speaking and writing best practices

How conscious choices of words influence successful leadership

What we say creates pictures and emotions in our audiences. Are we motivating or scaring them? Self-defeating words, phrases and concepts derail our presentations to customers, investors, employees and each other! The dangers of double-negatives and other dumb things we say and how they create our world… Click to watch this brief TED talk-like video.

video - what angel venture capital investors look for business plan

Video – How to Write a Business Plan:
Revealing Your “Advertising and Promotion” Plans

What to think about as you edit the “Marketing Planning, Advertising & Promotion” section of your business plan and what investors and lenders (crowdfunding, angels, venture capital, SBA) look for as they consider funding your start up or growing company.

Business power toosl software templates word excel

5 Tools to Ready Your Business for the “New Normal”

Here are 5 projects you can do now to relieve TV/Netflix burn-out and accomplish something productive for your business. Personally, I suspect foul-play behind this “pandemic” with some short-sighted, possibly ill-fated responses from our authorities. Nevertheless, while you’ve been deluged with news (real & fake), opinions, schmaltzy platitudes, silly videos, and special offers, I’ll spare…