Updated: The Purpose of a Corporation

US CEOs flip flop and decide corporations aren’t only accountable to shareholders from The Hustle August 20, 2019, 181 American CEOs in the Business Roundtable (BRT) issued a statement that changed “the Purpose of a Corporation” from simply providing value to shareholders to instead benefiting many stakeholders including customers, employees, suppliers, and communities. Sorry, did…

How to Write a Successful Business Plan and How My Success Evolved Into the BizPlanBuilder Software

A lot goes into writing a good business plan. Before you even get started, here are a few important considerations that will make your business planning and presentation more successful.

BUrke Franklin business consultant software templates

Business FAQs with Burke Franklin — Being a good recommender, choosing your words for best effect, priority management

Further discussion on being a good “recommender”
Presenting your product/service in your business plan and investor presentation
A mini-preview of my forthcoming TEDx talk on “Verbal Awareness” – How what we say creates our world
A handy hack on time management => priority management (and my low-tech device for managing them…)