burke franklin business advisor startup funding management

Got Questions?!?

Just add yourself to our group, then send me your ideas and questions…

Email Me for Future Sessions

Ask Me Anything!
Q&A Every Week

Thursdays 1:00PM (Pacific time)

I’ve heard from a number of people, “We love your products, I just wish you’d come with them!”  Alrighty then!

I’ll be online to answer questions and discuss anything and everything related to building your business.

Business planning, financing, investor pitch, market analysis, sales strategy, hiring / firing, being in your own way… discussing my blog posts.

Building a successful business and being a mindful and responsive entrepreneur is an emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bootcamp. Yet, few things are more rewarding and gratifying than succeeding with your own ideas and making a difference in the world.

I hate it when good products, companies or people fail!

Each week I’ll be online to answer your questions or to discuss issues. Sometimes I may interview an investor, an expert in business development, financing, marketing or management, or an entrepreneur who offers some enlightened insights into building your business…

I’ll also share what I’ve learned from 37 years of awareness and consciousness training combined with building my own business and by creating software to help others build theirs.

There’s no cost…

Click on the date(s) below to watch previous sessions:

There is a brief synopsis of the discussion points on each page.

May 25, 2017 – Discussed the concept of “who you are”  / “where you are coming from” — your “vibe” so to speak. Ex: You could be a really good guitar player, but if a string is out of tune, no matter how well you play, it’s not going to sound good! Likewise, your presentations could be great, but if you have some kind of angst, it can work against you. I’ll explain…

May 18, 2017 – Presented my forthcoming TEDx talk on “Verbal Awareness” (“How Conscious Language Leads to Business Success”)

Being a Good “Recommender”
Presenting your product/service on your business plan and investor presentation,
A mini-preview of my forthcoming TEDx talk on “Verbal Awareness” (the dangers of double-negatives, etc.),
A handy hack on time management => priority management (and my low-tech device for managing them…)

April 27, 2017 – A bit more on Managing Patterns, the Strategy behind the Market Analysis section of your business plan, a little bit about our forthcoming all inclusive Business Power Tools dashboard

April 20, 2017 – How to break a personal pattern, Structuring JV / Affiliate deals, Attracting investors

April 13, 2017 – United Airlines passenger fallout and your company “Values & Practices”, One-minute market research ideas, Staying the course

April 6, 2017 – The Executive Summary – How it gets you in the door with investors

March 30, 2017 – Everyone in your company should sell, Managing Women in 1943, Learning from your Mistakes(?) Learning from your successes, Forward-speaking language that inspires visuals in the direction you want to move the conversation

March 23, 2017 – Merchant account financing, Brief demo of forthcoming dashboard, Entrepreneurship – a path to enlightenment?

March 16, 2017 – Do I need an NDA?, How these interview tricks work., How does Marketing Planning and PR increase sales?!?

March 9, 2017 – How to size your market segments, How to build and promote your startup’s brand, Building your case for investment?, How long should your business plan be?

February 23, 2017 – Hidden treasure in BizPlanBuilder online, Do your deals consider what happens when you sell your company? Do your agreements specify ‘binding arbitration’?

March 23, 2017 – Merchant account financing, Brief demo of forthcoming dashboard, Entrepreneurship – a path to enlightenment?

February 16, 2017 – Building your case for a high pre-money valuation, Entrepreneurs: Missionaries vs. Mercenaries