You have a promising concept, a growing organization needing funding, a new strategy, or you’re ready to exit…

It’s urgent, a big deal is at stake, and competitors may be looming…

Are your goals, direction, and priorities clear and compelling for everyone working with you?


Produce a Compelling Strategic Business Plan
Faster & Better → Your Roadmap From Startup to Sale


Use it to organize, bootstrap, raise capital, grow sales, operate efficiently, sell at a higher price…

Everything to develop and produce a complete business plan for your company is right here

Build Your Business With Clarity, Purpose, and Direction Embodied in a Detailed, Yet Flexible Growth Plan to Millions and Beyond

This is a dramatic improvement over those “old school” business plans you’ve seen everywhere else.
Now you can open doors to monster business opportunities and knock months off getting deals done.

What did this prominent venture capitalist say about funding, business plans, raising capital…
And what he’s looking for?

Why You… Why BizPlanBuilder®… Why Now…

An investment to work ON your business while everyone else works IN it.

  • Start a new business with proven guidance & examples
  • Detailed blueprint for self-funding / “bootstrapping” growth
  • Evolve your organization, strategy, and model
  • Fix a free business plans lacking inspiring content?
  • Collaborate with your team for buy-In on priorities
  • Plan for succession — Document your knowledge
  • Prep your business to sell With a high-value presentation
  • Save $3,000 – $10,000 paying someone else to do it for you
  • Before risking any money, fully evaluate this deal
  • Compelling investor presentation to raise capital
  • Tired of pitching Investors who just “don’t get it”
    Or, they do get it, but a summary plan and pitch deck just aren’t enough?
  • Business advisor? Predictable planning system for clients
    (Do it with them: $3,000-$10,000)

“A mistake in your plan requires an eraser.
A mistake in the field requires a checkbook.”

~ R. Buckminster Fuller

From 35+ Years of Evolution, 2,000,000+ Copies Sold, and Billions Raised,
With Feedback From Thousands of Business Leaders, Advisors, and Investors,
We’ve Learned a Lot…

and formulated all of it Into the newest version of BizPlanBuilder — The proven, trusted, “practical & tactical” strategic business planning system — empowering you from startup to succession

Now it’s easier than ever to implement the strategies you’ve been hearing, reading, and watching…
Your accelerated, collaborative business plan plays a key role in creating and managing
your success from start-up to succession:

Here’s your evolving, multi-purpose prospectus of your business from startup to exit

All along your business journey, your detailed blueprint / roadmap evolves with you as you progress.
It doubles as your secret weapon distancing you from others competing for the same resources.

  • Start-Up – Your blueprint and reality check for getting started the right way, minimize unforced errors,
    and “bootstrap” toward funding (if needed). Perfect for those who don’t know what they don’t know.
  • Raise Capital – Your catalog of answers and a headstart on due-diligence for Investors.
    Builds credibility and demonstrates believability.
  • Non-Profit – Everything applies and goes a long way toward dazzling donors with your efficiencies and
    careful use of their money to maximize their “Return on Impact”
  • Growing Company – Your roadmap. Repeatable, scalable processes for organization, building teams,
    and leading your people. Control the chaos before it starts and continue growing smoothly.
  • Onboarding – What faster way is there to get new team members engaged and up to speed in your business?
  • Struggling?!? – This sucks, but we’ve been there back when and our business plan pulled us out of the ditch!
    This deal is easily within your reach and just may save your bacon.
  • Recently Funded – Plan before you burn all that cash, and put systems in place to make the most of the investment(s) in your company
  • Deal with a Big Corp – Your sophisticated, winning proposal to management.
    Builds credibility. How your business can deliver on a big deal.
    They’ll want proof you have your act together. (Business Power Tools started with a business plan for
    a friend to land a deal with Apple. That evolved into our BizPlanBuilder and everything else.)
  • Ongoing Strategic Planning – It’s good to regularly revisit your “first principles:” The Problem you solve,
    your Customers, the Market, your Operation, your Team… What’s changed? What do you want to change?
    Engaging your team in a guided, collaborative process motivates and makes it work.
  • Licensing – Your alternative to building a company is licensing your product / intellectual property to an established company with the resources, distribution, and sales force. Paint a promising picture. Collect money.
  • Sale – Builds Your Case for a Profitable Future Upside and Validates Valuation.
    Add the processes and systems that make it attractive to sell faster at a higher price.
  • Succession – Everything your kids / new owners need to successfully continue what you started.
    If you carry-back some of the financing, this is especially critical for you.
  • All-of-the-Above – BizPlanBuilder is your growing, progressive catalog of everything about your business.

Even More Uses for Your Business Plan - Click here →

  • Obtain a loan, line of credit or SBA-backed guarantee
  • Save time onboarding new team members
  • Plateaued? Re-focus and move forward
  • Prevent “Bright Shiny Object” syndrome…
  • Launch a new product or service
  • Organize or reorganize your company
  • Get your people pulling in the same direction
  • Convince management to approve a new division or project funding
  • Complete your MBA or win the school competition!
  • Convince creditors that you can pull out of bankruptcy
  • Evaluate an acquisition or new business opportunity
  • Successfully exit, merge, or sell your company
  • Convince the IRS that your hobby is indeed a business

Please read before subscribing

This is not just about business planning, it’s about seeing your business through investors’, lenders’, partners’, and your customers’ eyes.

If you use BizPlanBuilder and take it seriously, it will transform the way you see your business, business planning, strategy, and financing.

You’ll see what to do, how to develop your business effectively, the same way sophisticated investors, entrepreneurs, and partners would do it.

Your business results will improve.

Do investors really read business plans?

free business plan builder software to raise capitalActually, they do. After they’ve met you, read your summary, and listened to your pitch… Before most people will click OK to wire transfer $50,000 to $50,000,000+, they’ll have questions.

A lot of questions. Wouldn’t you?!?

Most will have ideas, questions, and suggestions Why your product or service? Why now? And why from you?

A good plan will justify why you need the money and make it easier for investors to fund your business by providing the details of what you will do, how much it will cost and most importantly, how and why it will explode your growth.

Liz Jamieson, SBDC Advisor

“I have used BizPlanBuilder and it has an incredible amount of information, templates, spreadsheets, sample content, and tools in it. It is a very robust system (way more robust and flexible than LivePlan, if you ask me)! Burke has decades of experience with business financing and business planning software. I have also used Burke as a guest speaker to talk about pitch development and pitching angel investors, etc., as part of the ScaleUp program. Burke is a great resource for us to have available to us! ”
~ Liz Jamieson | Certified Business Advisor, Washington SBDC at Washington State University

“BizPlanBuilder is our BEST BUY because it cuts through the complexity of developing a plan and helps you produce slick-looking results. Its exhaustive template walks you through every step from cover letter to the appendix, with plenty of samples…

BizPlanBuilder also offers a better collection of financial tables, ratios, and projections than any competitor.”
~ Mike Hogan, PC World Magazine

PC World magazine reviews best business plan software

True Story: “How one business plan landed two LearJets…”

What’s It worth to get $5,000,000+ of jet aircraft without money?

What else can you get without using money?

business plan for jet aircraft

More valuable than money—Important BOOTSTRAPPING lesson here…

Darrin originally thought he needed money to buy airplanes, until he remembered that his goal was the airplanes. There are many ways to get what you need to build your business — it doesn’t always require money. Who has what you need? And what kind of deal can you make to get it?!?

How this BizPlanBuilder subscriber inspired
a nice man to give him TWO LearJets®…
so he could start a jet charter business!

Some time back, Darrin Perdue had three partners, with ten years combined flying experience, and a vision for a jet charter company. His plan was to first raise money and then buy a jet. Unfortunately, most investors aren’t interested in this kind of deal.

