What thousands of real-life customers have told us…
Over the years we’ve heard many wonderful successes attributed to using Business Power Tools.
Please scroll-down to read the reviews most meaningful to you by clicking the button with the category you choose.
“The testimonials in blue… Are they for real?”
Actually, yes they are.
Generally, we don’t solicit comments; however, we often ask people to send us their success stories.
Almost all of the testimonials are unsolicited — comments from real people who have used our software.
(All of the testimonials for BizPlanBuilder alone run more than 30 pages!)
We may edit them for typos, but these are the real deal.
Some are from people who are admittedly clueless about certain business
things and others are highly educated and experienced business experts.
We very much appreciate the time and energy they invested in communicating with us.
Reviewers Compare Business Planning Systems
Angel Investors & Venture Capitalists
Business & Technology Media
Business Consultants
Entrepreneurs & Business Owners
Enterprise Managers & Executives
Cisco Systems customization
Business School Professors & Students
Business Planning Successes in Many Industries…
We’ve just started to organize the sources of our successes — since most of our comments are unsolicited,
we aren’t always sure what industry these customers are in, but we have copied many testimonials from our master lists here.
Please… Share Your Success Story!
When you have a success story to share, please tell as much as possible about how BizPlanBuilder worked for you.
We have a template you can use (of course!)
Include your logo and/or a picture of yourself plus your web address (URL) so we can link to you and send others your way.
Thank you very much!