Learn from these Mini Master Classes with experienced thought leaders on all aspects of building a successful business.

image podcast burke franklin business black belt
Building a successful business and being a mindful and responsive entrepreneur is an emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bootcamp. Yet, few things are more rewarding and gratifying than succeeding with your own ideas and making a difference in the world.

“I hate it when good products,
companies or people fail!”

Each week I interview an investor, an expert in business development, financing, marketing or management, or an entrepreneur who offers some enlightened insights into building your business…

I also share what I’ve learned from 40+ years of awareness and consciousness training combined with building my own business and by creating software to help others build theirs.

If you have a vision and are inspired to do something…
And if you want to build a profitable business doing what needs doing in our world… Listen to what these people can teach you! If you haven’t already, join our Business Black Belt mailing list for notifications.



Want to Be Featured on the Business Black Belt Podcast?

Share your success and advice with others who are writing their business plans
How would you like to be a featured guest on the “Business Black Belt” podcast?

We’ll talk about your business, why now, and why from you…

We’ll promote it to all of our subscribers, advisor network, and affiliates. (~70,000+)

Share the interview with all your current and future clients. A copy of the interview will be sent to you so that you can upload to your website, blog, citation sites and more.

“Dear Burke,
You truly brought out the very best in me in today’s interview. Your questions were spot on. I felt that, together, we contributed to those in your audience becoming more “conscious business people” who will make the world a better place for all people in a minute or less. Way FUN hanging with you.”
~ Helice Bridges

I’d love to hear your business successes and challenges, and share your solutions with our listeners.


It’s all very easy, let’s get started…

Share Your Podcast Ideas

Starting a Business

Business Planning

Angel Investing

Leading / Managing



It’s Personal

Raising Capital


Business Development