But Darrin remembered that he knew a gentleman who owned two LearJets. Darrin’s business plan convinced the jet owner to let Darrin’s company (GoodJets, Hayward, CA) manage his planes.
And his company took off…

While he didn’t have the money to buy jets, Darrin used BizPlanBuilder to map out his goals, costs, his team, his target market, and how he planned to scale the business.

If you were investing expensive assets, what would you want to know? Darrin had a detailed plan.

Today, Darrin’s company has 20+ pilots, with access to 50+ airplanes – providing jet charter services to executives, celebrities and medical transplant teams throughout the world.

Build Your Best Case for the Highest Valuation

What if your business could be worth $1,000,000+ more…

Make better deals with investors / Sell faster at a higher price

Presuming you have an awesome product or service and you can demonstrate “why your product, why now, and why from you,” it’s now on you to build a great case for growth. If you’re raising capital, it all boils down to one question every investor asks: How much is your deal worth?” Your “pre-money” valuation —
the present value of your company’s potential before investors put in their money.
(The greater this number… the less you give up!)

To get there from here, you must build a compelling case… based upon the market, your strategy, business model, the story you tell, the information you provide, the people on your team, the realistic promise in your projections, and YOU — your motivation and knowledgeable presence. Given the urgency of funding and launching, getting your plan and presentation right is crucial.

For example…

Keeping our math simple, let’s say you have a business you can pitch as worth $900,000 “pre-money.” Your investor puts in $100,000 to make the total value of your business $1,000,000. The Investor Gets 10% of Your Company.

But… What if you had a better plan, a better case for investment, a more congruent team, and you make a credible case for a pre-money valuation of $1,900,000, your investor adds $100,000 for a higher “post-money” valuation of $2,000,000. Now Your Investor Gets Only 5% of Your Company.

Not only is your business worth $1,000,000 more, you give up only 5%.
What’s it worth to you to have a better business plan?
This is why you want BizPlanBuilder.

A Clear Vision for What You’re Building and a Flexible Plan
to Navigate Around Inevitable Obstacles to Get There

Guided system produces a comprehensive strategy for growth as well as a compelling case
for raising capital, Including a detailed roadmap for implementing your resources…

Many business planning products are sufficient for a simple business, but
BizPlanBuilder is especially designed for bringing something BIG, new, and vital into the world.

With the foresight and flexibility to compensate for inevitable realities…

It’s the fastest, easiest way of turning your ideas into an investment-grade pitch
and a successful company you can someday sell.

business planning for startups to raise capital

Sold his company for $75,000,000

“I found it especially difficult to articulate my plan in a manner that would attract investors and the bank. I purchased BizPlanBuilder and developed my plan. There is a lot of detail in between, but, to get to the point… my plan, thanks to BizPlanBuilder, became a multi-million dollar company located in five states, and recently sold to a larger public company for more than $75,000,000.

With gratitude, I wish you and your staff kindest regards and THANK YOU!”
~ Brian Kahan, Boca Raton, FL

Only in BizPlanBuilder, But Missing in the “Free” Business Plans…

How much time can you afford to waste figuring out what to do and how to do it?

And what to say and how to say it?

Here’s what you often get for free…
Really? That’s it? In This Case… NOTHING?!?
A blank form?
What are you supposed to say here?
What are investors, lenders, and others looking for?
Isn’t that why you’re here?

free business plan software template

There’s often a good reason it’s free.
This is No Time to Fool Around With Somebody’s Empty “Click Bait”

With your plan in action months sooner…
Get funding, build your product, launch your marketing…
Before someone else beats you to it!

Compare that with what you get with Business Power Tools
Company info inserts in all the right places, saving even more typing.
Any blanks are filled-in with multiple-choice prompts you can actually use.
Easily customize everything to describe your unique business your way.
Just edit the parts you need, add your ideas, and build as you go.

free startup business plan model canvas raise capital

A Customizable Roadmap to Grow Through the Next Few Years and,
If You Need It, To Raise $50,000 – $50,000,000+

While BizPlanBuilder is appealing for its ease of use and breadth of knowledge, it has earned its prized reputation because its content, guidance, and structure instill credibility and trust in your project as well as in yourself.

Content scripted & formatted for you

Click on any module to launch the document-builder wizard.

Organized system walks you step-by-step through the entire project.

Review and edit the professionally-scripted narrative and financial models to generate everything you need for your company’s strategic planning or investment funding.

Update your documents within the wizard, email with a click, export to Word or PDF.

All of our templates are easier to use than Office and easily accessible via our visual document management dashboard

Easy to update as your business evolves

Business Power Tools keeps all your business docs organized and secure.

Makes it easy to find, collaborate, and continuously improve with your team, investors, and advisors.

Dashboard even serves as a “Secure Data Room” where investors can review your most recent revision.

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“So much of company building I realized was about having a strong foundation.
I saw countless “hot” startups rise fast and then fail hard because they didn’t take time to build the right team,
the right foundation, and the right operating system to run a company.”
~ Taweed Kadar, Founder & CEO, ToutApp

See How BizPlanBuilder Works Today

Leverage your BizPlanBuilder-powered plan to explain and answer questions…

Starts like a “Business Model Canvas,” grows like a “Lean Start-Up,” and expands as needed to win deals

For a Quick Demo (1:16)

Many business leaders upgrade to BizPlanBuilder because its superior content, flexible financial models, guided pitch deck, and supporting documents ultimately lead to operational organization and financing.

Access the Actual Business Power Tools Dashboard — Try it FREE for 2 Weeks, No Credit Card Required

More Considerations About Business Planning… Click to Open →

What is BizPlanBuilder Based On?

about bizplanbuilder business plan builder planning software template cloud word excel

Click to Watch Burke Franklin Introduce the Heart, Mind, and Spirit Behind BizPlanBuilder (5:49)

“You cannot BS your way through a business plan like it was a high school or college paper. Investors are too smart. I went to an east-coast boarding school (Think, “Dead Poets Society”) where we learned to write… Wilfred T. Grenfell was a stickler for content, structure, grammar, and punctuation. My papers were often returned with so much red ink I thought someone was murdered in his office! Mr. Grenfell scribbled all kinds of comments like, “What do you mean by that? Give me an example! Show me! Prove it! How many? What are you talking about?” (Sounds like what you might expect from investors, but that’s precisely what we prepare you to address.) I hated that teacher at the time, but I learned to include relevant details in my writing.

Prompts to answer investors’ questions are built-in… So, now the business plan you write with BizPlanBuilder will satisfy investors’ and lenders’ need for details. Sure, initially they’ll ask for a just 2-3 page summary, but before they’ll write you a check, they’ll want to know everything you know.

Mr. Grenfell would give your business plan an “A.” Investors will give you capital.

~ Burke Franklin, creator of BizPlanBuilder

A Strategic Deal with Apple

A long time ago, a friend had a deal going with Apple to use his engineering software in their circuit design. Apple wanted a better idea of how he planned to stay in business, support the program, and continue development.

Without a convincing plan, no deal. Our “business plan” for Apple needed to speak to multiple people in different places, with varying biases, and at all levels. It worked. We got the deal.

Over the next year a number of people came to me for business plan surgery. Many of them had brilliant ideas, but were unconvincing about their product/market fit, business model, marketing strategy, or financial plan. What worked for them evolved into BizPlanBuilder – a business plan that makes sense. Here’s the newest version.

~ Burke Franklin, Creator & CEO, Business Power Tools & BizPlanBuilder Read the Actual Origin Story Here

Why Do So Many Business Leaders and Consultants Trust It?

Raising Capital is Hard

You must build trust with investors.

