If Investors Read Your Business Plan, Will They Believe You?
You will find that, no matter who you are and what you’re doing, you’re going to need answers to these basic 20 questions (in plain-English):
You will find that, no matter who you are and what you’re doing, you’re going to need answers to these basic 20 questions (in plain-English):
Missionaries want to save the world… Mercenaries want money… Which one are you and what difference does it make to investors?!? How can you be the best of BOTH? #raisecapital #businessplan #Entrepreneur
VIDEO – What investors, lenders, acquirers look for in your business and in your plan — What to think about as you edit the “Business Location” section of your business plan and what investors and lenders (crowdfund, angel, venture capital, SBA) look for as they consider funding or buying your start up or growing company.
VIDEO – What investors and lenders look for in your business plan! In this brief video, Business Power Tools founder and BizPlanBuilder business plan software template creator Burke Franklin coaches on writing a business plan — What to think about as you edit the “Mission Statement” section of your business plan and what investors and lenders (crowdfund, angel, venture capital, SBA) look for as they consider funding your start up or growing company.
VIDEO – What investors and lenders look for in your business and in your plan — What to think about as you edit the “Business History” section of your business plan and what investors and lenders (crowdfund, angel, venture capital, SBA) look for as they consider funding your start up or growing company.