Real-world marketing planning system simplifies developing your go-to-market roadmap quickly and easily.
Put the pieces together between your business and your best customers
and create laser-like alignment with your mission and your market.
Why Marketing Builder… Why you… Why now…
- Zero-In on the position and message that resonates with customers.
- You want to sort and strategize your options before you start spending.
- Compare all marketing options to combine the best promotional mix.
- Why spend $1,000 – $5,000 (or $100 – $300 / hr) paying someone else…
- When you can easily do It yourself? Quickly. Easily. Better.
- Need contract templates for consultants, joint ventures, co-marketing…
- Seems like everyone is telling you to do something different…
- How can you plan a budget? Test some campaigns… Then compare?
- Play “what-if?” with pricing, bundling, promotion response models.
- Worksheets: positioning, brand development, creative brief for vendors…
- You’re a marketing pro and want a platform making it easier to manage clients. (And charge $2,500 – $5,000 to do It for them?)
All of our tools are easier to use than Office and easily accessible via our visual document management dashboard.
Modular system optimizes your overall marketing strategy.

Organize, analyze, prioritize marketing options, grow sales for maximum ROI.
With all the buzz about social networking, email schemes and the latest marketing fads, perhaps it would be best to first look at ALL of your marketing requirements, consider your customers and prepare an integrated blueprint for your overall marketing strategy.
Marketing Builder makes it easy to organize your marketing strategy and optimize your budget for advertising, direct mail, literature, online marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), social media, and events…
It’s the fastest and easiest way of turning your ideas into a winning marketing strategy.
“If I really did my marketing right I could avoid a lengthy sales cycle, I wouldn’t waste money on unnecessary advertising gimmicks, and my salespeople would invest their time more efficiently—now that’s actually possible.”
~ Pat Napoles, President, PBN Publications
Everything to win customers and grow sales.
100% customizable and menu-driven from start to finish, organized system delivers sample marketing plans, market analysis models, and supporting resources.
You may be dazzled by competitive products offering hundreds of sample marketing plans, but think about all time wasted and the work you’ll have to do weeding through them all to build a real plan that really works for you.
Instead, Marketing Builder offers all the marketing components and helps you coordinate them to build a custom marketing strategy that’s a perfect fit for your business.
Below, are additional calculators included to help you analyze metrics to support key decisions.
Marketing pro?
You’ll understand everything we’ve done and it will make sense, plus your work for putting together your plan is mostly done for you. The spreadsheet calculators alone are easily worth the investment.
New to marketing?
We teach you along the way and you’ll be doing everything the pros do.
Use as much or as little as you need.
Advertising? Billboards? Email? Events? Radio? Social Media? TV?
36+ marketing calculators do math you just can’t do in your head — Make sense of complicated decisions
Click to Access the Actual Dashboard — And See the Real Thing in Action
“Recent research shows that viewing options together like this makes you more likely to choose the objectively best one. With all of the information in front of you at once, you can compare the options more thoroughly.”
“Before building any marketing campaign, companies need a solid marketing foundation. This foundation should include strategic messaging, ideal customer profiles, and competitive positioning. It is only on this solid foundation that effective marketing campaigns can be built.”
~ Myk Pono,
How to think about each option
and prioritize for best effect.
- Leverage over 150 years of marketing experience and techniques
- Use our proven methodology for marketing plans, advertising, branding, product/service launches, literature, web sites, public relations, and promotions
- Provides context—based guidance… Do-it-yourself by editing directly into “real-world” tested templates with visibility into the entire plan.
- Offers a wide variety of low cost marketing tools and techniques, allowing you to do the most with your marketing budget
- Marketing Builder takes you through every aspect of marketing analysis, from customer profiles and demographics to competitive analyses. Produces a comprehensive Market Analysis Report
- Gives you expert advice on every aspect of marketing communications, from advertising to trade shows
- Works with you to build a Marketing Communications Plan
- Handles sales forecasting, budgeting, management and strategies
- Creates an effective, workable Sales Plan
- Helps you budget all of your marketing efforts, and analyzes performance, provides a Break—Even Analysis,
- Competitive Comparison Matrix, and more
- Gives you a primer in advertising with advice on creative content and execution. A special “How to Create a Better Catalog” bonus feature gives you expert, practical creative and marketing advice.
