The business planning system created for collaboration.
Share your Business Plan with your team online.
Share secure access to your files over the Internet
Don’t be fooled by the old-school software that claims that it is collaborative, but makes you email files… then figure out which edits to cut and where to paste them back into your master document — that is NOT collaboration. It’s a lot of work with high potential for mistakes. Also, any one of you can inadvertently overwrite the others’ work. (Or they can overwrite yours!)
How multi-user collaboration really works.
The Business Power Tools system enables user A to check out one Word or Excel section of your business plan — other users are notified that the file is unavailable for editing (however, they may read it) until user A puts it back (checks it in). User B can then check out the file and make his/her edits. This prevents multiple users from making changes at the same time and over-writing each others work.
“The user interface is slick and improved.
The biggest improvements that I can see are the new content and the sharing mode.”
~ David Handel, Beaux Arts du Soleil, Absecon, NJ
Share your planning project with your team and consultants.
Entrepreneurial and/or consulting teams can easily divide projects and work together no matter where they are.
- Management Teams – Share the work and get your plan done.
- Consultants – Create plans and keep connected with your clients.
- Educators – Oversee and participate with your student teams.
- Investment Bankers – Quickly make changes and update plans.
Purchase licenses for more users for $67 each. Each gets their own serial number and can install the software on 3 of their own PCs. The system will manage how you work together — no one can open a doc checked out by someone else until that doc is checked back in… prevents overwriting each others work! Since the plan is in sections different people can check-out different sections and work on them while others works on other sections. If you want, you can order the first copy online, then call us to purchase copies for the additional users.
Convenience, even if you work by yourself…
Even if you are doing this project by yourself, you can enjoy anytime access to your files between your office, home PC and laptop!
Collaborate online
You can share files securely over the web. The application runs on your PC and the data file can be easily dragged and dropped to an internet-based folder. When you work together with your team, each of you will open documents stored online, edit them locally, then save them back to the online folder. Automatically.
Business Plan Builder protects your files with 128-bit encryption
128-bit encryption protects your projects, while still enabling secure control of additional users.
- This is the same level of security used by most banks!
- Add an unlimited number of additional users using password-protected access.
- Control all other users’ access, project by project: None / Read-Only / Full-Edit
- Section by section Check-Out & Check-In — enables ongoing work on different parts of your project and prevents saving and over-writing each others work.
Get your business plan done!

Upgrade to the Complete Strategic Business
Growth Plan / Roadmap Development System
Updated BizPlanBuilder Business Planning System
Ideal for growing the company / Strategic planning / Financing
Bootstrapping / Concept evaluation / Budgeting
Start-ups raising capital / Pre-money valuation
Teaching students "Real World" business
Efficiencies for advisors & accelerators- Our Best Deal for Start-ups, Early stage, Growing companies, & Non-profits
Includes the most tools & template options
+ Expanded dashboard - Compatible with All Browsers
Progressive & scalable — Start small, Come back to edit or add more
Modular system with drag 'n drop sequencing — Follow step x step or jump in anywhere. - Includes Full Access to ALL Content on Selected Panels
Home, Business Plan, Finance, Legal, Management, R&D - Pre-Written, Done-For-You Sample Business Plans
150+ Industry-Specific Sample Plan Templates Get You Going
"SWOT" analysis crucial for strategic planning prioritizes
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & ThreatsUnlike every other business plan templates, we actually intend for you to be able to use our copy vs. having to delete it or rewrite it. - Wizard-driven Financial Model
Makes it Easy to Project Sales, Costs, Profits, Headcount - 3 Fully customizable Excel-based financial workbooks
"Visionary Funding", "Expansion Plan", and Non-Profit models
Easily adaptable to model your organization.
Just plug-in your numbers, no formulas, no need to be a CFO..
CPA reviewed.If you are an Excel user, you'll love the total flexibility to customize your financial model.
Need an Excel expert? You can find them in our Expert Referral Network! - Includes PowerPoint / Keynote
Investor presentation ("Pitch" deck) template
Tutorial guides you step-by-step through a successful presentation.
Comprehensive Handbook of Business Planning adds useful insight into raising capital. - Tutorial Videos Introduce Each Section
How to make it count!
What Investors & Lenders are looking for. - Supplemental Intro Letters, Templates, and Worksheets
Invite Advisors & Board Members
Cover letters to Friends & Family, Investors, Lenders...
"Elevator" pitch worksheet hones your perfect 30-second intro - Includes Incentive Stock Options Plan.
All necessary document templates.
Shareholder ownership tracking. - Includes Corporation & LLC formation Doc Templates
Articles, By-Laws, Operating Agreement, Unit Allocation... - Funding Resources
Sources of Angel Investors, Venture Capital, and Lenders.
"Funding Plan" strategy for attracting investors. - CONTACTS (CRM System) Manages:
VIPs, Vendors, Investors...
+ Tasks + Events + Programs + Proposals - Global 24/7 Secure Access
Automatic Back-up & Restore - Month To Month Subscription
No Contract, No Commitment, Cancel/Suspend Anytime
All your work is automatically saved.Use the system as long as you need it.
You may want to keep it open and allow investors and certain others read-only access. - Add Unlimited Number of Team, Advisors to Collaborate
for $1 / mo each.
Also between PCs Macs.
You control all access to panels/apps.Add an unlimited number of users...
Selected members of your team can access any/all of the apps in your subscription -- You control access as well as read / write or read-only permission. - * Secure Data Room for Sharing Investment Docs *
Include Investors, Lenders, Professors as Users
to Access & Review Plans, Models, and Pitch Deck