plan Builder can save a company thousands or even millions of dollars in reduced or avoided legal judgments. Believe me when I say that plaintiff attorneys just don’t want to come up against this type of written plan!”
~ Mark Thierman, Labor Law Attorney, San Francisco, CA

Writes a safety plan and training handbook quickly and easily.

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Use the Actual Safety Plan Online — No Credit Card Required

Click “Procedures” in the Middle-Menu Bar, See “Safety” Top/Middle

Safety Plan Builder software helps you publish a custom illness and injury prevention manual to quickly and easily comply with OSHA.

(California SB-198 too), avoid lawsuits, train your employees, and provide a safe workplace.

If you haven’t created your company’s safety program or you have been tasked with writing a safety plan, Safety Plan Builder is the place to start.

Menu-driven from start to finish, its organized system gives you a comprehensive Injury & Illness Prevention Plan manual that has been thoroughly proven.

There are no new programs to learn — just click and edit.

  1. For Business Owners, Office Managers, HR Consultants, Safety Officers.
  2. Click on 161 safe work practice categories.
  3. Over 250 pre-written templates of industry-specific Safe Work Practices.
  4. Check the boxes for each section you want to include in your final printed document.
  5. Scroll through each section and edit for an exact fit to your business.
  6. Customize with your own logo & images.
  7. Insert your own content or create new sections.
  8. Drag & drop sections to change the order.
  9. Experts’ comments throughout each section guide you every step of the way, explaining issues and offering suggestions.
  10. Cloud-based collaboration.
  11. Share your plan online with consultants, partners, and employees.
  12. Export to Word or share on your website.

“We’ve had Safety Plan Builder in the past and it’s a great product. It really saves time and money by providing all the research that you would have to do on your own and puts it into the correct format that OSHA understands and accepts. We highly recommend this product to anyone who needs to establish a Safety Plan for their business.”
~ Bruce Whitten, Fred’s Crane Service

Open Safety Plan Builder and comply with OSHA ASAP.

Comply with osha injury and illness prevention training manual handbook software template online app
Image copyrighted by Business Power Tools
osha ladder safety training manual template

The federal Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) sets a national minimum standard for safety, but allows local jurisdictions to adopt standards which are at least as stringent. Under common law, as an employer, you are obligated to provide your employees with a safe place to work.

How OSHA defines workplace safety?

Although OSHA does not formally define workplace safety, it does lay out requirements for employers.
Per the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, employers must take the following steps to ensure workplace safety:

  • Ensure that their workplaces are free of serious recognized hazards.
  • Maintain workplace conditions that adhere to OSHA standards.
  • Provide and maintain safe employee tools and equipment.
  • Warn employees of potential hazards, using clear, obvious signage.
  • Post OSHA citations near unsafe spaces for three days or until the area is safe again, whichever period is longer.
  • Establish safe operation procedures, and alert employees to any updates.
  • Train employees in workplace safety procedures, using clear, obvious language.
  • Explain safe use, incident prevention and hazardous exposure procedures for any chemicals used in the workplace.
  • Keep data sheets on hand for all hazardous materials.
  • Adhere to OSHA standards regarding, if applicable, training and medical examinations.
  • Place an OSHA poster or your state’s equivalent, if applicable, in a heavily trafficked workplace location.
  • Report workplace incidents to your nearest OSHA office. The following timeline applies:
    • Work-related deaths must be reported within eight hours.
    • Work-related amputations, eye losses and inpatient hospitalizations must be reported within 24 hours.
  • With limited exceptions, keep records of all work-related illnesses and injuries, and make them available to current and former employees.
  • Share medical and exposure records with employees.
  • Accommodate OSHA compliance officer requests during inspections.
  • Do not discriminate against employees pursuing legal or other action under OSHA standards.

OSHA’s “General Duty Clause” states…

“Each employer shall furnish to each of his employees employment and place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees.”

OSHA defines “recognized hazards” in its recently revised Field Operations Manual (FOM) for inspectors, and lists three ways in which a hazard qualifies as recognized:

  • Employer recognition: This can be established by evidence of actual employer knowledge of a hazardous condition
  • Industry recognition: A hazard is recognized if the employer’s industry is aware of its existence
  • Common sense recognition: The FOM states, “Hazard recognition can still be established if a hazardous condition is so obvious that any reasonable person would have recognized it.”

As a business person, you must provide customers, vendors and other people who visit your company site with safe passage. As an owner or occupant of any property, you must maintain it in a condition safe for everyone who comes onto your property.

Besides obviously making everything right, what proof do you have that you are interested in safety and have done something about having a safe workplace? A written safety handbook can be your best defense against lawsuits…

Believe it…

Produce Your Safety Plan Here

Cloud-Based App & Templates — Works for BOTH PCs & Macs!
Includes Ongoing Updates — Renews Annually

Add unlimited additional team & advisors to your
initial subscription for just $1 / mo each!
Enhanced 128-bit Cyber Security — You control access, user by user!
Give your team & consultants access to collaborate or just read-only.

