“Yes! I do…”
Congratulations, they’re interested!
But the next step could either make or break your deal…
Now that you have an investor’s attention, you’ll need a brief and very compelling
summary business presentation they can take away to consider:
- Why your product?
- Why now?
- Why from you?
Your objective at this point is to get a meeting where you can present the bigger picture.
The perfect support to or replacement for the lean business model canvas
You may not require a full business plan yet.
But investors, donors, or lenders will want to see something in writing that inspires
them to meet with you and discuss your deal further.
If your model is close and you’re ready to talk with investors, donors, or lenders,
this is the right tool to use now.
SBA loans require a business plan
It’s often the most difficult part of your application.
Until now.
Get funded faster.
This 2-Page Summary Business Plan has repeatedly proven sufficient
and successful for SBA lenders. If you’re in a hurry, use this tool.
You’ll need some numbers…
Simple, done-for-you Excel-based worksheet template…
What if you had a handy worksheet to first quickly test the “financial feasibility” of your concept?
We include this Excel® worksheet to help you play “what-if” with demand, prices, costs, profit…
and an investment deal.
You’re competing for investors’, donors’, and lenders’ money so your numbers
had better look good and you must understand them!
Questions will be asked…
Never look like a deer in headlights!
This is your quick, easy way to get started with a set of templates to prepare
a brief 2-page business presentation summary.
It’s also designed to build your case from the bottom-up as well as from the top down.
Too many entrepreneurs claim they’ll “…do a $ million in the first year…”
Investors, donors, or lenders want details and proof to see how you’ll get there from here.
Bonus Tutorials: We’ll walk you through the whole process…
The “Kickstart Your Business Plan” online course.
As a BONUS, and to support you even further to raise capital, we added a guided
4-Step Online Course, created from years of experience helping people like you get funded quickly.
Learn the steps to preparing, meeting with and demonstrating what you know
about your business to investors, donors, or lenders.
VIDEO – Watch this Brief Intro to the Executive Summary
The results may surprise you because over 30 years we’ve learned how to make it as quick, fast, and easy as possible — from helping more than 2 million people write compelling business plans that raise capital.
With these special tools, never before offered in an affordable and easy way, you will be prepared to create a comprehensive Summary Business Plan like so many of our subscribers have done to get started on the right foot with investors, donors, or lenders of all kinds.
Download Now for $37Everything you get for $37:
Your Instant Pitch-Kit to engage Investors, Donors, Lenders, Licensees, or Buyers
- Sample Summary Business Plan Template (Word)
- Sample Revenue Model / Feasibility Template (Excel)
- Elevator Pitch Worksheet (Word)
- Sample Cover Letter Template ⇒ Angel / VC Investor (Word)
- Sample Cover Letter Template ⇒ Bank / SBA Lender (Word)
- Sample Cover Letter Template ⇒ Leasing Agent (Word)
- Sample Cover Letter Template ⇒ Loan Summary(Word)
- Sample NDA (Not for investors, but most others!) (Word)
- 10 1-5 minute videos where Business Power Tools CEO, Burke Franklin, explains
what investors, donors, and lenders are looking for in you and your business plan - 4-part mini course walks you through the entire process of raising capital
Best of all, everything is yours to download and keep!
Get Your Plan to Lenders & Investors ASAP: $37When it’s really time to go big…
This comprehensive strategic planning, modeling and presentation system…
Is your unfair advantage with Investors, Donors, Lenders, and others.
Special offer on BizPlanBuilder®, the business blueprint that wins funding
If your initial meeting is successful and the investor, donor, or lender is interested,
they will likely want to see your execution plan.
(They want to know as much as possible — and everything you know!)
Also as you’ve probably learned during your research on the web, writing a business plan
is as much for your own good as it is for impressing investors!
Whether you’re raising $5,000 – $50 million or more, convincing anyone to give you
their money is going to take some smart work.
Here’s the proven and trusted tool that gives you the most leverage to raise the capital you need.
BizPlanBuilder helps you write an investment-grade business plan quickly and efficiently.
It’s menu-driven from start to finish, and its organized system gives you sample plans,
built-in financial projections, and a proven PowerPoint investor “pitch” deck presentation template.
When you compare BizPlanBuilder with competitors, you’ll notice how many real successes our subscribers enjoy.
Best-selling is one thing, but actually being the most successful business planning
software / template system for raising capital is what really counts.
With 35+ years of advancements, 2+ million copies sold and billions raised, it’s the fastest,
easiest way to turn your ideas into a compelling plan and successful company.
Angel investors, wealthy donors, banks, the SBA, and venture capitalists worldwide have all
funded companies who have presented them with plans created using BizPlanBuilder.
Now you can too.
Save $37 on cloud-based BizPlanBuilder online, use Discount Code: DGRSFVMU