Planning goes a long way — Before spending any money.
Tools used by professionals at your fingertips.
Unlike other programs based on the opinions of one or two people, we’ve compiled Marketing Builder from the best advice of a wide field of experts.
If you run a small or medium-sized business, it may be your only chance to achieve this level of marketing savvy to compete effectively against larger companies with more people and resources devoted to marketing.
And if marketing is your job, whether you’re at a big company or an ad agency, Marketing Builder – marketing plan software offers an easy, effective way to analyze your current marketing efforts and improve their effectiveness, as well as providing you with a library of powerful marketing tools, time-saving pre-formatted documents, and answers to your marketing questions.
100% customizable done-for-you marketing plan template.
It’s easier than you’d think.
- We hold your hand through every step
- Marketing Builder provides the tools to help you organize, develop, track, measure and control your marketing and advertising efforts
- You’ll find dozens of customizable spreadsheets, schedules, forms and reports
- Pre-formatted templates save you hundreds of hours of research and typing, and every blank space is filled with tips and even sample sentences to point you in the right direction
- Analysis templates are already set up to add, calculate percentages and produce ratios, so all you have to do is plug in the numbers
- You’ll learn “how to” as you go, using the checklists, hints and tips, sample documents and reports as you squeeze the most out of your marketing and sales investments
- Everything a smart manager needs to create and run a successful marketing campaign is included
- The Reference Manual offers more than you can imagine.
“This software is simple to follow and yet it has greater detail for writing an effective marketing plan.”
– Bob Rodriguez, President, Hispanic Influential Marketing, San Dimas, CA
“It’s the best tool I’ve invested in during my career. Every marketer owes it to themselves.
Better than any seminar or research study.”
~ Deborah Schall, Long Beach, CA
“I know it saved hundreds of man hours because we didn’t have to start from scratch.”
“We’d done the preliminary work, but it all got scrapped by corporate headquarters. They changed parameters, so I had to work from scratch. I had a week and a half… You had the whole template. It worked like a charm and it’s been terrific! We just stuck in our own ideas and data. I know it saved hundreds of man hours because we didn’t have to start from scratch. The presentation went great, the people I addressed were not marketing people… management, operations, finance, a classic dog & pony when you need a budget for x, rationale, prove why we needed the budget, etc. Excel was easy. For non—marketing people it was a very simple bridge. I’ve seen others that are too complicated with gantt charts etc, and this was easy to for them to relate to the bottom line. Everything was clear, well thought out and and very well founded in good marketing principles.”
~ Renee Domeier, VP Western Region Sales, Goldman Promotions, Thousand Oaks, CA
Marketing Builder also provides a variety of specific options designed to drive sales.
Each Marketing Plan covers these critical sections:
Fill in the blanks and complete the sentences to produce a comprehensive marketing plan.
- Cover Page — Got to have a nice cover — add a graphic / logo
- Table of Contents — A plan can be comprehensive and complex, but your reader can quickly find what they want
- Executive Summary — This is automatically generated — assemble your entire plan, then edit the TOC
- Overview of the Company — This is good for those needing to be brought up to speed on who you are
- Market Analysis — How big is the market, what are the segments — quantify the opportunities
- Objectives — What do you want to accomplish — what is the investment in marketing buying?
- Customer Analysis — Who are the people in “pain” ? What is their world like? Why will they buy?
- Competitor Analysis — Who else thinks they have a better mousetrap and what are they doing?
- Risk — If you win, who loses? What can go wrong along the yellow brick road? Flying monkeys?
- SWOT Analysis — Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats — Show us the puzzle pieces and the box cover
- Present Situation — Given all of the above, where are we now? What do we have today?
- Product Plan — For an individual product, this is like a marketing plan within a marketing plan
- Marketing Strategy — There can be only one overarching “strategy,” then multiple tactics to achieve the strategy
- Sales Strategy — Given the environment created by marketing, how will you make contact with your customers?
- Pricing — The moment of truth — good to look at this from a variety of perspectives
- Distribution Channels — How best to get your products / services closer to your customers
- Internet — This marketing tool works for you 24/7 — think through what you want the programmers to build
- Strategic Alliances — Others would benefit by working with you& Why? Who are they? What synergies exist?