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Scroll-Down for Our HR Bundle Deal

“Well done! …I would emphasize the speed and anyone-can-do-it nature of the program. I think it’s a great product and I think it is a great step forward in our ability to provide safe and healthful places of employment.”
~ Jack Wright, Certified Safety Professional, Chattanooga, TN

OUCH!!! Did you know that…

A simple lock-out block-out device could have saved the lives of two men who were cleaning a tire manufacturing machine at the Bridgestone Tire & Rubber Company in Akron, Ohio. The lock-out is placed on the On/Off switch to prevent anyone from accidentally starting the machine. The block-out device is like a steel bar wedged in the gears that prevents the machine from moving. Apparently the men used neither device and were unaware of the hazard.


The director of OSHA personally delivered a $7.4 million penalty against Bridgestone!

A $150 investment in SafetyPlanBuilder and a few minutes’ work to create a written company safety manual might have prevented this tragic accident and saved Bridgestone millions! It can for you. Comply with OSHA workplace regulations with ease!

More safety horror stories

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electric osha safety procedures training manual success case software template“I have been using your “Safety Plan Builder” for about 15 years. It is so adaptable and the best part is that when a customer requests a copy of my company safety plan, its ‘just a click away’!”
~ Joe Palmeri, Palmeri Electric

See it in action and review a copy of the actual handbook.

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Got Robots?

industrial robot safety

Read a copy of the master template here

Use the Actual Safety Plan Online — No Credit Card Required


Click “Login” (Top / Right), Join as a Guest, then Click “Safety” (Top / Center)


Notice the first few pages…

  • Introductory memo (can easily be copied into an email) to employees.
  • Receipt & Acknowledgment of your written Safety Manual
    This letter + your safety plan goes a long way toward discouraging a plaintiff’s lawyer
  • Cover Page
  • Table of Contents
  • General Code of Safe Work Practices
  • Responsible Safety Officer
  • Employee Health Services
  • Emergencies
  • Safety Training

“I feel that the safety plan is very comprehensive and will be a great template for us to use to tailor our company’s safety plan. Along with our HR Manager, we both read the plan and concur that we will definitely use this template as it covers all aspects of our company and safety issues that we deal with daily. I would recommend this plan to any company looking to establish a Safety Plan, whether it be a new company, or an existing company wanting to revise their current plan.”
~ John Crawford, Director of Facilities, AM Management

Be Safety Compliant in All 50 States

And save money on Workers Comp, Liability insurance…?!? Ask your Agent

It’s a tangled mess of complicated laws, but Safety Plan Builder sorts it all out for you.
When laws differ, Safety Plan Builder takes the highest legal standard and builds it
into your plan — to offer you and your employees maximum protection. The result?

  • A comprehensive, industry and state-specific safety plan that complies
    with all applicable OSHA and state laws
  • The customized safety manual can be a tool for self-auditing your facility
  • Identifying each safety hazard and potential safety problem in your work environment
  • Once identified, the manual provides clear and concise language for dealing with the problem
  • Just having a written safety plan usually reduces the fines to one-tenth of the average

Don’t think you’re safe if your business is office-based rather than industrial.
You’re still required to comply with OSHA, and you’re still vulnerable to lawsuits!
A written safety manual is important.

Talk to your insurance agent

You may be able to save up to 15% on workers comp and Employer Liability Insurance (EPLI)
and other insurance policies. Safety Plan Builder can more than pay for itself.

In addition to the legal protection, a written safety plan can boost morale, preserve the health
and productivity of your employees, and help create a positive atmosphere in your workplace.
With Safety Plan Builder, everybody wins.

Business Insurance Producer? Click Here…

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“I would recommend this program to anyone in the trades. It’s an excellent safety program that covers all the bases.”
~ James Stashluk, Owner, Stashluk Mechanical Contractors, Pittstown, NJ

161 safe work practice categories covered.

Simply check the boxes for the policies & procedures you need…

Menu-driven from start to finish, Safety Plan Builder’s organized system gives you
a comprehensive Injury & Illness Prevention manual that has been thoroughly proven.

Evaluation Checklist

Safety Rules

Employee Compliance Safety Posters

Responsible Safety Officer

  • Duties
  • Operations
  • Industrial Hygiene

Workplace Safety

  • Accidents
  • Safety Practices
  • Safety Equipment & Clothing
  • Security
  • Employee Medical Service


  • Building Emergency Plan
  • Emergency Action Plan
  • Emergency Procedures

Safety Training

  • Communication
  • Hazard Identification
  • Hazard Warnings
  • Accident Investigation
  • Record-Keeping

Safe Work Practices

  • Cold
  • Ergonomics
  • Fire
  • First Aid Kits
  • Heat Illness Prevention
  • Lock-out / Block-out Procedures
  • Abrasive Wheel Equipment (Grinders)
  • Compressed Air
  • Abrasive Blasting Operations
  • [Paint] Spraying Operations
  • Tools
  • Welding

Offsite Operations

Work Environment


  • Fire Fighting Equipment
  • Equipment Rooms & Construction Areas
  • Lighting & Exit

Compaction Equipment

Confined Spaces

  • Confined Spaces Permits Requirements

Biological Hazards

  • Medical Waste Disposal
  • Airborne Contaminants
  • Working with Infectious Agents
  • COVID – 19


