“What Can I Do With a Business Plan?”
Why a Business Growth Plan?
Myth: Business Plans Are Just for Startups… Your accelerated, collaborative business plan plays a key role in creating and managing your success from start-up to succession.
Watch this brief video to learn how a good business plan can be the one thing that makes everything else easier or unnecessary.
There are 15 places in your journey from Startup to Sale where a good business plan can save your bacon…
“How to Build Your Business Without Funding”
Imagine having Burke Franklin consult with you and your company?!?
Click Here for Details…
Here, Burke Franklin speaks to a room full of entrepreneurs…
- This is perhaps our most popular topic!
- All the things you can do to get up and running that cost nothing.
- Including ideas and insights for becoming ready for investors.
- …which also builds momentum attractive to investors!
- 90-minutes
Watch this 56-minute video of Business Power Tools (originally “JIAN”) creator and CEO Burke Franklin speaking to a group of inventors about launching a successful business on their ideas. What can you do without money and, at the same time, develop investors’ attraction to your business (if/when you need them).
“The Thinking Behind Your Business Plan”
What investors & lenders look for in your business plan when considering funding your project or company
Watch this 94-minute video on your computer. Business Power Tools creator and CEO Burke Franklin talks to a group of entrepreneurs about the various aspects of business planning, and about the audience to whom you are presenting your business idea and plan.
Introduction by author and business coach Bill Lamond.
If You Have an Entrepreneurial Class Or Event…
Have Burke lead a workshop on business planning / raising capital
Perhaps his most popular topic is, “How to Build Your Business Without Funding” …which also builds momentum attractive to investors!
The presentation and Q&A takes about 90-minutes.
Easy Way to Organize Your Business
BizPlanBuilder® professional business planning system
Writes a professional business plan for your organization quickly and efficiently. BizPlanBuilder’s organized system of sample business plan templates in Microsoft® Word, flexible Excel financial models, PowerPoint presentation template can be downloaded as a Windows app, or you can subscribe to the collaborative Win / Mac version online. It’s the fastest and easiest way of turning your ideas into an investment-grade business plan and a successful business. BizPlanBuilder has been vetted with banks, SBA lenders, angel investors, and venture capitalists worldwide with more financing successes than any other app of its kind!
- 36+ years refinement
- Professionally formatted
- Windows / Macintosh