- Marketing Communications — How will you get the word out?
- Advertising — If you must buy advertising, where should it be and what should it say?
- Public Relations — How can you make your product, service and or company interesting to the news media?
- Implementation Plan — All of the above sounds good, how do you roll it out?
- Team & Milestones — What gets measured gets done& Who will get the credit for a job well done?
- Forecast & Budget — Do the math, prioritize your cash flow, and get buy—in to move forward
- Appendix — Here’s where you include additional research data, articles and documents to support your plan.
Specially tweaked versions for:
- Business-to-Business
- Consulting Practice
- Consumer Product
- Consumer Service
- Not-For-Profit
- Personal Performer
- Retail Store
- Internet
“Dr. Malcom Novins of George Mason University, recommended the Marketing Builder software to me. His classes have used the software in the past for the Global Market Research program. I have evaluated the software and found the international section’s comparative analysis to the base US market to be very practical useful approach to estimate the potential export revenue. I would recommend this program to other marketing managers who need to develop a marketing plan that must include export sales.”
~ Butch Sarma, Global Market Research Manager, Virginia Economic Development Partnership – Division of International Trade, Richmond, VA
Easy (and informative) to get started.
Includes essential pre-planning worksheets.
Some of your marketing plan items require prior deeper thinking and organizing before being presented. Use these unique worksheets to develop the background of each category
- Brand Development — Meaning you want to convey with your brand.
- Communications — Vehicles best to get the word out.
- Creative Brief — Foundation and framework for promotional pieces.
- Naming — Game to develop just the right names for your products or services.
- Package Design — Everything your packaging must do to Inspire purchase.
- Positioning: Company — Perception of your company relative to competitors.
- Positioning: Product — Perception of your products relative to alternatives.
- Product Requirements — Customers: Accomplish a goal, solve a problem, satisfy a need.
- Web Strategy — Expectations for your website.
Includes these 36 “Marketing Genius” planning & analysis tools.
They do the math you just can’t do in your head…
and give you the answers you need to make the best decisions.
Just plug in numbers and experiment with outcomes.
Below is the entire set of the individual planning and analysis spreadsheet tools included with Marketing Builder. We’ve recently overhauled every single one of them.
Click the links and you can see what each of them looks like.
- Affiliate / Association Marketing Analysis Worksheet
Associations represent thousands of potential customers — Calculate a deal that works for everyone.
Click Here to See It… - Agency / Contractor Selection MatrixSet up your hiring criteria, priorities, expectations, then grade each candidate. Includes Radar Graph on 2nd page enabling easy visual comparison.
Click here to see it… - Alliance Priority Worksheet
Sometimes you can drown in opportunities… who will bring in the most money?
Click here to see it…
- Break-Even Analysis
Do the math on your product/service.
Click here to see it…
- Bundle / Package Deal Pricing Worksheet
Which combinations of products make the best offers and the most profit?
Click here to see it…
- Collateral Material Optimization Worksheet
Many promotional pieces can do double/triple duty — map this out first and you’ll save money…
Click here to see it…
- Competitor Analysis
How do you compare on many points with others who dare to take away your customers?
Click here to see it…
- “Customers Desired” Worksheet
How many of a certain kind of customer do you need—upon whom should you put your emphasis?
Click here to see it…
- Customer Lifetime Value
How much is each customer worth to you — How much are they worth to acquire?
Click here to see it…
- Department Operating Budget
There’s a marketing budget and there’s your internal budget for people, equipment, etc. So, how much money do you need to run your marketing operations?
Click here to see it…
- Direct Mail Analysis
Analyze the many moving parts of a direct promotion campaign and estimate your results.
Click here to see it…
- Email Analysis
Similar to the Direct Mail Analysis, but for email campaigns.
Click here to see it…
- Event Projection
Estimate revenue and costs for producing an event.
Click here to see it…
- Event / Tradeshow Budget
Plan and estimate the costs of having a booth at a conference, event or tradeshow
Click here to see it…
- International Marketing Priority Worksheet
Sell your stuff worldwide, but where to start? Use this worksheet to prioritize…
Click here to see it…
- Market Potential
Is it worth it to pursue a given market or market segment? Now you’ll know…
Click here to see it..
