Business Planning: Is It Time To Downsize Your Financial Projections?

I was recently speaking with an entrepreneur friend of mine who had worked tirelessly for the past six months preparing a financial model for his budding business empire. His management team had put in hundreds, if not thousands of man hours, doing their due diligence and analyzing every possible scenario (several times). Having taken a…

12 Reasons to Write a Business Plan Today

Since 1988, my company, Jian Software, has been refining and marketing the top software package for developing business plans – BizPlanBuilder for Mac and Windows. Over the years I have spoken with thousands of entrepreneurs and small business owners who were over the moon excited about the future prospects of their company, but less than…

Shout Your Business Idea from a Rooftop!

If you have spent any time speaking or meeting with entrepreneurs you have probably heard this statement many times: “I’ve got this really great idea, but it’s a secret (or revolutionary, or proprietary, or blah blah blah). I can’t tell you anything without a signed NDA…” And even with an NDA in place, many entrepreneurs…