by The JIAN Technical Team
If you’ve purchase software from JIAN in the past 2 years, you have the capability to engage others in collaboration on your business plan, employee policies manual, press releases, stock options plan and safety plan (Our sample contract collection, AgreementBuilder as well as MarketingBuilder will be reintroduced in the new JIAN system within a month.)
In addition to providing all of our popular templates in Word, Excel and PowerPoint (MS Office XP/2003/2007), the new multi-user JIAN “MIDAS” system enables an unlimited number of team members, including owner/CEO, consultants, management team and employees with secure and controlled access to file-sharing and collaboration over a network, server, or the Internet. (That’s almost like Microsoft saying, here are all of these Excel templates and by the way you can use Excel for other things!)
You can use this capability to add Word docs, Excel files and PowerPoint presentations in to one project. Drag and drop to sort the order, print the entire thing, export to PDF or HTML. You already have the product! Go for it.
Look at what else can you do with this system!
Almost all of our Windows products work on this same software system. Besides the project templates we include, you also have an easy to use document assembly system you can use over and over again to put together your own projects like:
- Technical Handbooks
- Training Manuals
- Sales Presentations
- Investor Presentations
- a Novel
- Employee Reviews
- and much more!
We use our collaborative MIDAS system ourselves to put together the user manuals. You can enable a team of writers and editors from all over the planet to collaborate on documents. Next time you open Biz Plan Builder, Employee Manual Builder, Safety Plan Builder, etc. pull-down under File and you’ll see this little window.
License-wise, you’ll need an individual license for each user. The separate serial numbers will assure the proper check-in/check out for each user to prevent inadvertently overwriting each other’s work.
“Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires… courage.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1803-1882, Poet and Essayist