- Marketing Budget
Ahh! The inevitable question… Use this worksheet to produce a tight budget…
Click here to see it..
- Marketing VP / Employee Hiring Matrix
List and prioritize your criteria for hiring a new person, score each candidate on every category—page adds them up… Includes Radar Graph on 2nd page enabling easy visual comparison.
Click here to see it… - Media Selection Matrix
Everyone wants to sell you an ad… Make your list here, compare and prioritize…
Click here to see it… - Price-List Development Workbook
From one master page, set prices for all customer segments—print subsequent price list for each segment…
Click here to see it… - Pricing Calculator
Reverse engineer your pricing structure, starting with your anticipated “Street Price” (=> Distributor cost, retailer cost, etc.)
Click here to see it… - Product Launch Budget & Schedule
Looks a bit like a Gantt chart, listing everything that needs doing, under the month it will happen + budget…
Click here to see it… - Product / Service Development Priority
Which proposed products & services make the most profit? Enter your assumptions, sort by profit!
Click here to see it… - Project Status Report
Keep track of marketing projects – make sure that none fall thru the cracks
Click here to see it… - Referral Payout Model
How much to pay affiliates for referrals, and for how long? Paying a straight xx% in perpetuity or xx% for the xx months / year then xx% thereafter?
Click here to see it… - Retail Merchandising Budget
Now that you’ve shipped to the stores, what will it take to assure best placement, POP display installation, etc.?
Click here to see it… - Retail Volume Purchase Incentive Worksheet
Get those purchasing managers to cough up bigger orders with a package deal (first make sure you make a profit!)
Click here to see it… - Sales Forecast Worksheet
Sales managers want them; salespeople hate doing them—we’ve struck a balance both can use!
Click here to see it… - Sales Incentive / Recognition Awards Program Budget
Have some fun with your sales force by offering merchandise for producing certain levels of sales…
Click here to see it… - Sales Priority Worksheet
Which customers / segments will bring the most profit the fastest?
Click here to see it… - Sales Representative Report
What are these people doing all day? Have them document their activities so they (and you) can see what needs work…
Click here to see it… - Sales Source Analysis
Where do your sales come from? Track your revenue by sales source key codes.
Click here to see it… - Sales Source Keys Worksheet
Each source should have a key code… “Discount Code” “Priority Code” Plan them here.
Click here to see it… - Social Media Ad Estimator
When you run ads in various social media and other websites, etc. on a pay-per-click (PPC) basis, estimate clicks, costs, conversions, profits…
Click here to see it… - Tradeshow Booth Duty Schedule
Who needs to be where? When? This simple tools helps during the pandemonium.
Click here to see it… - Web Banner Analysis
Tempted to invest in a banner? Use this calculator to analyze the assumptions & expectations first.
Click here to see it…
Measure twice, invest once.
MarketingBuilder marketing plan software also includes these handy tools useful for doing the math on some pretty complicated marketing analysis.
Use these spreadsheets to plan, prioritize, and track every aspect of any size marketing campaign.
Among them you’ll find the methods and formulas, the words and advice to help you target your customers, analyze your competition, determine the future value of a customer, name and launch new products or services, and select an advertising agency.
Spreadsheet calculators included with Marketing Builder, also sold separately:
Download the Collection for just $67
Copy & Paste Discount Coupon Code: MOQK21Z0 to Save $20 and Get All of Them for Just $47
(That’s less than $1.31 each!)
“Powerful, simple and very effective.”
~ Norbert Lamenca, Territory Manager — Latin America, Tech Data Corp, Coral Gables, FL
“As a professional marketing consultant, I was pleased to see the comprehensive scope & range of the program & how it forced me to think through my assumptions.”
– Mark Kuipers, MAK Direct, Missoula, MT
Expertise blended from a variety of highly qualified sources.

A team of industry experts with proven know-how.
like Alexander Hiam, noted author of Marketing for Dummies (available separately), the Vest Pocket Marketer and co-author of the Portable MBA in Marketing; and marketing professionals from some of the world’s most respected companies.
Mark Jordan, a former marketing manager with HP, Radius, and Sun Microsystems added depth to both ends of the marketing spectrum.
We also gathered materials and best marketing practices from award-winning ad agencies, Fortune 500 companies, and fast-track small businesses who created dramatic impressions with small budgets.
