amazon best-selling startup entrepreneur business management leadership best-practices blog book

Hiring the Right People

Before you hire anyone just to get something done, take some time to plan what you need done and who you need to hire. Excerpted from the book on mindful business management, Business Black Belt   “There is something that is much more scarce, something finer far, something rarer than ability. It is the ability…

Lesson to Learn in a Bad Situation

You know when something goes wrong or things just aren’t working out… I’ve found that, rather than fight a problem, make excuses, or blame others… I wonder, “What is the lesson to learn?” What is MY lesson to learn here? So, rather than continue struggling (doing the same thing… over and over…), how might I…

Dealing with Stubborn People!

  I was observing some stubbornness in a friend — and, when I notice some undesirable behavior in another person, I’ve learned that it is often a reflection of something that I’m doing (or have done), and the best way to deal with the friend is to first understand myself… which got me to thinking about…

amazon best-selling startup entrepreneur business management leadership best-practices blog book

12 Sayings that Invite Disaster

or… NLP & The Law of Attraction Burke Franklin, Creator:Business Power Tools Author: Business Black Belt “Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another.” ~ Napoleon Hill “Neuro-Linguistic Programming” Listen to those words literally – they mean exactly what…