Do you realize…

Before an investor dives into your 10 or 20-page document, s/he wants straight answers to a few basic questions about you, your business, and your plan.

They listen to what you say and your confidence behind your words.

While they want to believe you, they most trust those who’ve made money with them before.

Nevertheless, if they’re interested, they’ll take a meeting, indulge your “pitch” and ask a lot more questions…

Finally, they will often spend as much as 20-30 hours on “due-diligence” — fact checking, feasibility analysis, competitive comparison, background research — as well as comparing your deal to other interesting opportunities…

It’s why we built BizPlanBuilder — to make sure that you will exude everything they’re looking for.

Addressing the right things, getting them right, and having it all together keeps them focused and moving forward on your deal.

Because so much of the work has already been done and proven successful in so many businesses

We bring together an experienced group of entrepreneurs, advisors and investors who have shared their experience, knowledge and wisdom on what it takes to organize, fund, and grow a viable company in our current climate.

Rather than you having to research, organize, answer questions in a vacuum or write from scratch, we’ve synthesized the best solutions from our many resources and provided them as examples for you to customize to fit your business.

We’ve done most of the authoring for you.
There are no blank pages, so there’s no writer’s block.

Expert comments throughout explain issues and give clear, sensible advice in a step-by-step format.
For big projects with huge promise — A real business plan makes a big difference.

“This is the first program I have seen that begins the process and inspires you to finish!”
~ Robert Taylor, Taylor Sudden Service

What BizPlanBuilder does for you…

  • Inventors — Gives you the right tools (narrative, financial models, presentation) to attract investors
  • Start-Ups — Organizes and prioritizes your ideas into a logical and compelling presentation
    Lays a solid yet flexible foundation for continually building your company
    Saves time repeatedly explaining and promoting your business concept
  • Growing Companies — Update annual strategic / operating plans
    Coordinate all activities, SWOT analysis and budget — enables your team to contribute and execute
    Properly tie strategy to budget to assure execution. (67% of companies don’t do this)
  • Consultants / Coaches — Work with clients to develop their full agenda
    Share in the BIG picture and see specifically everywhere you can support your client
  • Baby-Boomers — Retirement?!? Launch a business around your ideas
    But first, carefully vet your ideas before you invest your retirement funds!
  • Business Schools — Incorporate current real-world tools with sufficient rigor to teach business creation
  • Non-Profits — Apply proven business principles that donors appreciate — make donations do the most good for your mission

Ask These 8 Questions Before Investing in Business Plan Software

Because the right choice makes all the difference in your success and sanity

1) Do they show real success stories
or testimonials for businesses or projects similar to or as big as yours?

2) Do they offer more than just the business plan template?
For example, providing supporting documents and worksheets to help you manage your funding?
Like a proper offer letter to a potential Advisor or Director?
A startup checklist…
an “Elevator” pitch worksheet…
a Due Diligence checklist…

3) Is it a system of inquisition, where they ask you hundreds of questions, and the black box writes it for you…
Or can you preview professionally scripted sentences in context with your plan that you can simply edit or fill in the variables?

4) Is the actual text content designed to be used for real or is it just a placeholder that you have to rewrite anyway? Or are they just giving you blank pages expecting you’ll know what to write?

5) Do they offer an integrated financial model that’s easy to understand and equally easy for an investor or lender to follow? Some people like a “wizard-driven ” template.
We also offer two variations of fully customizable Excel® models…

6) Can you customize the financial model to fit your business exactly?
All investors and lenders are familiar with Excel.
Does the model step them through the logic of your financing?
(A “pretty” model to them is one enabling them to find the numbers they’re looking for, not just colorful.)

7) Do they include a comprehensive and proven PowerPoint presentation template,
enabling you to easily develop your “pitch” to investors?

8) Does the same financing plan lend itself to executing your priorities, as well as serving as an ongoing operating plan?
Is it easy to keep updating? Can you use it to manage the growth of your company??

8 Investor "Pitching" Tips to Keep in Mind

Here are a few universal things we’ve learned over the years about
writing business plans and pitching investors to raise capital.

Tip #1 – Investors don’t want to buy your product, they want to invest in your business.
Investors say this all the time! (It’s the difference between selling a can of coke and a coke machine.)
They’ll get what you’re doing in 2-seconds, but then you must show them who is going to use it
(and want it NOW), how and why it makes money, and why YOU are the ones to do it…

Tip #2 – Bootstrap your business as far as possible.
Demonstrate how much you can do with what you have.
(Make deals like the “jet charter” guy above!)

Tip #3 You can’t promise a sure thing, but you can be a good bet.
The better business plan you write, the better deals you’ll make.
Consider every aspect of your business — think it through with help from others…
Do whatever it takes to fully believe in your business, yourself, and your offer.

Tip #4 Investors often go to the financials first.
What’s it going to take, how big can this become… and is it worth doing?

Tip #5 You’re giving investors your 10-20 minute presentation — they’ll interrupt with questions
(that’s actually a good sign proving their interest), are you ready with answers?

Tip #6 Investor Demographic: Middle-aged men, highly educated.
Yours may be different, tweak to connect accordingly.

TIP #7 To reach the tipping point where an investor will write you a check, you must
illustrate an operating and profitable business — then show them how their investment will return 10X.
Sometimes investors want too much — they want more to compensate for the risk of potential failure…
That’s why you must think thru your entire concept, anticipate issues, and explain how you will succeed anyway.

TIP #8 – Strategic Sequencing
One of the biggest mistakes we see start-up companies make is doing things out of order.
Spending money on something now that you don’t need until later can not only set back your whole project,
but could leave you flat broke. Create a plan and stick to it.


With the business opportunity of a lifetime in front of you,
it’s crucial that you are understood and taken seriously.

Why Most Investors Won’t Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs)

Angel and venture capitalists get pitches every day. Unfortunately, you may not be the only one with your innovative idea. A Non-Disclosure Agreement puts them in an awkward position.

If investors see a flurry of similar seeming business concepts, and like the opportunity and fit within their investment thesis, their choice now comes down to choosing the best team most likely to succeed.

Rather than worry about your idea being revealed, it’s far more effective to demonstrate the quality of your team to turn it into a successful business.

Another way of saying this is, “They bet on the jockey, not the horse.”

Why Some Investors Hate(?) Business Plan Software

Why Some Investors Hate(?!?) Business Plan Software

We’ve heard a few times from VCs that they don’t want entrepreneurs to use business planning software.

Why do you suppose that is?!?

Unfair, unlikely, and conspiracy-theorist possibilities that
we don’t believe or espouse, but it has been suggested…

  • Business planning software makes you appear to be too smart.
  • They want you to overestimate your numbers—in all the excitement and desire to wow them with the big deal, you’ll project outrageous revenue and profits that you can’t possibly attain and they then have a reason to take over your company.
  • Or better yet, you’ll underestimate your projections and they’ll take a bigger bite of your business upfront.
  • Perhaps using business planning software stacks the deck in your favor?
    Their unfair advantage is that many VCs have a Harvard / Stanford MBA?
    The deck is already stacked in their favor…
    Using business plan software levels the playing field, maybe even tilts it in your favor.

The better job you do on your business plan, the better deals you’ll make.

Investors want to hear the principal articulate it in their own words too,
but they also want a complete story with all the info so they can make a good investment decision.

To investors’ relief, business planning software assures them that the entrepreneur thinks through the entire project from end to end.
Business plan software educates entrepreneurs on the full business lifecycle and quickly educates them on business finance.
Afterall, investors invest in businesses. They pray every day for a deal worth funding.

We created BizPlanBuilder to bring the entrepreneur up to speed and makes for a better business.
Just don’t tell them you used business pan software to put together such a great business plan.

