Write your business plan with help from these experts and supporting apps and templates.

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Investment Banker reviews Business Power Tools

A coordinated system of remarkably easy to use document and spreadsheet templates for organizing, financing, running, and someday selling your business. by Dr. Paul M. Wendee, DBA, MBA, CFP® Dear Burke, As you know, I’ve advised entrepreneurs growing businesses for more than 30 years. Their problems? How to handle the everyday challenges of organizing, planning,…

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11 Practices for 2025 from the Business Black Belt

You may want to laugh when you read what I’m going to suggest, but these things are exactly what you need to do, and they will help you build your business. 1) Take a deeper interest in your customers. A much deeper interest. Their success is required for your success. The more you can help…

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Find an Advisor to Help with Your Business Plan

Need help writing your business plan / Creating a pitch deck? While you’re using our apps & templates to handle a variety of business projects, you may need a professional to review your work, provide additional advice, address unique circumstances, or introduce you to important contacts. Although we cannot guarantee any results, we believe them…