Don’t Read This! The Trouble with Negatives

Excerpted from the book on mindful business management, Business Black Belt. When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotion, creatures bristling with prejudice, and motivated by pride and vanity. ~ Dale Carnegie, author & teacher Sometimes negatives work to grab attention, but their literal meanings…

Use this creativity hack to solve business problems

By the author of Business Black Belt, the book on conscious business management. I’ve been getting a lot of emails lately on creativity. I don’t have a class or anything to sell on this, but do I have an idea that I want to share with you. It may just be the very thing that…

What to Do When Nothing is Working…

By the author of Business Black Belt, the book on mindful business management. Some days are better than others. Some days it seems that nothing works. Some would say that Mercury is in retrograde. (I don’t even know what that means!) What do you do when nothing is working? Many people would tell you to…

Write it how you would say it.

Excerpted from, Business Black Belt, “The Enlightened Entrepreneur’s Manifesto” It should be possible to explain the laws of physics to a barmaid. ~ Albert Einstein, physicist We can learn much to improve our everyday written communications by studying the techniques used by advertising copywriters. In school, some of us “BSed” our way through certain essays…

Video – Some Things to Think About As You Start a Business

Business Power Tools founder and BizPlanBuilder business plan software template creator Burke Franklin consults on writing a business plan — What to think about as you edit the “Marketing Strategy” section of your business plan and what investors and lenders (crowdfund, angel, venture capital, SBA) look for as they consider funding your startup or growing…