Why Investors Love(!) Business Plans Created With BizPlanBuilder

  • You won’t spend too much time selling them your product.
    Instead, you’ll clearly outline your business opportunity and how it will make both of you a lot of money.
  • Unlike those selected entrepreneurial buffoons floundering on the Shark Tank, you’ll have
    your act together, you’ll know your numbers, you’ll be able to answer all the questions.

Whether or not you’re raising capital, you’ll likely want to plan strategically how to make the resources you have
go as far as possible and to build your business efficiently with the best team and partners.

Make Financial Sense of Your Business, Tell Your Story With Numbers

Not only do you require a logical financial model that makes sense to you,
this one also makes sense to investors, lenders, or a buyer.

free business plan financial software template

Business Plan Summary Financial Model

Click to Enlarge

“The purpose of financial projections is to tell your story with numbers — a story about opportunity, resource requirements, market forces, growth, milestone achievements, and profits. Your job is to create a numerical framework that complements and reinforces the vision you’ve painted with words.”
~ Bill Reichert, Garage Technology Ventures

CPA-tested financial models easily project Customers, Units, Revenue, Costs, Profits, Cashflow, Valuation… And potential ownership give-up of any investment deal.

They are completely configured, fully integrated and tastefully formatted.

No need to be a spreadsheet or financial expert.
“Assumptions” pages make it easy to enter, update and experiment with your business model.

All formulas have been independently tested by qualified and practicing CPAs.

Financial models are completely integrated and show all of the math

Enter your sales, expense, growth and other assumptions, and let BizPlanBuilder do the calculations. Show how believable numbers can add up — unlike other financial models (Input ⇒ BLACK BOX  ⇒ Output), here you’ll see the math, and be able to understand and explain “how you got there” in a clear and logical manner.

See “what-if…” when you change scenarios

BizPlanBuilder automatically calculates Totals, Percentages, and Ratios to show at a glance how much money you’ll need, when you’ll need It, and how soon you’ll make a Profit.

It’s easy to update too — If you change a number, the worksheets automatically recalculate for you.

  • Quick-fill Assumptions pages enable easy top-down or bottom-up forecasting
  • Project sales by product/line/marketing channel(s) – including seasonal & mix adjustment.
  • Customizable HR planning pages help you plan/adjust staffing, payroll, space requirements, costs
  • One-click access to answers, market stats, resources
  • 34 Ratios defined & measured with free access to BizStats to compare with industry norms
  • Sensitivity Analysis – Unique 1-page “what-if…” best/worst case scenario worksheet
    No need to create several versions of your financials
  • Business Valuation – 3 common models + the average of all 3; calculates ROI & stock give-up
  • Capitalization Table – Helps you plan stock allocation thru 4 rounds of funding + IPO/Sale
  • Investor “Deal” Analysis – How much will investors make? How much will you make?
Click for More Details on the Excel Models

Geir Ilstad angel investor recommend bizplanbuilder business plan software template

Better than a $1,500 software program

“We’ve been using your financial model for financial analysis, partnering, M&A, and VC analysis here in Silicon Valley and in Europe. I have used a few other programs like MoneySoft that cost $1,500+ and yours are better, more accurate, and more detailed. I can trust the integrity of the BizPlanBuilder financial models.”
~ Geir Ilstad, Prudent Management, Los Altos, CA

Recommended to all of his clients

“Now I can recommend a standardized financial proforma that all of my clients can use. BizPlanBuilder’s financial model has just the right level of detail (without too much!) in the same format every time, eliminating the crazy-making submissions from so many amateurs I used to get.”
~ Robert Steven Kramarz, Executive Director, Investor, Author, Intelliversity The Funding Academy for Innovators – Led by Investors

Rob Kramarz intelliversity angel investor recommmends bizplanbuilder business planning software template

loan officer recommends BizplanBuilder

The best business planning software on the market

“Whenever I get a sense that one of our Clients needs to write a business plan, or has some other business building software needs, I always recommend BizPlanBuilder. We have been using it for many years, and in my view, it is the best business software on the market, at a very affordable price – a terrific value.”
~ Robert W. Dudek, CEO, The Blu Summit Real Estate Group, San Diego, CA

Nail the Biggest Financing, Sales Opportunities of Your Life

“Pitch” your deal with our updated PowerPoint® / Keynote® presentation deck template

BizPlanBuilder includes a proven, customizable pitch deck
It steps you through the development of an ideal presentation that
appeals exactly to what investors are thinking — and looking for.
(We also recommend the book: “Pitch Anything” by Oren Klaff)

What motivates the majority of investors’ isn’t just the idea itself,
or even the promise of the business, but how much they believe in the founder(s).

If you’ve done your planning, market research, and math… you’ll have the answers.
If not, even a knowing response like, “We’re considering that now and are researching…” will suffice.
A blank stare… and you’re in trouble!

But not when you’ve used BizPlanBuilder.
This is how you win your BIG opportunity to get the funding you need.


Click to Enlarge

ernie neve business planning system for advisors, coaches, consultants“I have been using BizPlanBuilder in my own business, and in my capacity as a successful CPA/Consultant, for many years now. It is a terrific product, extremely useful, with output that is well received by lenders and investors. Trying to get my own business to the next level, pursuing growth and acquisitions, immediately thought of you and your products!”
~ Ernie Neve, CPA, CVA, CTC, CVO of The Neve Group, LTD.

Expert Guidance Throughout Leads and Simplifies All the Way

Step-by-step direction as you go

The next best thing to having us finish it for you is to have an expert sitting next to you.

As you scroll through each section, you’ll learn from expert advice, comments, and suggestions explaining what to do and why, helping you side-step mistakes.

Anecdotes, Examples, Ideas, Links, Lists, and Lessons others have paid for dearly

“Very easy to learn and use.
I’ve seen no other business plan package that comes close to what this one can do.
Overall Rating: A+”
~ Joe Miller, Editor’s Choice Magazine

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“…Everyone knows that functionality is important, but all those pretty words and numbers won’t help you when you get up in front of a committee of investors asking how the numbers were derived.

The distinction of BizPlanBuilder over other business plan software is the extensive step-by-step help, the wealth of documentation and business articles to help with strategy and business development, and the range of internal and online help and support.

While other business plan software applications can help users create formatted and professional-looking plans on paper, what BizPlanBuilder does in addition, is help users create an understanding of their business to help sell themselves to investors and bankers.

That is, after all, the whole point of building a business plan, and BizPlanBuilder provides all the tools; the user need only bring passion and desire to see it through.”

Video Tutorials Coach You What To Say—And Why

I’ll show you how to avoid TWO common and catastrophic mistakes,
and build credibility with investors from the start.

A competitor shows how one can just drag a graph to make your numbers look good.
How can you explain your logic or walk an investor through your process? 😐
We don’t know either.

Using BizPlanBuilder you’ll be able to easily explain and justify your projections.
Investors understand this and the BizPlanBuilder methodology builds a case they can believe.

What’s important to you…

At the beginning of each section, Burke Franklin will introduce you to:

  • What you need to think about as you edit and complete this section of your business plan.
  • What are investors and lenders looking to learn here?
  • How does this section affect the best outcome?

If you want to watch a few, click here…

“Certain conventions you must follow regarding how people think about business, and BizPlan Builder does that very well. I can now do in a day what it used to take a week to do!”
~ Doug Harvey, Business Plan Consultant

Collaborate, Co-Create With Your Team For Buy-In and Cooperation

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Click to Enlarge

Share Comments On Each Section

Besides your ability to edit every section and customize it completely (you can also click to access the HTML), you have a “Comments” screen attached to every section of your plan where you can keep and share non-printing “side” notes. Also, it’s where investors can leave comments and questions.

