Sample / Example Employment At-Will Policy Template

Notes All states in the United States are considered at-will, with the exception of Montana. If you operate in Montana, you will need to be certain that you are following your own described guidelines for disciplinary and termination processes. For anyone in Montana, these paragraphs should be eliminated. Including an “at-will” employment clause in your…

Sample Employee Arbitration Policy & Agreement

An “Employee Arbitration Policy” is a key component of your hiring policies and practices. Arbitration reduces legal costs tremendously. Here is an actual sample / example Employee Arbitration Policy & Agreement template from Employee Manual Builder workplace policies software. Notes Have the employee read and sign the agreement as part of their acceptance of your…

Do You Hire the Right People for Your Business?

Every business – big and small – succeeds or fails based upon the quality of its people. Have a great product but a clueless staff and you are headed for bankruptcy.  Have a mediocre product but a top notch team of experienced and hard working individuals and you may just be on your way to…