As a SCORE counselor, you deserve tools
as sophisticated as you are.
Way back… When software sold in boxes, we created these self-guided software templates to fast-track critical business-building projects.
All of our tools are easier to use than Office and easily accessible via our visual document management dashboard.
“While I was with the Wharton Small Business Development Center, I wrote 70 or 80 business plans over a 4-5 year period using your BizPlanBuilder (all of our clients bought copies). Most business owners knew how to make products, but didn’t know how to really run a business. Mainly, we introduced them to budgeting, got them to profitability sooner and enabled them to be more effective and efficient in their business practices. Also, we did lots of ‘what if’ to help them to expand their marketing areas… and that was all with the older version of BizPlanBuilder! This new version is quite a bit more powerful. The new financials give you a lot more flexibility—a lot of nice stuff in there!”
~ William Parsons, Philadelphia, PA
“I teach a class for Score on how to prepare a business plan. You will be pleased to know that most of our counselors recommend BizPlanBuilder to our clients. Thank you!”
~ Terry Little
It’s a revolutionary business development dashboard loaded with all kinds of apps and templates that handle all those
critical projects most people avoid, so no matter what, they can enjoy a business they love.
Prominent Venture Capitalist speaks about funding, business plans, raising capital…
and, like you, what he’s looking for. (1:37)
Share our competitive advantages.
At best, most other business plan apps or templates provide a bunch of empty pages with brief instructions for what to do…
Business Power Tools takes everything to another level entirely with specific direction for what to do and and how to do it, including:
← What to say and how to say it is expertly drafted for you to complete in your own words.
← The green text is us providing ideas, suggestions, warnings…
← Easily insert images, graphics, links, and format it any way you like.
← The menu tree at the far left enables access to any section you want.
← Checking the blue box includes a section (you may not need all of them).
A.I. can’t / won’t do this for you — You can try, but the money you think you’re saving will set you back 3-5 months in getting these projects done and in place.
Maximize valuation.
We’ve also used it ourselves with Angels and VCs,
an SBA loan, Lines of Credit, Vendor Financing,
an Acquisition, even with Mom!
Completely configured, fully integrated and tastefully formatted.
Easily play “What-If?” with your ideas.
No need to be a spreadsheet or financial expert.
If you are, everything is 100% customizable.
FREE SCORE Advisor SubscriptionSee how much more it offers than the typical business model canvas ↔ Most sections are copied from BizPlanBuilder.
Click Login to join as a guest user, Open “My Account” (top right), and insert your logo and business information.
It will automatically fill-in in all the right places.
FREE SCORE Advisor Subscription
Click the button above and we will give you a full subscription for free.
You can further leverage your business practices and help even more entrepreneurs when you offer Business Power Tools’ professional-grade software tools. Send entrepreneurs home with pages full of notes from you plus some access to an online business planning system to make sure they complete the task.
We realize that SCORE mentors are here to help entrepreneurs. When you offer Business Power Tools professional-grade software tools, you send entrepreneurs home with pages full of notes from you plus access to an online business planning system to make sure they complete the task. The Business Power Tools dashboard enables easy collaboration and oversight of the entire project.
Immediate help with business planning.
Learn more about the new collaborative BizPlanBuilder.
Work together with your clients on their business plans — anywhere anytime.
Assist more entrepreneurs.
Engage clients to participate in the business planning process.
More efficient — mentors can go to the source of what clients are doing.
SCORE mentors’ work can be more meaningful because clients can continue to build on their own.
Easier to help clients succeed.
Keeping your clients in business as well as helping them build their companies is good for business — all businesses in America. These proven and popular business tools teach best business practices as well as provide the templates for doing it right.
Best of all, they cost you nothing and only make your job easier!
SCORE mentor.
Please contact us directly for special discounts or programs for you and your clients.
1-800-346-5426 |
“I have used both Business Plan Pro and BizPlanBuilder in my past management positions. With all the so-called sample plans in Business Plan Pro, it’s easy to think you have the final product. You really don’t—it’s not really that user friendly especially if you are not comfortable writing the narrative. Instead, with Business Power Tools’ BizPlanBuilder, it’s much easier for me to help a client develop a professional business plan that I don’t have to entirely rewrite.”
~ Sajata Strong, Area Director, Clark Atlanta University SBDC, School of Business Administration, Atlanta, GA
“Please accept my thanks and appreciation for such an excellent product. It was very good when I started using it years ago, and it has improved from there. I am an adjunct instructor at Chemeketa Community College (Small Business Development Center) in Salem, Oregon. I have used several business plan applications and like BizPlanBuilder the best. I recommend it to clients when appropriate.”
~ Gary Richards, Business Brokerage, M&A, Salem, OR
Use this free video to teach your clients about business planning… Click here to watch “The Thinking Behind Your Business Plan” — a 90-minute video.
The developer of Biz Plan Builder business plan software and author of Business Black Belt speaks to an audience of entrepreneurs…
Give your members a head-start on investors, hiring employees, managing and marketing…
Why bankers want your first born!
Making sense of financial models
Amusing anecdotes make important points stick
Save yourself hours of explanation!
Video introductions with each section of the business plan
Not much time to spare? These are the series of 1-5-minute videos coaching on what investors are looking for in each section of a business plan. There are buttons within BizPlanBuilder, but you can access them individually here.
Click to access link to 50+ free 1-5 minute videosWe work with business advisors, consultants and experts in every field and bring their experience to each of our business planning software solutions. We’ve done the research, written the templates and bring more than 30-years of business success to each of our business products.The proven business software that makes it easy to start, finance and manage your business