Secure, multi-user access enables controlled collaboration

If want them to enthusiastically execute your plan, include your team,
business consultants, partners and even investors in your planning.

  • Management Teams — Share the work, get your plan done better and faster, with contributions from everyone
  • Consultants — You now have a powerful platform to collaborate and keep connected with clients
  • Incubators / Accelerators — Oversee and better manage your cohort companies with consistency across all
  • Educators — Teach and participate with your student teams
  • Investment Bankers — Quickly make changes and update plans
  • No email file back & forth confusion: “Conflicting Copies”
  • Control other users’ access: None / Read-Only / Full-Edit
  • Section by section check-out / check-In prevents overwriting each other’s work! Ugh!

What better way to gather input and inspire action?

Now it’s easy to share your plan and gather ideas and solutions your team will buy into and follow.

Your team also must be on the same page to answer investors’ questions during your pitch.

Your people can take the right actions in support of your big ideas because they have your movie script and they helped write it.

Need to pivot? Now it’s it easy to plan changes and engage everyone’s support.

“BizPlanBuilder helped us get our new project rolling. Each team member could take a field and work that section independently.”
~ Sandy Churchill, Key-Tronic Corp., Spokane, WA

What These Seasoned Business-Leaders Say…

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Business People Like You Share Their Successful Experience

Real, documented successes across many industries

Most of our testimonials are unsolicited (sometimes we ask). We’ve copied many of them directly from emails and texts to give you an idea of how real BizPlanBuilder is and how much others have accomplished using it.

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“The questions and advice included with BizPlanBuilder are, in our opinion, the best part of the program. We recommend BizPlanBuilder because it gets you thinking about what it takes to start and run a successful business. And with a price tag of $150, it costs a lot less than a consultant.”
~ Jeff Dodd, Smart Computing

“BizPlanBuilder employs a refreshing combination of the philosopher and expert mentor approach.”
~ Gerald Herter, CPA, MBA, Accounting Technology

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“We love your software. It’s the best.
For years, we’ve been telling our readers to buy it!”
~ Rieva Lesonsky, Editorial Director, Entrepreneur Magazine

Access Your Ready-to-Use System to Organize, Fund, Run, and Ultimately Sell Your Business

Everything you need to quickly produce a strategic business plan for “lean” growth and,
if or when you need it, a credible and compelling proposal to get the money you need.

If you believe a better business plan would get you closer to success and capital sooner,
there’s no better investment you can make right now than accessing this system offer.

Upgrade to the Complete Strategic Business
Growth Plan / Roadmap Development System

  • Updated BizPlanBuilder Business Planning System
    Ideal for Growing the Company / Strategic Planning / Financing
    Bootstrapping / Concept Evaluation / Budgeting
    Start-Ups Raising Capital / Pre-Money Valuation
    Teaching Students "Real World" Business
    Efficiencies for Advisors & Accelerators
  • Our Best Deal for Start-Ups, Early Stage, Growing Companies, & Non-Profits
    Includes the Most Tools & Template Options
    + Expanded Dashboard
  • Compatible with All Browsers
    Progressive & Scalable — Start Small, Come Back to Edit or Add More
    Modular System with Drag 'n Drop Sequencing — Follow Step x Step or Jump-in Anywhere
  • Includes Full Access to ALL Content on Selected Panels
    Home, Business Plan, Finance, Legal, Management, R&D
  • Pre-Written, Done-For-You Sample Business Plans
    150+ Industry-Specific Sample Plan Templates Get You Going
    "SWOT" analysis crucial for strategic planning prioritizes
    Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats
    Unlike every other business plan templates, we actually intend for you to be able to use our copy vs. having to delete it or rewrite it.
  • Wizard-driven Financial Model
    Makes it Easy to Project Sales, Costs, Profits, Headcount
  • 3 Fully Customizable Excel-Based Financial Workbooks
    "Visionary Funding", "Expansion Plan", and Non-Profit Models
    Easily Adaptable to Model Your Organization
    CPA Reviewed
    If you are an Excel user, you'll love the total flexibility to customize your financial model.
    Need an Excel expert? You can find them in our Expert Referral Network!
  • Includes PowerPoint / Keynote
    Investor Presentation ("Pitch" Deck) Template
    Tutorial Guides You Step-by-Step Through a Successful Presentation.
    Comprehensive Handbook of Business Planning Adds Useful Insight into Raising Capital
  • Tutorial Videos Introduce Each Section
    How to Make it Count!
    What Investors & Lenders are Looking For
  • Supplemental Intro Letters, Templates, and Worksheets
    Invite Advisors & Board Members
    Cover Letters to Friends & Family, Investors, Lenders...
    "Elevator" pitch worksheet hones your perfect 30-second intro
  • Includes Incentive Stock Options Plan
    All Necessary Document Templates
    Shareholder Ownership Tracking
  • Includes Corporation & LLC Formation Doc Templates
    Articles, By-Laws, Operating Agreement, Unit Allocation...
  • Funding Resources
    Sources of Angel Investors, Venture Capital, and Lenders
    "Funding Plan" Strategy for Attracting Investors.
  • CONTACTS (CRM System) Manages:
    VIPs, Vendors, Investors...
    + Tasks + Events + Programs + Proposals
  • Global 24/7 Secure Access
    Automatic Back-Up & Restore
  • Month To Month Subscription
    No Contract, No Commitment, Cancel/Suspend Anytime
    All Your Work is Automatically Saved
    Use the system as long as you need it.
    You may want to keep it open and allow investors and certain others read-only access.
  • Add Unlimited Number of Team, Advisors to Collaborate
    for $1 / mo each
    Also Between PCs Macs
    You Control All Access to Panels/Apps
    Add an unlimited number of users...
    Selected members of your team can access any/all of the apps in your subscription -- You control access as well as read / write or read-only permission.
  • * Secure Data Room for Sharing Investment Docs *
    Include Investors, Lenders, Professors as Users
    to Access & Review Plans, Models, and Pitch Deck
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Successfully sold our business for $7.5 million

“I utilized your software to update my business plan at least 4-5 times per year and as many as eight times in one year.
Your product assisted me and my partner with focusing on our core services and achieving our tremendous growth,
over 100% per year, from a $15K investment to over $4,000,000 in sales. We successfully sold our business
for $7.5 million and are looking to take our skill sets into a new business venture…”
~ Curt Tomlinson, Seisan Consultants, Columbia, PA,

“I first learned of BizPlanBuilder capabilities while attending business school in San Francisco, CA over 12 years ago. Since then, I have used this software to develop and update my business plans for businesses I started and ran, and successfully secured $500,000 in funding twice during this time.

Funders appreciated the level of detail in the write up of the plan, plus the correctness and detail of the financial pro-forma presented to them – it provided them with tangible proof of my entrepreneurial capacity and success potential. They supported this belief by funding me. That is what happens when you wisely utilize the right tool to get the job done.

These plans were created easily using BizPlanBuilder. All of these plans were created in a matter of a few days! What a huge time saver!
Today, I am a successful business consultant.

I recommend the BizPlanBuilder business plan software to my clients in need to develop and update their business road map!
You guys ROCK!”
~ Claudia Cody, Cody Consulting

If You Need Even More Ideas and Proof of Success…

After 35+ Years, We’ve Heard Many Success Stories and Added the Best Ideas:

Why BizPlanBuilder? Why now? Why you?

Ready to Rock the Shark Tank?

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You know… When a contestant is floundering?
They all ask… “Do you have a business plan?”

Every one of the sharks on ABC’s The Shark Tank has asked this question. Why? Because they can tell when a contestant has their act together or not.

Have you ever heard them ask for just a business model canvas? Or just a pitch deck?
Are you ready for The Shark Tank?!?