  • Practices & Controls
  • Asbestos
  • Chlorinated Hydrocarbons
  • Fiberglass
  • Flammable Liquids
  • Fluorocarbon Solvents
  • Mercury
  • Oxygen Pumping in Vacuum Systems
  • Peroxidizable Compounds
  • Polychlorinated Biphenyls

Chemical Safety

  • Supervisor Responsibilities
  • Hazardous Chemical Exposure
  • Safety Equipment, Storage & Emergencies
  • Disposal of Chemicals
  • Beryllium
  • Cadmium

Cryogenic Fluids

  • Safety Practices
  • Dewars

Construction / Building Management

  • Contractors
  • Accidents On Site
  • Demolishing Buildings
  • Excavation
  • Ladders
  • Powder Actuated Tools
  • Pre-Job Conferences
  • Scaffolds
  • Stop Work Orders
  • Window Cleaning

Electrical Safety

  • Working With Energized Equipment
  • Type of Hazards
  • Chain of Command
  • Safety Practices
  • Danger with Large Capacitors
  • Danger with Large Magnets
  • Lock-Out / Tag-Out Procedures
  • Radiation Hazards
  • Storage Batteries


  • Benzene
  • Compressed Gases
  • Hydrogen, Oxygen…
  • Supervisor Responsibilities

Hydrogen Furnaces

Kitchen Safety

Laser Safety

Machine Guarding

  • Electrical Tag Out

Materials Handling

  • Cranes
  • Forklifts
  • Hoists
  • Lifting Fixtures


Protective Equipment


  • Quality Control
  • Air Gap Separation

Traffic & Transportation

  • Transporting Employees & Materials


  • Mowers
  • Grain Handling Facility


  • Training & Practices
  • Facilities
  • Storage
  • Warning Notices
  • Fumigation
  • Temporary Labor Camp
  • Water & Food


Seismic Safety

  • Standards
  • Shielding


  • Pressure Testing

Explosives – Handling & Storage

  • Explosives Transportation
  • Use of Explosives


  • Equipment Operation
  • Felling
  • Falling & Bucking
  • Skidding & Hauling
  • Logging Machines
  • Yarding Requirements
  • Safe Work Procedures


  • Helicopter Operations

Oil & Gas Wells

  • Operational Specifics
  • General Drilling Rules
  • Emergency Equipment

Pulp & Paper Mills

  • Handling Pulp Chips
  • Saws
  • Bleach Plant
  • Pulp Handling
  • Paper Machines

Sawmills & Woodworking

  • Mechanical Barkers
  • Head Rigs & Feed Works
  • Saws
  • Miscellaneous Wood-Working
  • Veneer & Plywood Plants
  • Shake & Shingle Machinery
  • Saw Filing & Grinding

Steel & Hot Metal Handling

Academic workplace safety instructor Professor Truman State University“I have used the Business Power Tools’ Safety Plan system for many years in my classroom. Teaching an introductory unit on occupational health at the undergraduate level, I have found it to be a great teaching tool. Students can see and do what it takes to create a well-organized, comprehensive, tailored safety plan ‘in the real world’.”
~ Carol Cox, Professor, Truman State University

A Complete Illness & Injury Prevention Plan (IIPP) in Minutes

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All elements of your safety plan are expertly drafted for you

Thanks to its huge database, SafetyPlanBuilder easily manages more than 250 pre-written pages of industry-specific Safe Work Practices. Easy-to-use menus help you select the paragraphs appropriate to your for your business or industry and state. And you can easily customize it for use as a handy training manual for your employees. Within minutes, SafetyPlanBuilder automatically assembles a complete document:

If publishing a safety plan is on your to-do list, you can get it done and in place quickly. Time it… about 20 minutes from start to finish!

  1. Select your [[Industry]]…
  2. Pull-down from the NAICS listing to auto-fill your industry throughout.
  3. [[Select your State]]
  4. Next, [[Enter your Company variables]]
    1. Company Name
    2. Safety Officer
    3. Where Safety Notices are posted
    4. Where SDSs are kept
    5. Where Emergency Phone Numbers are listed
    6. Where Eyewash is kept
  5. Save & Print!
    (Best Practice: Give employees online / read-only access, only $1 each/mo. )

“The download was flawless. I used this product several years ago at another company. When I needed to make a safety plan for at my new company I started searching the web for this product. I took less than 1/2 hour to make the plan and get it out to the field. Thanks.”
~ Greg Moss, Director of Construction, GenCap Construction

Produce Your Safety Plan Here

Cloud-Based App & Templates — Works for BOTH PCs & Macs!
Includes Ongoing Updates — Renews Annually

Add unlimited additional team & advisors
to your subscription for just $1 / mo each
Enhanced 128-bit Cyber Security — You control access, user by user
Give your team & advisors access to collaborate or just read-only.

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Management Policies & Procedures Toolset subscription deal..

Money-Saving Subscription Offer: $47 / mo

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  • HR File Builder ($297 1x)
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Enhanced 128-bit Cyber Security
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System Details Here…