#Startup business plan / planning, funding, strategy, operations, scaling / selling your company.

Here’s your best deal on a complete toolset for preparing a Business Plan / Roadmap for investors as well as a Strategic and/or Operational plans. Includes easy-to-edit descriptive text, Financial Models, Pitch Deck template, letters to advisors, etc. Includes links to multiple financing sources.

BizPlanBuilder® official site – Best Business Plan Builder software template – Raise capital / Strategic planning / Pitch deck

You’ve assembled your team and raised some initial funding (or need to). Now it’s time to build a solid plan to grow your business and/or raise capital. Here’s the strategic business roadmap planning and credibility-building system you may have heard a lot about — from other entrepreneurs, business owners, CEOs, investors, and consultants. Click to learn more…

License your idea, invention, product, intellectual property – software template

Why build a business when you can make more money faster by licensing your product to a large, well-financed company with the infrastructure, distribution, and sales force already in place?   Paint a promising picture. Collect royalties. Do it with a compelling plan, financial projection, and pitch deck. Easy and fast. How to build your…