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Investment Banker reviews Business Power Tools

A coordinated system of remarkably easy to use document and spreadsheet templates for organizing, financing, running, and someday selling your business. by Dr. Paul M. Wendee, DBA, MBA, CFP® Dear Burke, As you know, I’ve advised entrepreneurs growing businesses for more than 30 years. Their problems? How to handle the everyday challenges of organizing, planning,…

2025 – The Case Now for a Good Business Plan

It’s 2025… Is this happening in your business? “5 blind men and an elephant” In the parable about “5 blind men and an elephant,” each man touches the elephant in a different place and concludes something entirely different from the others. A tree, a wall, a vine, a big leaf, a… wtf? They are aware…

what angel vc venture investors look for expect in entrepreneurs founders

3 Critical Ingredients Build Belief and Trust With Investors

There you are with a business idea of a lifetime and you’re in front of a room full of investors…   Although there are many of the usual things you must get right in your initial presentation to investors, here are my top 3 must-do’s to include. More and more investors these days are “Betting…

3 Curious Things I Learned From One of Our Investors

The other day, I got a call from one of our investors / advisors… Rob Kramarz at He had a question about using one of our 5-year financial model templates with a client. (As an investor himself, Rob also helps entrepreneurs raise capital.) And he uses Business Power Tools and our BizPlanBuilder to get…

video - what angel venture capital investors look for business plan

Video – Writing Your Business Growth Plan / Playbook:
Describing the Changing “Market Conditions”

VIDEO – What investors and lenders look for in your business and in your plan — What to think about as you edit the “Market Conditions” section of your business plan and what investors and lenders (crowdfund, angel, venture capital, SBA) look for as they consider funding your start up or growing company.