“You won’t be presenting your operating plan to investors in your first few meetings, but you’d better understand how you are going to run the business once you raise capital. A well thought-out operating plan will reflect your ability to allocate resources—people and money—to the highest priority objectives.” ~ Bill Reichert, Garage Technology Ventures

You’re investing your own savings as well as money from friends, family, and others…
Plus, the next 3-10 years of your life

If it’s funding you want, and you go with the wrong business plan software because it was free, cheap or too-good-to-be-true, investors just know — and they’ll toss it. FWIW, BizPlanBuilder is the business plan system behind the success of more than 2 million entrepreneurs, 160 colleges & universities, 1,200+ consultants, and is responsible for funding countless businesses.

It always looks unique and compelling, never cookie-cutter.


“I made a deal with a large corporate partner for over a million dollars.
They funded my entire operation to publish 100 of the greatest books on CD ROM.”
~ Steven DeVore, President, InteliQuest, Danville, CA

It’s more than a classroom-and-books education; it’s a nuts-and-bolts, street-smart education, a way of looking at business and funding that is true and that works.

20 Things BizPlanBuilder Enables You to Do

  1. Organize and prioritize your ideas into a logical and compelling presentation
  2. See your business through the eyes of investors & lenders
  3. Tell your story & articulate your value proposition
  4. Visualize and communicate the big picture
  5. Model your business using fully integrated pro-forma financial worksheets
  6. Prove to investors that you have solid concept and a clear path to success
  7. Consider solutions for every part of your business
  8. Establish the best structure for your business
  9. Present a clear explanation of your use of funds with milestones
  10. Show a Cap Table covering several rounds of funding + IPO or acquisition!
  11. Introduce your team members (and / or identify needed skillsets)
    Investors bet on the team, the jockeys not just the horse.)
  12. Develop a compelling summary plan and investor “pitch deck”
  13. Learn exactly what to include in your business plan and what to say from the first page to the last. There’s a sequence. You need to follow it.
  14. Collaborate over a network or the Internet and share the planning process
  15. Understand your deal and establish a strong footing for negotiating your funding deal
  16. Learn from step x step instructions woven throughout — with video tutorials and expert commentary to explain each section and offer best practices
  17. Includes comprehensive Handbook of Business Planning
  18. Fluently answer investors’ & lenders’ questions and ease any concerns
  19. Have the confidence in your business and yourself to inspire confidence in others
  20. Maximize your credibility – from first impression onwards

The Success-Inspiring Antidote to “500 Sample Business Plans” the
Business-Plan-in-a-Day” and the “Free” Business Plan Software Templates

There Are Many Options For Business Plan Software

Texas business owner, Jerry Kezhaya
has used Business Power Tools
apps and templates for 19 years…
What does he know?!?

Why Use Some Cookie-Cutter Business Plan for Your Unique Kind of Business?

A competitor offers a web-based business plan as well as 500 sample plans — actually based upon a bicycle store or a coffee shop(?!?) That may be OK for a very simple business, but if your project is even slightly more ambitious and you want capital from “smart money,” then BizPlanBuilder is the business planning system designed for you.

Another competitor promises you can write a business plan in just 8 hours(?!?) That’s great marketing hype and very attractive, but designing a respectable business — even with the best business planning software on Earth — will require more time than that before you commit your own money, the next few years of your life, and your credibility with family, friends, and investors.

And then there’s the free business plan offered by the SBA…
(“Close enough for government work?”)

If your business is unique, you’ll benefit from our industry cross-pollination approach that gives you more to work with.

We’ve incorporated input from thousands of customers and studied thousands of business plans, investors, lenders, deals and other business planning software over the past 30 years — and combined the best content and functionality into the BizPlanBuilder business planning system.

  • Incorporates real text intended for you to use
  • (Much more than just blanks to fill-in or generic copy you have to rewrite.)

Like most people who have compared, we think you’ll find that our content is actually more useful.

“I’ve used a similar template from the SBA, but theirs gives the user about the same level of instructional detail as assembling Ikea Furniture – vague and unhelpful haha. BizPlanBuilder is very straight-forward and easy to use!”
– Josh Chouinard, Team Lead, The Chill Group, Portland, OR

Josh Chouinard recommends BizPlan Builder business plan software template

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“I have used both Business Plan Pro and BizPlanBuilder in my past management positions. With all the so-called sample plans in Business Plan Pro, it’s easy to think you have the final product. You really don’t — it’s not really that user friendly especially if you are not comfortable writing the narrative. Instead, with BizPlanBuilder, it’s much easier for me to help a client develop a professional business plan that I don’t have to entirely rewrite.”
~ Sajata Strong, Area Director, Clark Atlanta University SBDC, School of Business Administration, Atlanta, GA

We’ve Used It Many Times Ourselves!

“We’ve also used BizPlanBuilder ourselves a number of times: for an SBA loan, two lines of credit, angel investments, JVs, and mostly to share with people on what we’re doing… Everything we’re promoting that our customers can do!”
~ Burke Franklin, Creator of BizPlanBuilder, Business Power Tools, Santa Barbara, CA

Burke Franklin

Dr. Goetzow compares BizPlanBuilder business plan template over Business Plan Pro

“Over the years, I have used BizPlan Builder for writing business plans a number of times and found this an excellent tool for developing great business plans that have succeeded in obtaining financing as well as guiding the development of successful businesses. In the seventies and eighties I worked in investment banking before there was BizPlan Builder (or before I was aware of it) and as Director of the Healthcare Division of an Investment Banking House, I was fortunate to review a thousand or more business plans to decide which companies we would bring public (IPOs) or work with for joint ventures or mergers and acquisitions. Your software produces plans that are equivalent to some of the best plans I’ve seen. I have tried using another software, Palo Alto Software [Business Plan Pro / Live Plan], but was not anywhere near as satisfied with the results.”
~ Dr. Jake Goetzow, San Francisco, CA

In the Aftermath of the “Theranos,” “Fyre Island,” and “WeWork” Debacles, Investors Are Far More Wary.
Now, More than Ever, You Must Demonstrate Not Only That You Have a Promising Business Concept,
With All the Ingredients to Succeed, But That You Are For Real.

You Get One Chance to Grab an Investor’s Interest and Prove,
“Why Your Product?” “Why Now?” and “Why From You!

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“Entrepreneurs who write formal plans are 16% more likely to achieve viability than the otherwise identical non-planning entrepreneurs.”

Click to access the full article (about 3-minute reading time)

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Investors will (and you should too) ask a lot of hard questions.
Do you have the answers?

Investors (and you) want to know what you and your team know, and that you’re on the same page

A “Business Model Canvas” and a “pitch deck” may get you a first meeting, but doubtful they’ll get you funding.

A business plan is crucial — What you do, how you do it, and how you make money are investors’ priorities.

The process of planning is as important as the plan itself. As a smart entrepreneur, you must consider every angle.

Using BizPlanBuilder you have an adaptive, coordinated, proactive and responsive strategy for growth and funding.

“As an experienced financial consultant, I was amazed at the depth of the package and its ease of use.”
~ Tom Devine, The Clayton Group, New York, NY

“As former president of the Connecticut Chapter and active national director of the 8,000 member Turnaround Management Association, I’ve been using BPB in my successful consulting practice since our first conversation 15 years ago. It’s fantastic!”

~ Stephen A. Oster, The Oster Group, Inc., Greenwich, Connecticut

Builds a Strong Case for Angel and Venture Capital Funding

The gravitas to gain the advantage with investors to fund your company

A computer can generate your plan, but before anyone signs a check they’ll want to talk to YOU.

