Support. Expertise. Resources.


Take a deep breath — It’s just software and we can help you…

You can bank on our depth & breadth of resources to help you…

Technical Support

Although we don’t get very many technical support calls,
we’re always happy to answer your questions.

If you’re going to call or write, please help us by…

  • Introducing yourself along with…
  • Which one of our web-based apps
  • Or, the title of the software/tool in question
  • (With version #), and
  • The operating system you’re using…
    (Macintosh / Windows)… and your
  • Browser: Brave / Chrome / Edge /  Firefox / Safari

Help Desk

Need help installing or getting started with one of our apps?
Our Help Desk is the place to start.


We’re continually improving and refining our products.
Check out our software upgrade area to learn more about the newest versions of our software.

Go to Product Upgrades

FREE Downloads

We offer a variety of free downloads to support and supplement our products. Here you’ll find various useful downloads:

Product Support Downloads
Supplemental Products & Services

Supporting Products & Services

icon supporting bizplan business planning software templateWe’ve found a variety of other products, software tools,
and services to enhance your use and experience of
Business Power Tools apps & templates.
We look for function, form, and price as our criteria.
Click here to take a look at some Supporting Products

A Black Belt in Business?

icon business black belt software consultingWhat if you thought, felt, and acted as if you had a black belt in business? It’s not about beating anybody up, but it is about awareness, vigilance, and the courage to act. We are always on the lookout for relevant business-building ideas and tips to learn for ourselves as well as to include in our products. Here we will pass them along to you right away.

Enjoy our monthly e-newsletter compiled and edited by Business Power Tools CEO, Burke Franklin.

Your Privacy is Assured
No way we’ll sell, rent or give out your contact information, but we do need
to contact you to share some unique knowledge we believe you’ll find useful.

Contact Us

icon support business plan software templateIf we can be of any assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are Available for Telephone Support at:

1 (800) 346-5426 or 1-530-267-6293
Monday-Friday between 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Pacific Time
(We’re in Southern California)

If you leave a voicemail message, please remember to mention which product title you’re calling about, if you’re using a PC or a Mac, and specifically where / what you have a question about.

This way, even if we miss each other, we can leave you a message with a complete answer. Thank you very much!