video bootstrapping your startup business

How to self-fund bootstrap your business without raising capital

10 Ways to Build Your Business Without Raising Capital – Business Power Tools founder and BizPlanBuilder business plan software template creator Burke Franklin consults on strategies for building businesses without investment capital. And if/when you need it, you’ll be in the strongest position… Click to watch now…

How to Supercharge Your Business with a Non-Profit Collaboration

How to Supercharge Your Business with a Strategic Philanthropy Non-Profit Collaboration

Most non-profits are grateful for all the support they can get and will gladly reciprocate by promoting your business. Here’s an idea… What if your for-profit business partnered with a non-profit? If you are already supporting a non-profit, there are ways to make it even more beneficial for your business. And, if you’re not… My…

Updated: The Purpose of a Corporation

US CEOs flip flop and decide corporations aren’t only accountable to shareholders from The Hustle August 20, 2019, 181 American CEOs in the Business Roundtable (BRT) issued a statement that changed “the Purpose of a Corporation” from simply providing value to shareholders to instead benefiting many stakeholders including customers, employees, suppliers, and communities. Sorry, did…