With BizPlanBuilder, you’ll be prepared with the 2-3 page summary, as well as the complete plan, a proper presentation, and the answers to the tough questions most investors and lenders will ask!

The real reason BizPlanBuilder has been so successful for so many CEOs is that it covers all the bases to convince yourself that your business / concept is worth investing in. Now, when you pitch it to investors and others they’ll believe you!

Angels and Venture Capitalists are tough and can be brutal on business plans.

They’re often investing their own cash and have seen many deals before! (Usually they say they want a short 2-3 page plan. That’s good for an intro. Actually, they’ll want to know many things before writing a check!)

We’ve been listening, watching, and working with investors ourselves for a long time and we’ve built-in the answers leading you all the way with the text and numbers in the structure they’re looking for.

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“BizPlanBuilder is the best business plan software on the market. We have used other packages, and when we found BizPlanBuilder, we decided it is the one we want our clients to use. In our business, we do a lot of SBA loans, all across the country.

It’s important for the bankers to see the personality of the business and the people involved in the ventures we are seeking funding for. Financials alone are not enough.

All the aspects of a business need to be covered in the business plan, if a company is going to be considered for funding.

BizPlanBuilder helps a business owner do that — it covers all the bases, and helps generate the thinking required to produce a complete picture of the proposed venture.”

~ Bill Dorgan, William Dorgan & Associates, Business Finance Consultants, Tucson, AZ

The Business Plan for Lean Startups and Bootstrapping

“Build a company without raising venture capital. Venture capital is debt. You’re going to have partners who you may or may not want. Entrepreneurs see VCs as just, “Give me money and get the hell out of my way and let me do what I want.” But VCs see entrepreneurs as: “You’re going to be my partner for 7 – 10 years and I’m going to trust you with my money.” So we have a very different relationship. Companies only continue to exist if they can make money from customers. So if you can actually start there, you’re in much better shape.” ~ Heidi Roizen, Venture Capitalist, Draper Fisher Jurvetson

Following the lean methodology of create, iterate and document, and add to your plan…

Also beyond the “business model canvas” and “lean start-up,” BizPlanBuilder provides the structure to choreograph your story. Show investors and others the promise of your business, its positive impact on the world, and your roadmap to success — everything to inspire investment and support.

What if you could finance your company without money?

Over the years, we’ve learned that what impresses investors most is how much you can accomplish with what little you have. Prove that you’re resourceful and investors are often inclined to bet on you.

Better yet, you may be in the enviable position of not needing their money.

  • Raise capital if / when you need it
  • Tell a great story with organized facts and good numbers
  • Implement ideas that help you generate revenue from the beginning
  • Do everything you can to build value in your business…
    Make deals, barter, trade… Build value before seeking investors.

$65,000 Loan to Buy Store From Owner!

This retail pet store employee used BizPlanBuilder to get a loan for $65,000 from the Bank of Montreal to acquire the store from the owner…

“I don’t know how I would even have started a project like this without BizPlanBuilder. I was up against 7 big players in the pet industry and managed to beat them all because of the professionalism in my business plan.”
~ Linda Bleoo, Montreal

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The Business Plan for Friends, Family and Crowdfunding

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How to Pitch Your Friends, Family, and Others on Your Business Idea…

What do you show them? What do you leave behind for them to read? When you ask family and friends for money, the first hurdle you may need to overcome their perception of the “old You.” Your new business plan must demonstrate to your friends and relatives the current you and prove that you can be responsible with their cash. And that your past was full of rich learning experiences from which you will now earn yourself and them a fortune! BizPlanBuilder will step you through it and do the work for you.


The Business Plan Software Template for Crowdfunding

As you are likely already aware, crowdfunding is an online, grassroots way to raise money through the generosity of your family, friends, social network and strangers. Crowdfunding enables you to raise a lot of money from a lot of people. Crowdfunding is hot right now and will only grow – what with the new rules from the SEC.

Crowdfunders also want to understand why your business, why you, why now, and what will they get for funding you. What’s your plan for the money?

Like sophisticated investors, crowdfunders appreciate a good deal, but they still demand the same details. Remember, you’re competing with other deals on crowdfunding sites, so you need a stand-out plan that answers investors’ questions and makes the best case for investing their capital with you.

The content you need to fill-in the crowdfunding boxes

Many equity crowdfunding sites even seem to offer a business plan, but they really just offer a bunch of empty “buckets” to fill in from yours. Not to worry. Simply copy and paste, or upload either your entire plan or just the required sections created with BizPlanBuilder.

The Strategic Business Planning System for Restoring Growth…
and Confidence in the Company

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The Strategic Planning Software Often Referred by Business Consultants

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Are You a Professional Business Advisor?

Our customers need all the help they can get and that’s where you come in. We’re creating partnerships with consultants giving you more to offer your clients as well as a better way of managing projects with them. If you are such an advisor / consultant / expert, we have a number of profitable growth options for you.

Thinking about using our apps, templates, and dashboard to supercharge your consulting practice?
Click to See Our Special Program for Business Advisors

Even experienced business planners report how useful BizPlanBuilder is even as a checklist to remind them of everything to consider before presenting to investors or lenders.

Why We Love Business Consultants

  • You “get it” about the importance of business plans and the tools we offer…
  • You understand the “realities” of business, not “magical thinking”
  • You can further support our customers with hands-on help
  • You collaborate with your clients using Business Power Tools

At first, it may seem that our software competes with business consultants, attorneys and other business advisors. However, when they started using our software templates themselves they realize just how much time and client education effort they saved.

“The Biz Plan Builder is clear and easy to use for individual clients and groups.”
~ Robert Davis, Julius and James, LTD., Springfield, IL

The Business Financing Plan Software Template for SBA Loans

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“$450,000 SBA Loan…”

If you’re looking for a loan or line of credit over $100,000 or SBA backed financing, you’ll need a business plan. Lenders hate risk. They also know that businesses with a plan are more likely to succeed.

According to an SBA survey,
“…of the businesses that failed,
60% had no business plan.”

Aaron Parnell landed a $700,000 SBA Loan for his wellness center in San Mateo, CA

Aaron Parnell used BizPlanBuilder business plan software template for an sba loan to fund his health clinic

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A Real-World System for Teaching Business Creation

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You Cannot BS Your Way Through These Projects!

Do so at your peril! They’re being read by real people with a real interest in your business, not a teacher’s assistant in a hurry to meet friends for a beer!

Reality Requires More Rigor
It takes a lot to build a successful business. BizPlanBuilder makes it easy to implement your key foundation building-blocks because we’ve already done the heavy-lifting: the content, financial models and worksheet calculators, the presentation decks… What better way to teach budding entrepreneurs?

Thinking About Using Our Apps, templates, and Dashboard to Supercharge Your Business Classes?

Click to Learn More About Teaching Entrepreneurship

“Having gone through all of the competitive products for business planning and marketing planning, I chose yours..”
~ Malcolm Novins, PhD, George Mason University, Alexandria, VA

Teach and Learn Using the Business Plan that Succeeds in the Real-World

BizPlanBuilder has been widely adopted by business schools and has been used by thousands of MBA students to produce their business plans and enter competitions.

While we market BizPlanBuilder as easy to use and practically done for you, there’s plenty of rigor for students for learning and doing.

“I’ve been using BizPlanBuilder online for 3 semesters now and it has really succeeded in helping me to guide my students — grads & undergrads — to really understand the mechanics of starting, financing and building a business. I’ve laid out the course curriculum in Moodle and it ties in very nicely with the sections and videos built-in to the BizPlanBulder system.”
~ Thomas DeNardin, Professor of Entrepreneurship

Not-for-Profit? Give Donors What They Need to Inspire Giving

BizPlanBuilder Helps You Write a Grant Proposal to Raise the Funds You Need

You may be thinking… business planning is not for nonprofits, but this has every element of the strategic plan you’ve been looking for. Financial projections and marketing plans are equal to grant budgets and outreach plans.