All of these documents are organized in one place to make your work easier, faster and more efficient.
Recommended by even more expert marketing professionals.
“After answering the 20 questions I knew I was finally focusing my efforts correctly.”
~ Kevin Carlile, Carlile Design, Rolla, MO
“It’s a good tool. I attended a marketing seminar at which your software was recommended. We have offered in the past a website requirements analysis and Internet strategy document called an eCASE (eCommerce Assessment Service for Executives) for IBM solutions that required significant hardware and software investment. I am retooling it to take a marketing perspective from requirements analysis, including a competitive analysis, to a website design schema, and suggestions for marketing with estimated budget requirements. I purchased your software for updating our own business-to-business marketing plan and was pleased to find the Internet marketing plan option included. I also appreciate the resource links on your website for industry analysis and other data.”
– Randy Hankamer, President, E-Commerce Austin, Austin, TX,
“This is a good investment for a small company just starting out. Your info will help us get started on the right track.”
– Larry Saint-Cyr, President, LSC Consulting, Brockton, MA
“Have BizPlan Builder, Publicity Builder & Marketing Builder — love them all. Thanks.”
– Richard Thomas, President, MC2 Marketing, Studio City, CA
“Clean & simple installation, highly adaptive and integrates well with existing activities.”
– Stephen Palmer, Owner, The Palmer Group, Markham, OH
“I love your products.”
– Sam Tal, General Manager, Topaz Co, Menlo Park, CA
“Great product.”
– Glenn Frontera, VP Production & Development, Tramstar Entertainment, Brooklyn, NY
Who eat, sleep, breathe marketing.
Many professional marketing critics have also blessed Marketing Builder as an excellent, sales-building tool to put in place for every successful company.
“We don’t have the resources to afford a marketing staff. It’s a one-man show here, and I’m it. Marketing Builder gives me the tools to plan, execute and measure the effectiveness of our programs. Now I feel and look like I have a staff of experts. Thank you.”
– Andrew Morse, Marine Conservation Institute
Your new marketing planning software & templates include:
Everything you need to plan, develop and produce a comprehensive marketing strategy, budget, and execution plan for your company is right here:
- For Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, Marketing Managers, and Consultants.
- You want to use the appropriate promo vehicles for your business and avoid the fads.
- Comprehensive pre-written marketing strategy template.
- 80+ proven marketing planning templates easily edited using Microsoft® Word.
- 36 worksheets in Microsoft Excel® to plan, analyze, prioritize and measure your marketing campaigns.
- Proven multi-user, collaborative document development system enables input from your team.
- Menu-driven system manages worksheets from start to finish…
- Handbook of Business Marketing user manual (PDF).
- Step x step instructions explain each component and offer ideas & best practices.
- Refined over 30 years | Professionally formatted.
- Includes a full one-year subscription to our online version!
Special Package-Deal Offer
Expands your marketing toolbox to include PR, Sales, and Social Media.
Includes Marketing Builder and access to the Marketing panel, PLUS…
- Access to the PR & Media dashboard panel
- 21 sample Press release templates
- Comprehensive PR tutorial
- Access to the Sales dashboard panel
- Featuring Sales Proposal Builder
- 27 Appointment setting email / letter templates
- 40 Prospecting email / letter templates
- 26 Customer Service email / letter templates
- 31 Announcement email / letter templates
- 13 Sample sales Contract templates
Add Your Team $1/Mo Each
$31 / Mo (2 Months Free)
Add Your Team $10/Yr Each
One-Time Investment
Add Your Team $49 Each
Cloud-Based Apps and Templates
Works with Both Windows or Mac
Continue the Subscription Annually for Ongoing Updates — Covers all users
Add unlimited additional team & advisors
to your subscription for just $1 / mo each!
Enhanced 128-bit Cyber Security
You control access, user by user!
Allow collaboration or just read-only

“A very practical and time saving approach to marketing planning.”
~ Louis Schultz, CEO, Process Management Intl, Minneapolis, MN
“This product is exceptional.”
~ Avaneda Hobbs, Vice—President Of Marketing, Christian Star Enterprises, District Heights, MD
“I utilize this product to enhance my board presentations.”
~ Glenn Babcock, GM, Farmland Co—Op, Eaton, CO