Preparing for the Conference / Tradeshow
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Good public relations management practices: Do the Groundwork at Home
An effective publicity campaign begins at home. Ninety percent (90%) of your work is done before you ever set foot on the airplane that takes you to your trade show or convention.
You should:
• Determine your message (see Chapter 1).
• Create press kits to deliver your message (See Chapters 2 and 3).
• Select the media you should direct your message to (See Chapter 4).
• Decide what vehicle(s) should be used to disseminate the message
(press conference, interviews, and/or hospitality suites).
• Determine the results you want
(for example, news articles, product reviews, industry analysis articles, and/or expanding relationships with members of the press).
As indicated, the chapters in the first section of this manual are devoted to these types of tasks. If you’ve worked through the chapters and developed your publicity materials, you’ve built a good foundation to begin planning your trade show activities on. You can use the same foundation to plan for many events. In fact, this is desirable to ensure that the message you convey is consistent.