After using these simple tools, you will have a clear action plan to share with donors. Once you know your strategies for the next 6 months or 6 years, donors will be compelled to give you the funding you need.

$250,000 was funded through Rotary International and helped return the “Twa” people to their homeland… ⇒

“I started material recycling business and applied for a government grant. I got a grant for $146,000!”

~ Ormond Ormsby

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Grants Come More Easily With a Clear and Compelling Plan Demonstrating Service & Sustainability

Although your motivation may not be for money, you must still operate your organization like a business. BizPlanBuilder has proven successful for appealing to grant funders because it enables grant seekers to provide such a credible proposal.

Inspire Donors To Choose You

With so many opportunities to give, donors and other funders are becoming more discerning.
They want to be sure that your organization is as sustainable as possible.

Strategic Business Planning System for Enterprise Teams

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“I definitely think BizPlanBuilder helped me, and it drove HP’s manufacturing focus for several years.”

Even big companies use BizPlanBuilder because they want good ideas to get past the politics and be implemented profitably. BizPlanBuilder works for any industry or type of business.

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Launch a New Division Or Secure a Bigger Budget!

If you haven’t taken the plunge to go on your own, consider having your company back your ideas.

Management wants to know what resources you’ll need. How long before payback? What’s the risk? BizPlanBuilder helps you justify your program and gain your management’s buy-in. You can even design your plan to earn a % of your success.

“Excellent program, easy to use, division launched with ease due to your program and excellent response.”
~ Dr. John Kutzko, Pharm Care Infusion, Nocamis, FL

You Can Do This…

“BizPlanBuilder really shines.
Quite simply, it’s the best way that I know to create a business plan that will get you the investors that you need to be successful.”
~ Brian Underdahl, Author, Small Business Computing for Dummies

Small business computing for dummies recommends the BizPlanBuilder business plan software template

Advantages – BizPlanBuilder…

Bizplanbuilder leading business planning software template app

Everything you need to plan, develop and produce a comprehensive business plan, financial model, and investor presentation for your company is right here:

  • Easy – No new programs to learn
  • Fast – Sample plans are already written & integrated
  • Comprehensive – The most content, resources & support
  • Proven – More true success stories than any other
  • Refined – Evolved over 30+ years —many economic cycles and conditions… more than any other
  • Reliable – Input from practicing experts in every field
  • Better! – Ask anyone who has compared!
  • Flexible – Financial models are customizable in Excel
  • Video Explanations – Introduce each section
  • Web Links – Articles, FAQs, Resources, Expert Network
  • Guaranteed – 60-Days or Your Money-Back

BizPlanBuilder Includes These Bonuses:

There’s a more to raising capital than a business plan

Here are a few more tools you’ll need. (Included with both versions of BizPlanBuilder®)

  • Includes comprehensive Handbook of Business Planning
  • Bonus #1: VIDEO: The Thinking Behind Your Business Plan
  • Bonus #2: ebook: 65 Ways to Fund Your Business
  • Bonus #3: 45 useful letter templates, worksheets, calculators for adapting your business plan to multiple purposes

“I like the flexibility of the documents. What I did was blend pieces of yours with a previous business plan, an initial plan done by my big-shot business friend, a marketing plan I had done for a client, plus about three other documents. I used the financials completely. This allowed me to whip together a REALLY good document very quickly and easily.”
~ Michael Linehan, President, Marketing Alchemy, Sooke, BC

The Smartest “Strategic Business Growth or Funding” System

Everything you need to layout what you want to do and how you’ll do it,
everything compelling to others to support you.

Bring Your Success To Life… Faster. Easier. Better.

Upgrade to the Complete Strategic Business
Growth Plan / Roadmap Development System

  • Updated BizPlanBuilder Business Planning System
    Ideal for Growing the Company / Strategic Planning / Financing
    Bootstrapping / Concept Evaluation / Budgeting
    Start-Ups Raising Capital / Pre-Money Valuation
    Teaching Students "Real World" Business
    Efficiencies for Advisors & Accelerators
  • Our Best Deal for Start-Ups, Early Stage, Growing Companies, & Non-Profits
    Includes the Most Tools & Template Options
    + Expanded Dashboard
  • Compatible with All Browsers
    Progressive & Scalable — Start Small, Come Back to Edit or Add More
    Modular System with Drag 'n Drop Sequencing — Follow Step x Step or Jump-in Anywhere
  • Includes Full Access to ALL Content on Selected Panels
    Home, Business Plan, Finance, Legal, Management, R&D
  • Pre-Written, Done-For-You Sample Business Plans
    150+ Industry-Specific Sample Plan Templates Get You Going
    "SWOT" analysis crucial for strategic planning prioritizes
    Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats
    Unlike every other business plan templates, we actually intend for you to be able to use our copy vs. having to delete it or rewrite it.
  • Wizard-driven Financial Model
    Makes it Easy to Project Sales, Costs, Profits, Headcount
  • 3 Fully Customizable Excel-Based Financial Workbooks
    "Visionary Funding", "Expansion Plan", and Non-Profit Models
    Easily Adaptable to Model Your Organization
    CPA Reviewed
    If you are an Excel user, you'll love the total flexibility to customize your financial model.
    Need an Excel expert? You can find them in our Expert Referral Network!
  • Includes PowerPoint / Keynote
    Investor Presentation ("Pitch" Deck) Template
    Tutorial Guides You Step-by-Step Through a Successful Presentation.
    Comprehensive Handbook of Business Planning Adds Useful Insight into Raising Capital
  • Tutorial Videos Introduce Each Section
    How to Make it Count!
    What Investors & Lenders are Looking For
  • Supplemental Intro Letters, Templates, and Worksheets
    Invite Advisors & Board Members
    Cover Letters to Friends & Family, Investors, Lenders...
    "Elevator" pitch worksheet hones your perfect 30-second intro
  • Includes Incentive Stock Options Plan
    All Necessary Document Templates
    Shareholder Ownership Tracking
  • Includes Corporation & LLC Formation Doc Templates
    Articles, By-Laws, Operating Agreement, Unit Allocation...
  • Funding Resources
    Sources of Angel Investors, Venture Capital, and Lenders
    "Funding Plan" Strategy for Attracting Investors.
  • CONTACTS (CRM System) Manages:
    VIPs, Vendors, Investors...
    + Tasks + Events + Programs + Proposals
  • Global 24/7 Secure Access
    Automatic Back-Up & Restore
  • Month To Month Subscription
    No Contract, No Commitment, Cancel/Suspend Anytime
    All Your Work is Automatically Saved
    Use the system as long as you need it.
    You may want to keep it open and allow investors and certain others read-only access.
  • Add Unlimited Number of Team, Advisors to Collaborate
    for $1 / mo each
    Also Between PCs Macs
    You Control All Access to Panels/Apps
    Add an unlimited number of users...
    Selected members of your team can access any/all of the apps in your subscription -- You control access as well as read / write or read-only permission.
  • * Secure Data Room for Sharing Investment Docs *
    Include Investors, Lenders, Professors as Users
    to Access & Review Plans, Models, and Pitch Deck
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Got a Question?
Please, give us a call!

Your investors and stakeholders thank you for choosing BizPlanBuilder!

burke franklin

Burke Franklin
Creator & CEO

I’ve used BizPlanBuilder myself to raise capital from my parents, friends, family members, a $225,000 SBA loan, $750,000 line of credit from Citibank, and other investments from angels and institutional investors — every time we learned something and built that knowledge into the BizPlanBuilder system.

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