We’re Full of Solutions Looking for Problems

Excerpted from the book on conscious business management, Business Black Belt A good answer evolves from many good questions. –Burke Franklin, Author, Business Black Belt If I had two hours to solve a problem, I would spend the first hour and a half asking questions and questioning assumptions—mine and those of everyone involved. I’ve found…

What I told an entrepreneurship class about success

What does it take to start, build, and run a successful business? When I spoke to an Entrepreneurship Class at UC Santa Barbara, I asked them what they thought it took to be successful in business. They listed the usual words… What I realized in that moment was that these words describe what success looks…

Why Segment Your Market?

In our last post, we talked about how to segment your market. Why will you want to do this, though? It is only human to ask the question- how will this benefit ME? To put it simply, knowing your market will allow you to determine your target customer. Target Customers Now that you’ve segmented the…

Creating a Winning Marketing Strategy

I know, I know- everyone wants to read about the Executive Summary – but let’s show the marketing plan a little love… So you’ve started your plan and you’ve reached the marketing strategy. Of course, you’ve already read our previous post, Components of a Business Plan part 2, but you want something a little more…

Components of a Business Plan (Part 2)

Written by Burke Franklin, Founder and CEO, JIAN We talked last week about the beginning sections of your business plan. If you haven’t read it yet, click here to catch up. This is part 2 of 3, so make sure to check back with us soon. 7. Company Overview– Give readers the basic information on…