What I told an entrepreneurship class about success

What does it take to start, build, and run a successful business? When I spoke to an Entrepreneurship Class at UC Santa Barbara, I asked them what they thought it took to be successful in business. They listed the usual words… What I realized in that moment was that these words describe what success looks…

"People don’t return my phone calls or emails!"

READING TIME: 75 seconds! This is one of the most common complaints I hear from clients and colleagues. Here’s my (edited) response to a client about this concern. First off, you need to FULLY understand this concept: that people are tuned into a particular “frequency.” It’s also called “signal.” Everything else is “noise.” Signal… noise.…

Sales Leadership: Selling the Truth? Part 1

Excerpted from the book, Business Black Belt We’ve all been watching TV pretty much since it came into being. We’ve all watched commercials as they’ve evolved. We’ve all seen and heard a variety of sales pitches, scams, and rip-offs, to the point that we are fine-tuned to fending them off. Now, a clean, straightforward sales…